A12 -The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 By Murray Townsend SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION The new-ltotk NIaiatidets tes caied stin(t, tchar- aciici - aîîd sotie ciî,raiters titi titeit iray to a 28-19 bioitefieid icitors tvi thte Noth i Bas Bulldîîgs iii titprove tiieti ciii -scisti recrdt to 2-0. Mîiton goi oiif to i slow sittt. laliig bebtnd 7- 0 on its iisi ptossessioîn vvbeet a Bt atitot Nikittîtul, îass u\vas ptcked ofi atid teturned 62 yards. lTe Bluidtgs added a field goal to tîake it 10-0ý When the Marauders fuîîtbled un the ttne-yard uine and lost tise bail îhey sîarîed tei resemble last year's edetion - but unly for a shurt trnme. They battled back on theer next possession, dniveng frorn the North Bay 48-yard fine. Set up by an 18-yard recepton by Mike Dinadale, Sean Faulkner topped off a lengthy drive with a 10-yard rumble int the end-zone. laulkno ia tati aothet suing gaine Arith 74 total yards - tre saine numrber of yards gained by aillstar ruintng hail, Gcorge Baidcn. jusi heitîre the bail the Bildugs took a 13-7 Icai on a 12-tai d ftid goal, but with tinte running tit Kelly iHiughes cottiecicd wîiîh Chan Flint, who cauiglit tue bail ini a ctowd and then left defenders fit- bellind, racîng 75 yards iii the hotise to put Milton up) 14-13. The secotnd hall was inostly Milton. Daîmntî HiantiafOrd catîglît tsvo touchdowns, one foi three yaerds and one (or 65 yards, Metch Martel kicked ail tise extra points. North Bay added an inconse- quenteai touclidown werh notuie rernainirîg on tîte clock. While tite tearn was waiting for the offense to corne alive, the defense was getteng thema the bail. Linebacker Craig Davoren was rock solid once again, whele linemren Roger Torlnieson and Sergio Sirnes carne up with big piays. -see LYTE on page Ali3 HE'S IN THERE: Marauder Sean Fauiknor stretches acroos the line (or Miltons fîrst touchdown Saturday tIIg g 3 CE STRAWBERRIES a rst S 80-:10 F ree hay rides, Srý (.1 layground, animal corral Fw râldThà- W Milton District Hospital Auxiliary $TRWBfAý SATURDAY JUNE 218t, 2008 8:00 arn ~ 4:OOpm MILTON FAIR GROUNDS - ROBERT STREET ENTRANCE ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES, MATTAMY HOMES & PFFE WHEELIUSU OPTIMIST CLUB of Milton Strawberry Pancake Breakfast - 8 am t. 10 ai Strawberry Pair Opealat Cerem.asy Father Mark Curtis ~9:45 amn toi 10: 15 ams. Parade of DigaItarles - 9:45 amn. STRAWBERRIES & ICE CREAM & STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRIS ~ ALL DAY! Mdii MUT SHOPS - BÀ9Q Hamburgers, Ribs & Hotdoga ~ 10:30 amn t 4 pm TROTS DISS & variouâ other vendors "Lloy Delpnitt, Cavlbean Mom"", "nei Ceai Sua Flghiu Faetiou, "lie Ramdam of Mîiienuad'i "lie Fbunmea School of hias Dance", "Sea» OBriene, SflgefflGuItar, "lie flac. Element" Etrtanlant sponsored by HOME HARDWARE take-a-chance - ksitting - bake table ' rafflea -jars ofPlemelY - white elePhant * marketilace veadors aSNEU T1E CLOWN e cati games S2prizes e efishpond * AMOUNCE Miltona & Districtilorwedltural Society Seoasner Flow Show ALL DAY FUN, FOOD &ENTERTAUMMENT! 'Uni% j t Donatlng Strawberries for the Fair for 25 pears Children Welcome fiiPARTNERS IN PLANNING FINANCIAL SER VICES Lou Mulligan, MA, CFP, CLU, RHU, EPC Chartered FinanCial Planner 203, 420 Main Street Eat Milton, ON L9T 1 F9 Bus: (905) 876-0120 Fax: (905) 876-2934 lou@plansNgoals c>m Website: www.plansNgoals.eom 420 Main St. E., Milton 878-1848 pL Id 700 Main St. E., Milton e 905-878-8171 Sfurg Houes: Mon Fr, 7l3Oam-Bpm e Sai 8am-5pm & Sun lEJam-5pm siessor SINCE -à5 A naine w/fb 5lyears ofT7rust & radIïto, x TEL: (905) 878-1797 FAX: (905) 878-1158 Siessor Motors (Milton) 388 Main Street Milton, Ontario L9T 1 PB Are yOD droaoeing et an outdoor Receplion or Ceremony?7 We can belp mako four dreant a reality. Tess & Tent Packages plus Tables, Chaim, Usa.s, Neuting, Llietlsg, Dasce Flss & Portable Bar F[oovsik~ bA..5e5esA~.d i fui