The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 13, 2008 - B5 Students' ~vj~ ~ nf rin~ch r~rogni Youths showcase their creativity in annual Visions Canada cont est By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF L ocal students were bonoured for tieir bard work on prolects deinonsiraiing tihe countrys bistor, geography and culture as tbe annmal Visions Canada awards cereiniony lasi week. rte es eut bnci ai tise i-liton Region Musetmtîn rur-al Milton, recognizcd dozens ofi pupils froin icioss the region lii Kindergarten to Gracie 12. Thbe sining enîs tes iiciiided evrstiig I coin essavs, sc rapbools and vîdeo reports and models, saîd H-allon Manager of Herîtage Sersices Nancv Ficld. these dîswn to the winning entries t was a diffhculî task -there are so many talented young peuple in Hahon, she said. Among the winners was Grade 5 Milton student Alessia Galicto, who made a scrap- bock that explains ail three levels cf govemrment - local, provincial and feder- aI. She even delves into the differeuces between tbe 'first past the post' and rnixed member prcporticnal' electcral systems. "It was interesning to do," said Alessia. 1 leamned a lot abcut (goverument in' Miltcn, Ontario and Canada and how it ail works." Fellow junior eategoiy wrnner Naman Shanishchara, a Grade 6 student from Burlington, created a graphie novel entitled'The Adventures cf tbe Ojihwa Brothers.' The comic story tells cf the brothers' jcumneys eut mbt th( world and their ultimate realization thai theres no place liki borne. "hi was lots of fun to make," said Naman. 0Our teachri gave us ltots cf opportunities to do whatever (style cf projectl we wanted for the final dr'ift." Meanwhile, a trc cf Grade 7 girls from Oakville - Laurt Steeves, Nikhita Singhal and Krysien Szatan - took hoi Visions Canada awards for tIse board game they crafted calleî 'The Great Canadian Race.' the landform regions of Canada. "The matin goal is to coileci the higgesi amount cf mapi leafs hy the end cf the game," explined Kiysien. And those who wanted to catch up on the news fror 1867 could check oui Hcliy MacKenzie-Sutter's winuin submnission, The Halifax Holler' îsewspaper. The Grade 8 Halton Hilis student created a front page t would've appeared afier confedieration in Halifax, where sh said ihere were people bhitcir aîsd against the change. "1 wanîed to have dîffererît peciples perspectives," sF said. Locaily oîher winners incluclec P!arihana Tînikollur, Grade 7 siudeni [rom ( bris Hadfield Public School whîs sui mitted an essay and DVD on 'The [ail tof New France,' ail Grade 10 Bishcp Redîng student Jason McBnide, who crea ed a propaganda poster frcmn the Fîrsi Wcrid War. The Visions Canada awards are presenîed each vearhos il Halton Region Museum aîsd the îwo scbool boards. Acominmtc from each school board seiecîed the awar, wînning projects. Assessmeni was based on claiy cf expre sicis, creaiivitv, accuracy depîls of undersîanding and rel vace tes Cansada. Visions Cansada was îîsîîîaîed lii the 1970s when the la Ctherine McMariî, a [laitons seaclber. Icit ant eisdssine frHlalion District Schooi Board stidents. Sie aii Awards to 1-lton Cathoiic District Schtîol Board studenis are given in honour of Robert O'Brien of Buriington, who bas devoied is iifr to Catholic education as a school board trustec and chair. For more information about Visions Canada vîsit wwwh al ton. ca/museum. Mectîinie Hennessey cari bc reachcd ai iienncsste(ý@iiin- caiiian(î hiiaipioi. com. EARNING DISTINCUlON: At leh, Chnis Hadfield School stu- dent Prarthana Tirîkollur receives hier Visions Canada Award fromn Halton Catholic District School Board Director cf Education Wayne Joudrie. At right, Halton Catholic District School Board Superintendent of EdUcation Mary Tessari presents an awvard te Guardian Angels School student Alessia Galioto. MICHAEL IVANIN / SPECIAL T0 THE ( HAMPION