18 -ThieCanudian Champion, Wodnesduy Junel18 2008 " Machine Loader/Unloader -$12/hr, day and afternoon shifts, manofactur- ing experience a muvst, Burlingtoo " Sorting/Packing - $10/h, Ail shifts, temporary, Burlîngn " Maintenance/Sanitation -$12-$13, nigirt shift, long term opportunity, Burlington " Light Assemrblit $11, sorting and packing, temporary, Oakoîlle You must have your ovin transportation Positions start IMMEDIATELY, cail as at 905.637.3575 or drop by thre brancir and ask for lessika. 895 Brant St. #6 ir radstad(Brant &à Fairiew) nr Badtd urlington www.randstad.ca SDependubleHorneTecir Entry Level HeIp Doak Support Agents Fuîltime, Shifts slafl@0 5:OOpm or later. Muet lis uvailable o wors late (variable shilts ending between mîdnigirt- 2:00 arnf Muni be available to work Saturslay & Sunduy. $121hour, monthly incentinea & shit Pramius Level 1 Help Desk support for Cabie TV & Hîgh Speed Internet. Responnîble lor deliiery of front- uine customer service and Techirncal support over thre phone. Pluee nd your resuuma ta, opportunities@dependableit.com e-koQ o a nobto eope!-na AIR QUALITYTECHNICIANS We Offer - Complete Co. Training -$15.75hrl$2750month le start - Paid Co. Vacaions - Fultime irours, no iay-ofs -No Expenience Necessary - Full Benefits Yeu Ofr *Willingness to lears Positive attiude *Gond Worv Ethic Punctualit Warehouse Shipper! Receiver Exoeoionced Shipper/ Receiver for distributor of consumer prodocts for major retailers. Must ire cei'tified lot electric countetlialanced lidf truck. Abilty 10 mulli-lask and muet deadltes. Gond organizuionat sand communication ssils needel. Pleau mil or fax raume len: Kaz Canada, lac., 510 Branla Street Southi, Miltion, ON, L9T 2X6 - Fax: 905-76-3337 Email: KazCdnreaume@kaLcom Contracts available Immediatel delivery in tire Baringtan utea. Pleaae contact Ale or Jay at 905-632-0588 If lnterested In jolnlng our teaml ---ay and-enening si -aasit e ne -Positons sosi/lble imtnediute/y thrmagir Dec. 31/08 2008 (Seasonul Wors> Cou/d turn irIs permanent part-lUme position. Pot day shift appl in pemson t0 with resume, ask lot Ravi or Coreen. Atetnoeni shift apply between dpm hipm ,ask lot Tony. Appty to 5300 Hamvester Rd, Burtingtot. Ass* aa CROSSING GUARDS & STAND BY- GUARDS NEEDED MITN Do you want te play an important rote le pour community? MDe you want ta help keep chidree ale? School Crossitog Guards are coriderul cil/zens ciro ate responisible lot safli cronsîng our cildren aI intersections tiest schoos in lthe Town of Milton. Our Crossînig Guards are reliobie and resporsîble mer and orn ciro inleract oeil cîth cildreri atid are commîfted t0 bhe/r vafety. The Town of Milton requîtes Crossîng Guards to be availalile lion days pet week durîng the schol pest as oeil as stand-by Ctovaing Guards 1011 tili tire viits whe necessary. *Starîtog base wage $12.91 *MusI be 18ismof uge or older *No eeperierce/Training provided lnterested applîcants sheuld nutomit a renoms top June 27,2008 to: Town et Milton, Department et Corporatle Sereices, 43 Brown St., Milles, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordînalor, Human Resores Fax: (905) 875-5414 E-mail: humanresaarces@milton.a S SMIPWIY SAIIIS SHOP SUPERINTENDIENT Sipway Stolos Lrmdted, a ieadîing manuloarer of w or staîrs and miînrgs iv seelsrg an eepetienced, self molivated individuel to actroely ooemsee tire day to day prodlucbion operalioo at out two Burlingloti sirops. Qualifications and Experience: *Strotg progressive irackiground in production, wîtir a proven track record *A visionary, air/e to cenceive of andt implemerit progressive idos and plats *Esceptionai communication, leadership and organîzationat skitls *Tirorogir knowiedge of, and commilment 10, sale/p rn ire cotkpiace *Basic computer skitis -Woodworking eperrerce (prelerred, but rot essentiel) - Post secondary education an/t/or ectivaient espenience We otfer a competîlive saiary and berelîts, cith an oppootuty to make a dîfetence, If you feel you are the person we are Iooking for, please send us a cover letter and reaume. E-mail: info@ahipwayataira.com or Fax: 905-336-8605 conduct LTS regutar s cyce cu irig rd osideteo ARETAKR nEtuIre FORlt MILduTON thon tIsndin inoviaitis, gensae cul/r?.e gsrxlee ad ebeli n pong pieoire Hou nIat wotkbi in th/ner mnirsps. bar iurosot depeindi for nao eotn ieBad0 irecno tire loation Agncsfvml Soc/olpntitis ti wonut lie sulrclile fo nrtire d o smictl/ted Please apply te:Hle ArclnrlSce Bn14, 5 onmn tarioZ L9T23 JOIN UER RURE FR CILUBN Dte arlue; ookiotrial uie, rsos cie Veutirs and geea lAn dulSoaciite hl orc? espndr nar -uinglr ont ar uoil. 5Haves oening and Cstmer Ratirons2 Deparlinen. N depeneinceo rei. eotnt heBadf mid AdnasrcteHalnt & benellSo ity A/ apis mus wl e euf iptae ord reardy or otati imed- aelytr 0r aopras 905-634-0000aion l- S i Waehuse Positions Ansi/ale rn Oakvitle Att shifts Clean, Air carditianed ernirarment $12.00/ht + sh/ht premiums Apply to/top Os hrcentralOupn.com 15 OPENINGS Avarage S21.25lhr Communication SkIS required, Muai lie abie 10 cor ir a team !Eéen ine m turnng providied sommer oloderlo ste wekiome Schelarahip Incente prngramus RECEPTIONIST Summer joli could teud lu PT. $10-12/hi. Plus enmaonse te: nlcli@leçaâdr or fa.: 90"47M-813 or phone: N"75-4700. NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGIST l/MH Cardioioy is seekirg a fltilme Nuc/ear Medicine Tecirnotogîsti n thre Kitcirener H/ami/Ion me g in. RCaurrent CAM.RT. and C.M.S.T.O0. registra- bon 's rgurred. Excellent lene ts and remaneralion pack- age îrctudrng perfor- mance bonus. Fas 19051 855-1063 resvmekmirlais.csm $300 MIRE ON BONUS SIJPERCUTS iv hîrerig Salon Manager & Hair Styliste tn our brand risc Milton location yod slylists irn Burlington. Pull-lime & pattime positions, tleeible sciredrîtes are avaîlarle. Supercuts iras a compettîve psy plan, on-goîog trainiîng, paîd vacations, medical & dental inaurance, and equîpmeoit iv provîded, (Hire on torus is lot Milton location onip aI Ibis lime.) Apply teday by callleg tall-free 1-688-888-7778 ext, 41919. SlIled & ile Tactonlcal llalp M tlnclHl à CARPENTERS and PAINTERS Guelpi-r Eamosa irome builder Seekirg esperi enced prolessiorsl carpenters and Ps nters for fl time base positons. Fan resume to 519-856-4105 Or e-mail cgarvin@cirestoniromes.ca YorComaaanaty Newspaper YorTotalRecru* IcoU985-878-2341 q MR. RsOOTERClntii I Ç.PL UINGI ITECHNICIANSI I Excellent compensation. SUQE HEL Summer Hep neededor lol Body Sirop locale/t in Nomsa. For more deoîls p/sas cat/ Jos ai: Experienced Installer of HealthCare Equipment & Service (Sta/dilt, Porchl/fis. Ce/lisgUftn etc.) Fuît-T/me, Mssdup - Pricday Meciruokal Koled& Baground, 24 Volt Systeen & AC DC Voltage Knowledge. Malir-meter use, Curpentrp Ski//n. Please aend ail reaumea t0: Box 6479 c/o BurlIngton Post !5040 MaInway, Unit Burlington, ON, L7L 7G5 LOGISTICS COORDINATOR Lakeside Logisico is un /tdusttp /eadirg Tird Par- ty Logistica Proorder iocated in 051ev/t/e and is seekirg an aggreosioe, tuke-cirarge individuel 10 lo/n dos teom as o Logistica Coordinatot Tire nuccesaful candidate ci/t intetac c/tr irotr Customers il Tmtnspetaion Courtier on a darly bl- rds & wr/t ideally iraon reluted esperierce in a 3PL etv/rmnet locasrtg rn tire Tansportation / Truck- /tn indantry csup/ed cir excellent interpemsona skila and computer ltoracp. Lakeside Logrotica olfers premrum compensation, betefits and pays attenion 10 'Oualty nI Life for ont eiptopes. pliase enait reaumea ta: ffl@iakedelaglatlca.com PULLeI I INSTALLER Mus lie meciranically Accepling resumes, pis nuer tsî 90".78-7687 SEC PLUMBERI ~required for Milton S & GTA u 905-876-4646 KEEN RESTAURANT SERVICES INC. MExp. Regra n Mechanin i Mît G3 Gas Liene; Clean dr/net's abstract. Located on tire Georgetown, Milton, Mîssissauga ares. Pieaaa Fao Reame ta: 905-702-0912 Emaîl: keenllne@axnec-net.nom or Cait: 905-840-4200 We have ao immediate openîng in our Qos/r/p Depatoment lors qoalîire/t Quality Control Technician Tire nigir individuel iI iraon tire lottoing qualifica- tions: Esperierce using mecirarîcat measutirg rn- struments and ire ale 10 select gages sccor/ting to tire feuturs. or ciraracterîstic measured bssed on specîlied tlerarces. Demonstrarte abiiity rn lire undemstanding of1100 an/t Quaity System Audîlîng Pion peas of on-tire-îor esperience in Oulily Con- tro and meciranical inspection in a Manulocturîng enoironmert. Tecirnotogy dîptoma or Quaiity Assu- rance ptogram certificate. Located in Burtiniglor, Ontario, ce are a progressive, lomily-owned om- pany witr international reputation. Ode design an/t manulocture polymer-iraset producîs ircludîru bearirgs, tuiricants, yod coatirga. Interested indi- vida/s plesse loicard pour resume to: Manager of Humas Rennarcen Therden Bearinge Inc, 3225 Malnway, BurlSngtn, Ontario, Canada L7M lAS dennam@ttossmnn-gerdsn.com Fax: 05-3354033 We coul/t l6e le, tirani att appt/canIn but on/p 1600e uelected for an interview it ire contacte/t Mâ ýclqp CP4 fieHi requires stadent of tire CGA Program, bat wiît consider vIrer applicants cilS outrent public practice esperience and knoctedge of Caseware/Caseview, Profile and Ouickttooks Weil1 estaisired Mil/on Lac Firm requîtes Legel Assiatant lot Real Estate and Business Lac Practîce. Must irave minimum 2 peas esperience cilir stroro computer, orgarizatror & communica- tion skîits, in deptir knocte/tge of Teravîec & Microsoft Word. This posilion is fl lime lot a une lest term commencîng Jute 2008 cîtir tire possiility of fli or part lime employment tirereafter. Onty bhse lieing conisidered cr11 lie contacted. Fax restonse te: 90"-78M397 or -es L e r d f r c -op hou ing com p te Know tedge Fax~ir anue o ais Bet Fisding a great joli cas; se easy. Jus( spen V$UxIia classsficd sction ss uItil ittook. Pirone va5-878-2341 or emaîl: classified@ mslttecanadsanchampson.ceen LICENSED MECHANIC , ZA e -à We have an immediate requirement for a Licensed Mechanic - Truck and Coach in the Misssauga & Burlington area, Must have 310OS or 310OT. This is a fuil-time position that otters a competitive compensation package including benetits and a good working environment. Send resumne to: ATTRIDGE TRANSPORTATION INC. 5439 Harvester Road Burlington, ON L7L 5J7 or Fax: 905-333-3866 Email: ayoung@attridge.com