The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - A5 Tory calis for action to boost Ontario economy cANADiAN CHAÏViION SIAFV Tbe Ontanio economy îs on tbe wrong track nigbt now and sometbîng needs to be donc to cbange it Tbat was one of tbe key messages Ontanio Progressive Conservative (PC) leader Jobn Tory delivered Tbursdav evening at a fundraising dinner [or tbe Halton PC Association beld at Country Heritage Park. Tory was critical of tbe McGuinty govemrment, saying bie tbînks tbe Liberal policies are taking a situation tbats dîffi- cuit - tbe economy -and "making it worse.' "if busînesses don't bave tbe confidence to corne bere, we won't bave tbe economy we need," bie said. 'Tbey (business- es) are Iooking for consistency fromt govemment." He went on 10 list several facts tbat sbow bow tbe province's economy is taking a downturn. For example, bie said Ontario: * Had tbe slowest rate of economie growtb in ail of Canada last year - Had tbe siowest rate of private sector job cîcation in tbe country for 2007 IF YOU ARE 12 AND OVER, AND HAVE A HISTORY 0F ASTHMA, YOU COULD PARTICIPATE IN A CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDY WITH AN INVESTIGATIONAL INHALED MEDICATION. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: DR. A. S. CHEEMA/ALPHA MEDICAL RESEARCH IN MISSISSAUGA (CAWTHRAIDUNDAS) @ 905-566-1200 You wilI be reimbursed for your time and expenses. He also ootcd tbat lor tbe lîrsi tinie in 30 yeaî s, Ontarto's uncmploymenî rate is above tbe national average. Ibheres no excuse for being ai tbe botîom of so many lists." Tbe opposition leader said tbat ail means it's more impor- tant iban ever for laCs to stand up for wbat îbcv believe iii to gel tbe economy back on tbe rigbt course. "Compeitive taxes are a muisi., bie empbastzed, nottng ibat noîbing but good can come front leaving people and bîîsinesses wîtb as mucla of ibeir own money as possible. "Tbe taxpayers need ibat money Businesses need tbat money," bc said. He went on to caîl for disciplinied govemrment spending and a -balanced regulaîory regîme." -We cao t bave busi- nesses 50 tîed up in paperwork tbat tbey can't get anytbîng donc." Tory also saîd tbere's a need for lîive and 10-year plans for bow tbe provincial government fonds local municipalities. "Municipalities bave no idea bow to plan for bow mucb money tbey gel from the Province," be saîd, referring to tbe fact municîpalities often don't know until tbe lasi minute Drug, weapon charges laid in raid A Court Street home w,îs raîclcd Frîday andc cîtzens ofi clncg andc ix apîtî cbarges were laid agaînsi fisc Mili resiclerts. Fat lier ibis nictt I laltîti Regitirît Poltices Drug andc Niotality Burcaci stît cd ait itivestigatiuon mie, a scispecteci sti-cet ciel clrcg celertli n toîvit Ai abtot 4 p.ii 1 iitcla,t t toto sias tIictig va ,s îîbscrs 'cci lctsi cli t itliti pliicc sad. A\ cuati.titt of cîicaitic Si is s i .ttstc laitîticcis hrou the ititcguateci Guciii. itîci Uniix t. i Qucanititics ofi coîcaiic, îîî,rîîtii.t. andi a cîlîî rotîii îîîîîîtec iiite xi\crc sci:cc(l. Shoctliv alter b p i tii itîcîte pcîî lii' a tutu andc ai iîiiii îvcîc aticstccl iii cciiiiccviti th invei sti- gattionit an uic nttiisc itiseci ainurits of Ai tbe saute Lunîe, poîlicc seaicbcc a FCocur tii tret î born ivci e a tuifii rstiti a tmile, xias ai resicci. Poltice sciZcil a satiicc-i tl stittigitti i si capcîî). atiitiiitiîitt \ceclitii andc îîî,î pî,îa Dci Sot. AI Aibatie sid IIC itivesti gitttin t eccitrux mint otticcis te carry ouît tic cotitit gis c a stct svaillcet tr cîîîîîtîtî toirb tiiti sc'îeîl iii e 26 s cai tîlc Cotîut t Srcct itîcît andc i 27s c'ai--uic1 Ktigsii .î Place tmait litsc c.tchbtccit ciaigcci itit variecis courltîis oii îîîacîtlîîîîcc i tî p ssioni ofi a We believe... in hc1lping. Anvw i e wLAIE 90-85-02 probîbiteci xicapon. carcless stot age of a fii ariii possessio ol a prolbbted weapon knosiing ils pousscssiont u cîîî,tutborîzecl, contraventiontiol tbe steî ige e-gulations andi ctrcicss storagc of ainiriuîitîen. Oine of tbc Coutîi îci mn tise laccs tiîcc ceunli, t of scstt et cotoli ellc suibstatnc cfoi th licpo ec oe îîaltckîngit and tîaltskîitg et a con- iicd sobstiot e ih ii tci ( 'ti 'iIIL ici 1 î c lit ttc c ýhc, bAc pl îîesxio-toit a oileuh elcî Antd tili t, isît lcc Si li(c's aiiiditiii i bargcsý etof s.S.î iti at c tuti ticc sticc foi Ilic purt poec et traic kitig andi it coturlis toi possso et t c tîîtille sltb-,t.tiic c \ll titicc ititil sscic scticctcIcie_ to .tppc.t ii bail cîlcît t scsîctiItî mitiittg. A 26 s cat oic1 Ma.plc\\itîc t tscii wetinaniis iaciig tsi tOIU c 1 ott lpisseS- sîctî iii 'a c (loti tîlicc scubs.tanicc andc ps sc'ssionî ofi a c uitt rîuicc suibstantce loii thte pcirptisc of trattickiti1' Suic' Il atfiic.i ini c itit tutti 3. Andc aî 48-i catt tlci t titis hic (i ';cs i iii îît.îî iti becti chlai gci wi tit possio l t cutii lec stibstic c lic'1 iliaî,kc a cttîi t ppci atîcc %la\ 20 DESIGN JD D ER -j i t ý 11lkIiiL Halton NIPP led C.hudleigh xxii' also in atîcodance and gave a bni talk mi wbicb bie vowed to ensure tbe voices of farmers are heard ai Queens Park and ibat local residents receive accessible becaltb care, ameing oiher tbings. Melciii Heineîscy (an be reachcd ai nihi ncsscy8Po-i)i Iton- canadianchanpion.cni The Milton Farm CRAFT SHOW MAY3R &4i * Over 120 juried crafts people in the Great Gambrel Barn, The Aberfoyle Town Hail and Individual Exhihitor Tents * Handmade quality atuday Su * Superior workmanship S am. a * Great gift ideas for Mom am.4pm * Country decorating ai it's best Aduits $5.00 * lave entertainment Children Under 12 ME * Beautiful Spring location Parking iE * Food Available c COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Cali 905.,878.,8151 1 Hwy 25 N ta Milton, tollow signs. *IIF-glr ki- i M *Mc ~~IFCID- i BUYif AT OUR REGULAR PRICE G ET 2 ON SÇELECTED MERCHAND1ISE MIRE'S HOW IT WORKS: Buy 1 full metre or unit of selected merchandise ai Fabricland's regular price and gel the nexi 2 metres or uis FREE! Sale in effect til April 28-May 13, 2008, on selected merchandise while quantities last. Most items available in ail stores. Look for the red sale tags. No special orders. Enr In-tor Stock 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878m0931 FREE PE 'Y"$ 1>15'riNCIrIVE LADIES FASHIONS MORMING MAPNESS SALE SATU RPAY, MAY 3 Pm EèMRE 8 AM - loAm 300/0 OFFSTOCK loAm- 12 Pm E"RE ,100/0 OFF5TOCK Discounts Apply to Fiegular Priced Merchandise - NO Extensions on Time Limits ASSORTEP SPRING FASHIONS UP TO 60% OFF ALL SALES FINAL Milton Mail e 905-8