14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday May 30, 2008 vue'ls vue onI TII. Pary at nte the c pol orgyrn... Birthdays, Piecs, Funtairs O00C14303 lui' 3601 90-76-794 Cucke aCoclt Ivteyurgeta Celebrate your brthday G a d O e îg *orti wihFehFut& ji o uig g with a splash or sports. Corporate Events Whit, Cocoateor trabery sssin. ûrwý,o p(oiStreet Parties Organza ~ ~ brtda Cooke Chg file Fapq 'Yl sr"3eli t-flh nea sp 864-Uf 7 Wago Ride Prîvate yat Roomoos o Pizz Lunl iant andbo erveA PRTE Frm Aialo PonyCRede Pedal Tr'ato Fr rf 50 ipoingRd# 0M tn Wagon~ ~ ~ ~ Rid PrvtePrydon Piza unh ia a Pandty? WJIiyDA PARcooe * TIEhSt FamAnml "The Riesk Youthaq t efrntr 4/aze4 Exptor Far raf no ot~Parinq for tiu spliskim, ai 324 Guelph S., Georgeton hirth(71J thert ilm s sudk (0oe 4 p ils 90 -8 1- 22 Corn bnd enjo a wtd nube o> gae i n acllt hs Inlue 2.olals sai té lazeEx pressions!a Aio key, arc Rom, aIa p rt it e o r Wt, amdXBX36ltt Rcbad To advertise in our nexi month on June 27th, Please cail: 905-875-3300 or Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com