Rifles stolen during ruirai norne u 'redK-nià Police are investigating wh ether loue rifles stolen durîug a break-tu were stored properly. Tbe tbeft took place sometime between April 1 and 9 at au Esquesiug LUne borne wbîle tbe residents were away Also stolen was jewelry. The rifles include a 12-gauge Winchester shotgun, a 12 gauge shot- gun oftan unknown inake, a .22-calibre Winchester semti-autenniatic rifle and a 22-calibre rifle nf an unknown mnake. Iberc were n signs nf lorced entry. The sînîcu propeit\ is s'alued ai $10.000. Man charged witb drtuk driviug Drt.iik drîvîng chIarges '%,ere laid Saîurday nigbit alter a citizen icported seeing an er-ratic driver oht Regîtînal Road 25, snutb ot No. 15 Sideroad. Police responded to the scene ai about 9ý45 pin. and tndicated for tbe driver in pull over, but lie ivoulîn i. He fînally stopped lits vebîcle on Steeles Avenue, west ot Onutario Street. A 46-year-old laville nuan bas been cbarged witb împaîred drivîng, retusîug to provîde a sample and pos- session ot a probîbited weapon. Arresi in fake 911 cails A inan bas beeu cbarged in connec- tion witb numerous [aise 911 calîs tbaî tied up police resources. Five calîs were made betweeu 4 and 8 p.m. luesday lu tbe last caîl, a man reported tbat soîneone was gravely ill - wbîcb wasn't tbe case - and police and Haln EMS were dispatcbed. A 43-year-old Bell Street man was arrested aud cbarged wiib misebiet. A sbort wbile later, au area at tbe police station was damaged. Tbe saine suspect was cbarged witb mîscbief tn property. Man eharged in break-in A local resîdeut bas been cbarged in cîtunection witb tbe break-tu ot a try truck in January. The break-in occurred nveruiglit january 15 at tbe Capt'n Frys cbip truck ou Steeles Avenue. Onu Weduesday, a 43-year-old Milton man of n bxed address was arrested and beld toc bail. Hes been charged witb break and enter. SI&4I: Security Solutions for Home or Business 905-878-4634 PoliceBliotter Machine swiped A construction machine worth $35,000 was stolen [rom a construction -see HEFTY on page A10 The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 16, 2008 - A9 Man assaulted in plaza parking lot Shni ily heloic qO 30 pin. .pril 10, SI<PLI saî .it i i 11 i i a mintnenanice worker was cleaning 01 Ballon li- atic, Rsled. Oue attacke ' a ibe parking lot at the Carnage Square plaza arrested ai the eu n the reinainder ofi tlw locaied ai 245 Main St. E. wben lie sais a gcnttp gi oup ha,; i et to be idcntiedý of s ouths and witrnessed one of the teenls junp Il ýoi titie i im ut iflîtaiof ilui cats Ioi ail on the bond of a car. iiircst inii his niot n ti ?IittiiCi, OUV ible eligi- lie questioned ihe group about their bebav- bIc fo? aî catsh ii'wttd. Yoti will miee have to gi' jour and was subsequently surrounded. The vic- ý ui namci or testib, in uit 1.itîl 1-800-222-TIPS tînt was punclied and kicked. Oue ot the attack- (8477) mii kit www.lialtiuti retpe siont Itm o ile ail seesn I% llylRTTus alMrtfr ieyu elntn eeds We eu e se----------------------se e sel ;C) Look for this innovative series ini The Hamilton Spectator Saturday, May 24 to June 7. -H AI