AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 1, 2008 OPINION No poiitics, please We hope the Ontario goverrimenî's decision to forego a public inquiry into the deaths of bundretis of patients in Ontario hospi- tals from C. difficile bacte- ria was motivateti by pro- tecting the public rather than saving their own political skins. Health Minister George Smitherman rejecteti a public inquiry on the grounds the goverroment and hospital officiaIs already have ail the infor- with C. difficile outbreaks. An inquiry would only delay new safety protocols even longer, he said. An inquiry would also cost millions of dollars that coulti be better used figbî- ing this deadly disease. No doubt, though, a public inquiry would raise questions about wheîher the Ontario government reacteti quickly enough to, initial reports of C. difficile outbreaks at hospitals. Did people due needless' ly because local hospitals lacked direction or funding front the Province to, con- trol the ouîbreaks? These questions will likely remain unanswered. In the meantime whaî can we do? It would seem the best action is to follow your mother's age-old advice anti wasb your hantis thorougbly especial- ly when entering anti leav- ing a hospital. People go to, the hospi- raI hoping to corne out cured of their illness. They shouldn't have to worry about contracuing another more deadly disease ting their hospital stay 114E GOOD NEWS 1$ HIS 1'dUMO5 ARE7 Readers Write E-mail your letters to echtonal@ n oenadianchapion oem. Thanks to ail who suppor children's identification c DEAR EDITOR: On behaîf of the Campbell Lotige 603 in Campbellville, 1 would lîke 10 express the îbanks anti gratitude of the lotige Ter- bers toi the supponting spon- sor, Royal LePage Meadowvale Realty, that gave generous support anti offereti the use of its office space for the receni chiltirens identifi- cation clinic. Also, a big tbank you goes oui 10 the Champion for pro- moting our clinic, as well as 10 all the members of the tif- ferent lotiges wbo came to belp. It was îruly a pleasure 10 work beside tbem. The event was a greai suc- cess. To the parents wbo took the rime 10 bring their chil- tiren in 10 be fingerprinteti, pboîograpbed anti bave a dental swab taken, we say kudos. But pray tha bave 10 use tbe put on the dise. Anti for the misseti the M waîcb aroundi as tbere are si going on in me also put on by bretbren. STEWAR CAMPBELL Return of purse was much appre( DEAR EDITOR: bati heen retumnedti t0he store Some weeks ago 1 was shopping at retuneti il, but diin't leave ber FootiPort, anti aller loading nîy groceries in 1 woîîld lîke 10 îbank the siafi my car 1 drove off leaving my purse in the as well as the good person wbo shopping carl. Haîf way home 1 reaiet my purse was missing. 1 tirove back to FootiPort ui a panic. Ibere were several important documents in my purse. A cashier aI FootiPort tolti me tbe purse purse. 1 would lîke 10 îhank bei its soi nice 10 know ibere are bonest people in the world. Goti bless you, anti thanka. Gift card and flowers were a wonderful DEAR EDITOR: my letier in the paper anti for the dîner fo Recently 1 wroie a letter phoneti me t,. tell me bow well as flowers about bow milkshakes I sati be was îbat Ibis hati hap- Wbat a nice bougbî for my ilI moîber bati peneti. 1 jusi wanîeî heen siolen outsîde my par- He anti bis sîsier Crystal you, Troy ents' bome in Milton. showed up aI my bouse in JUDYC Troy of Troys Diner reati Burlington witb a gifi card B ted Let's start speaking Iinic up for the unbom tîyou never DEAR EDIOR: inforation Wow! 1 absolutely love tIhe Champion. Having lveti in idus area for more tIsai 30 parents who yers it confitiln to be a déliglsî to experi- ilo îi, ence such a hometown feel to our newspa- the province, ing stories andi people, as well as comnmumi- milar events cate concerna about ediacational and gov- ost places - emnmsental. iasues. our masonic Ive always felt super prouti of the way we've steppeti up to tise plate witb compas- THADDON, sion andi generosity toward others. MATER l'm wniting to conmment on your editorial LODGE 603 'Itfs about trne,' and 1 agree tdat its very dif- ficult wben lawmakers have taken vo long to :ite1protectnuniv best friend and all other ra A ayhd cals andi dogs for years, 1 understani Isow Aldbai unfair tlseir mistreatinent ta. name. However, theres another group tIsat bas [ai loodPort, been neglected anti abandoneti even though retumnet my we pie ourselves on our determiination to r in person. make change wbere ils needeti. I'm askiosg stîl gooti anti for diialogue 10 open up concemning tbe moat vulnerable in our nation - tIse unbomn. Diti you know tbat Canada is one of tbe BETTY HILL few nationa in die world where tbere's MOFFAT absolutely no protection rigbt up until birtb? That metans a baby coulti be killeti in ctmn tIse womb at nine montbs gestation anti iùs jesure not consitiereti a person. r my mom, as i thse wortis of Dr. Seuss, a personIs a for both of us. person no matter bow sanail. thing 10 do. Ilsere are solutiona. lant it about dtire d 10 say thank affinn wbat'a noble ant ingbî? Leîs speak up for ihemn as well. ANN JONES ARTWRIGHT MILTON URLINGTON lEb~e Qanatrîan CbIampion Mitlon's Costsstosty Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Ciassifled:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher Neil Oliver Gênerai Manager David Harvey Editor in Chîef Jili Davis Managing Editor Karen Mîreli Advertlalng Director Wendy McNab Production Manager 'Dm Coles Circulation Manager ChariF-.-i :-aU Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadiae Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday, is adivisae of Metrolaed Media Gmoup Ltd. - Graap Pubriaher Ian Oliver Adettteg is aceptd onte cniion tt in the evet of a typographica lerro thet potion ofthe ade tisig pe eeeeped by Itheeroes item, teqethef oith a easnbic allowce eor sgnature, wl i: t e chetged et, but the balanee of the adveettseeet ohl be pad for ath8e applicable rte The publiehet teserese the right te categeeee edveetieett or declite. CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence by A On Qtario Ceetetetty A ca Neeepaper Assciton CCA Canedtee Ceemeenty Newepapee ssociation I~ Sebeteet Neenpepee The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: h## a w fo ingle Bel Fnd CANADA DAY T MACIO 5IRLON~ UNITED WAY SYYMCA ShwcaseMAtoe e , ' GAL <4 1 - 7 uný