CB - The Canadan Champion, Frîday, June 13, 2008 Drive Wise Canada T, aking driver training to the next level The simulatar at DriveWise allaws students ta "get behind the wheel" ta practice their basic skills befare tbey actually get into a vehicle. This interactive appraacb ta Iearning is praving ta be very effective amongst teens today. By SIOBHAN EVANS Moîst tif us are lucky cîîough Ici goî rbrougb life wîtbrîcî knowîng hirsî haod tbe trauma of a senious collisiton. The roads cao be a treacherous place and wiîbouî tbe proper training, îhe odds of an accident increase dramaîically But wbai aboîut the occurrences you cao'i train ftor? A tbre yeat old btslting ocit ttîom heîweeo two cars? A demi suddeoly darîîîîg in front of your vehicle on a dark country' road? A blown-out tire? Cao we reali>' ever be rmady for any of tbese chance incidents? Fottuiately, a new (MTO) Ministr>' Apptoved Driver Training Program bas come 10 Milton. DniveWise Canada incorporales sîaîe-tf-îhe-art virtual realîl>' drivîng simulation wiîh hands-on instruction ino a training experience tbai challeniges Iraîtîres anîd leads Ihemîti lu oît their drîvîîîg skills. "Tbis program takes driver training te, a new level," explains Nancy Danler, who aperales Milîons DrivmWism 1 COMPLETE INVENTORY GO TO www.trader. ca/parkmotorsa les location wnih her husband Tim andi sister Wendy F raser. 'We cao do things with out students ini the sîmulator that yc>u just cotildo't train thein for any other way " I rom different weatb- et conditions such as blizzards, fog aon! ramn, 10 driving with inany differeot impairinents aod every iomaginable disaster in between, DriveVvise siosulatots literally put yottr teen bebtnd the wheel of a car in a much saler setting, allowing theni to experience a htst of drîvîng situations and consditions -witb- out tise actual danget. Nancy also explains that lods îoday ate accusionird to thîs kiod of vsiriual Iearoing eoviroomnent. 'Kids are dernaocl ing to learoi tbis way, she says. "It oeeds to be îieractive." Just this mooîb, Nancy aod Tim switcbd [romn Ytog Doivers of Canada to DriveWise as they felt it was tîîne. Road safety is a bugs prublem toda>'," saîd Daoter. "The DriveWise program takes defensive dniving, wbicb we have hemn teachirig [or years, to the nexi step. " The DriveWise program, developed b>' former militar>' officer Lesle>' de Repeoligo>' of Barrie, Ontario, aimns t0 îeacb students with a multi-faceted approach. 25 hours are speot in class wbicb includes simulation training as welI as an addiîîonal 10 heurs of actual in-vehicle drive lime. "Studeols first learo the basics 10 class-room seîîîog, then we gel them in the simulaîor and Ibmn we gel them out in the car - we're lrying 10 reinforce them naterial tbrmm times, îhrough three different stimulus," explained Danler. DriveWise is also tbe preferred Ira'ini ng prograi [tir fire, EMS and police traînees and is popular amoogsî major truck training companies. Visil the DriveWism websiîe aI wwwdrivewisecaoada.com or locally aI www.drivewisemilton.com for more information ahout îhe program or cail 905-875-0480 to find oui about class limes in Milton. Tos.... ofCndas ares toce Lean or abutths dse yvstn q