The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 30, 2008 - C3 Hearts lui W*ync By EDITORS 0F CARGUIDE MAGAZINE <DAKVILI E - A Toronto couple went to Montreal to put the new 2008 Ford Focus to, the test and came awav from the weekend engaged tc be mar- ried. Caryn Schumacher, 25 and Craig Sabine, 27 were invited to bc among the first Canadians to experience the redesigned and re-engineered 2008 Ford Focus. Along wfih duree other Ontario couples, they flew to Montreal to take the 2008 Focus for a drive tc Mont-Tremblant and back. Up with the bîrds at 5 ln the fîrst mornîng of the event, Sabine, an associate at an energy consuliug f irili, asked Scîgumacher to be lis cw-driver for flfe. "1 here's nothing fike wakiig rip to diamiondls,' saîd Schumnachei, a human resouices coorditiator. "Vi c wilf never forget the Ford Focus Acceferator Challenge weekend -for a lew reasons niow," she saîd. 'Flic coupies were chalfenged to fearn advanced driviiîg and collision avoidance skiffs in the Focus -ni a conirofled enviroiîinn wsiih profes- sional instructors - hefore di îing the spoiîy simall car on public roads. A hîghlight of the driving e\perieiice proved to be the Sync techiiofogy îiow ered hy Microsoft, an indusîry-fîrst foi Ford. Svnc allows the driver io use a mobile phone, play rnusic, andI cven senI and fîsten îo îcxî mecssages, al hancfs-frec. DO YOUR PART Help keep our community clean by tollowing Milton's local recycling guidelines, and recycle this papier when you're finished reading it! HOT DEALS 1 M HHGQUALITY AUTOMOBILES 8215 Lawson Rd. WE WILL MOT DE UNDERSOLD. BUrY WITH CONFIDENCE! Militon Ai Awmeia Vehicles am EE NVerfl iM l v .auIunsoIwUTU1tY)4 905-875-4925 Serving Milton for over 2 year 2007 VOUSWAM 2008 VOUSUM JETTA OLFSBI[1JE 2.5 4d u L4clpin meIa1icbac 4r au tto 4 y Touco Re!ioîl il lAhr o e ct.n ls D hne sa P D L r btenie ta io 2007 F0ORD MUSiAN 2007 FMfi MUSTANG MPI I19 8 SAU PICE $19,9981 2007 VOU<SWAG8I 2007 V0I.KSIAEM C71 OUI I001 I2005 ISSANS8MZROAOSTBII 2M0 CIIIYMSIESW PAL PICE 82 ,99 , wow' aiu 2 1219981 1998 CRiVRIET CAMARO Z-28 CONVVEIUL ,wowi oiy.82,9 2003 NUW 330 ci CAMU 2d s, 1/ ineyr 000 v beig000000e [o c, tr Sue o cdito AI th CGs 2001 MBCMIEES SLK -230 2000IUS CII.43 CABM 2005 [RRE IM.UJ<L 206114 JEEP LEM T LUUa 0LU LXJu p 0Iitl rretae i i ýin, or p e! l M ,O C o oeû1 IL, ,0 po l ot G 0oe d'CdC)aIY _ _ _ elwow! oîty $21 998 ISALE PIGE $13,981Q SALE PIOGE _.1l3,998 SALEPRICE_ 899. 2003 TOYOTA 2007 TOYOTA TACOMA 2008 MOSAN 2001 0000E 2500 2008 MISSAN TACOMA PRE-RUNNER TÏW FRONTE MOG CA UA-CAB 4X4 SPORT FRONIEI SE CREW CAB 4X(4 S PUE $17,998ý SALEPRICE $16,998j SALE PUCE 8191 Ç Q AUEPPG $19, 998 ISALE PRICE $28,998 2008 04E EdVOY 4X(4 2008 MC YUKON SLT 200808M ACADIA AWD 2008 NISSAN PAflINUER 200 MISSAN PffIJOI JcI ýi1ûF 0 Ci d0 00n A,4,ut ',ý1 rLI CCn1o PASSOVOD 7 PASS lI roesi " o il aru, c rose agooto o1Ws nyC D ra rtOlp 8AI P 23j,998ý SALE mou 35,488 SALE PmuG $32,998 IsAu t Pm 24,9981 1sE PmuCE .824,998, 2MTVU2007 CliVROEff 2002 MSAN ffl0IER 2005 IHRCHIES NLU 30 2003 GM SONOIM TACOMA X-RtNM SU IA UT 43(4 C»~ CAB 4X4 KLS EUT CAB 4dr mau 1 blegr clt Ful 2dd 1d uo48 8 hie-ge lt w br 4dr ut y.dlabu/ yIst lotoe AlLA autoe g6OOf Pc, .g diadn black iic lane Auto.îgei 4 3Loe id ovni. blac d,îttoood ReA drn o Toot 5arat ait cose tC GAS.OI b e dotie rased tonnaucuve rumig boards o 0000A ,SALE PMOE 824,998 SALE PUCE $21,9981 SAU mu 814, 998 sA PmC $22,9801 IREucm $10,9981 202P0UAC SOURIE 2100 PONHTAC @AMI PMU GT 200 COIVROIET MAUNU 2000 MAillA PIIOTEGE SE 2003 MOSSAN PAIIIUUHR LE SAflOE ma 4,788 lsALPOUC 84,998,# 89,998, oe 4,9981 siEpm $14,98 s-~ ~ ro r7e **gi I1ý _____- - -~ Ml fl .. A.OC . .00. .119111 J. i' ' T - 1. & d,*.e1- 1 9 . d».W9 phic9. S-. 1.11 f 1 1.119