A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 16, 2008 flDTMTflM _ e _ ~,,, -~ Long road back iTe t 11iiin ol ren lictur e'. lorcai restidciý t. xho arc ail- irg herause of soutie dehiiatîrtg or termfirtai tli',aseý liroi ith iese rieepiî pcr serrai stortes, wxe hope to Taise ievr Is oi av.ai eni iii tire COIIIu nuiits' ahut tire IIIIteSSi 0li iras;aller ted tire irdis iduai as xx ehl as tie unlit r aises ru larn ily \'e aise, pirinti Iiidraiser s wrirh tire hope tirat rre riav titere viii ire erirugi tiollairs fori researrir te [iid cures tir surir devasiariig conritinsrriis as ranrrer, ireai t aiîarks, sîrtîkes, irîrs- ririar dystr-opry, n stir ilhrrrsis, Parkirxsous, AIS, mrultiple scierîrsis and Aizheîîrrers. Tire listi s eirdiess. itfs difficnili for tire s',rîers tri suer stories flot to be ttrrreed ti sîrîne way Barrie Erskine by the courageoris irririduais whrt are ai tire irari toi tireir articles, as weli as the lairrîlies tirai sîrrîggie tir rcrîle îr girps witir tire ellects. tria caiasrtririrc iiress. Tire Clirtipitn Hati ir Dixvisitou lartii s gttirg tii titgi strirh aîî trdcii as oie toi is rxvr iras Ireir hanîrreri a griti riiagrrrsîs. Barrie Erskrrî)e -î aralcrrid rîrulîr isxt%,ai( irirrrrg pirtîrgraprher xx rtse xxiiik iras regttiariy rpiired i tiiis ircxxsp.rper -rerarîre iii last strîrrîrrer. [lis svi rîtîrîs ittrittr cd rrornusiron, mrruscle weakrss fatigue airr iriacrists. île xx ,s resteri tir a lit,rî rio aîlîrrerrs, rrirldrrtg \\'est Nule s itis aîrd i s rue rirserse Nttiîg xx s rielîtix te esreîrr loii a lesitit lin iris brarîr. lie was execitnialixý dragîrrser wîirh Ciiiralix istîlateri Syndrormre (CISI. A dehiiîe MS diagirîsis wonr , ire rîrade rîrrii mure urne liras passed aird tîrere is evirlerre tri irîrtie brarîr lestons. Erskiire was rîr tire iroxpîta ftrr sexerali îîrrîrhs, feelinîg safe krrow\itrg ihat irredicai heip was iiteraliy ai iris firî- gertîps. Goiug home was dilficuit. Gradualiy, bis sîreîrgîh begau te returir aird he îranaged te participate ru tbe receut MS luirdrarsiirg waik txtariig on fitr, riding a scoroter, then lruisbrng oîr footr, xx ii he sard was psychoiogicaily very imrportant). Howexer, lasi [rTIay Erskine had trouble waiking. Hes ai homire irîs', rereivlirg medicai îreatment. The Frskiires, whiie repîng wîîh wlraî appears te be another attack, are wuîudering if ibis iurideiri xviii iead tel a definitive MS diaguirsis. Wiîh May being Multiple Scierosrs Awarerress Mrutir (sc page A20), Erskrne wanîs tri rarse corirrniity awareuess about this cloak-aird-dagger disease. He alsn bopes residerîs xviii participate in the fourîb annuai MS Golf for a (rire ai Burlingion's Crosswînds Gtolf anrd Counrrty Club Juire 18. Reirreriber, Barrie, youri media lairrîls is bebrîrri s tu eueenrragiug you ex'ery painfrîl siep tri tire way Readers Wri"te E-mi youi letters te mtltonerl@haltonsearch.cernm Let us decide if Town is doing the 'wonderful' job CAO daims DEAR EDITOR: lu lasi Frrdays Citiniprioi, rire fronr- prage hecadline reari 'Ttownr rig oîtl stanrding jor: CAO.t i tink nt wtîuid bc a grîrri dca il îîwîr rouireri and irririrers tri regitrîai etirrirrl trok a ltook irirtîrr Milien helore ihe> rier ie itrtx xx ,oirdei ii tirgs are Il iirey realis' waîrî tir kîtîxx htîw tiîgs are gurrrg, tirey sirîuiri rave a itwu hrallin meeting aird inxite iiwirs- preople iii speak abotî tis surijeri withrîî lnitiiig irtw preoplre rau vtrice tireri uopinirors an irr 'ews. AGOSTINO GALIOTO MILTON 555 Itot tai Dr. Milton, Ont. L9'i' 5EI 905-878-2341 Fditoîra Fwx 905-878-4913 Anivcrtrsirrg Fax: 905 876-2364 Ciassfient 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 rarw inilton cana dachampinto coin Publisher Neil Olivet General Manager D'I. il lt 'i l Editor in Chief Managing Editor Advertising Director W r] - i; !',l t id Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Tire Canadiair Champion, pablisheil every Taesday and Fniday, ir a division oi Melroland Media Groap Ird. Gmoap Pabîjîher ian Oliver. ut' pa ,u t'e puuuu'bl r 7lpIuiuii' , , - 'i CCAB Audited NA ie,),r Aroundt , ý S)LMilnc speazs volumes about challe'ngesfacîng hthe deaf My ears were citised aird irry cyes ixere opeued. Tbat's whaî iîapperred Tuesdlay afterrrrir as i îrekked itrîugi Milien Mail weaîrug a big pair oi earpirrîus, try ing tri igno.-re tire sîrange looks i ixas gettrrg. Mtmnrtrs later 1 eîrîered Towrre Dental anti aîîeîupted, wîhrruî heîîrg able te, iear tr speak, te describle a Jarrrîrg paru iii iuy 1,1w. Let me tell vou, it wasu't easy. Tis aciity xvas ail part ni tie'Deaf for a Day' - tir inr iny case. aborut 10 nrrîntes. - prograur put on by tire arradran Hearrîrg Socieiv ai Militon Niail. Lairh partiripant was equîpped wrtb eaî huris aird lreadphtrues aird gixeir a scerrario ihat invîrived gorîrg in ire of rire stores tir Irusînesses aurd rrrqurrîrg abrrut a prdtrrr tr service. MN, comipanitru, liu Hardmnan ni tire taia tii1 lei rgN ix- ix î,ieri trugir air interpirtet xxiai i xxas dtrrng te rire sur prîscdti iurrkg xx ,tnei heird the rcoruiner tri Dexr enterl. ihe rirre sieppieci hrr- knri ritîrh rcarri ti ire ,îrnrsed. Vxanitttg tr tri>' rîrake r geir rine effot a 11rriun take rire easy xx,rx\ otîn i1 ted te figrure out iîuw i rrrild rirsrîrireni un ragiriary si- nationi irx, ritnrng tir rrrttliug But i ri tie. irere was rio r taure tri srress. 'sure, irravie i r rilirttxe tirai li faix xx is tli Alter i cxv pîarirriis ,rxxkxx'r nmomttrents i vvas liter ailystxupefied rîtît rarre rire irer aird rrtreîrad ir resireratirir Fro ni lieir tit ihiirgs er sirtiotiix as tire 1rad sxs îrassed hacir airt fortir, anrd i goi xvhaî 1 rreeried.c Relie l er 1 isxailket irark iti tire lirarrrrg snircitNs, irtli At tire "dehrifi 1 askcd Hardurar irtw ire'd liaîrdie a siriilar situiatitrnr Prurial tire saine way i did, lie srid, perhrrps iuîerspersed xxitb sonne irroîtrîr- irai lut tîrere M'as rio xx ai i rur ask il tire iîrg aird irrayie a xvrrd tir twrî. (arix la ue tir arr inrfet itn t1- fîrîrî rieîrri Uîrftî uirateix, wrrrrug tiigs ritîxi iii' a mng rîrs îavv soltriont ftr ex'ery deai- persrîn, lie sard. W,'iaî lit' irese ieerr giond at chradres, and rirai abrout strîreorre wliîis ilîterar? Iiurxx abtout a raient xxastii't rirtu tr rrrrrfesî rîseli ai tirai deaf persen frtrrr a no Il- Eungisb-spea king partieular rirtrîrent. - sele A FLOOD on page A7 UNIED WAY eýb OF MILON TVfUCIO YMÇA ,Ini rI -.!~' 6~ MITON SANTA CLAUS PARADE