1 CARPET WAREHOUSE is seeking a hîghly motivated Salesperson cith superior customer service abitîty. The ideal candidate ciii have strvng communication SkUIS, attention Io detail and the ability tv generate and maintain customer relationships. Prevîvas sales esperience is a benefit. Training is avaitabte lv applicants cith timited industry eepenience. Lsng-termn spportunity exista, Fax resumne ta: 905-842-9811 or amati: carpetwarehouse@bellnet.ca GKISI11111Maýial' Dntal Me ci11al, Dental Canadlan Coltege of Dental Heallh, Burlington ON, is seeking a DENTAL HVGIENIST tv assume the rotentf Program Director Responsbitities inclade day to day administrative taaks tor an sccredited Dental Hygiene Program as cell as associated tacslty/stsdent needs. Qualitica- tinns include 7 years minimum clînical eaperîence cîth the ideai candidate psssessing vr corking to- cards attainiment of a Bactretor's degree. Salary negotiabte relatedt 10 esperience and qualitications. Please farward resame tai jlobraica@canadiantherapeutccallege.cam or fax (905) 632-2895 Sple 1W I ii ou HEALTH CARE Spectrum HeaIth Cars ta a fully accredited pravider of nuraing and home health services dedicated ta exceptianal service, qaality, aad profeasionai deveiopmieat. The Canadien Champion, Frîday Apnîl 25, 2008 - 31 ~jca Dental Me itat. Dental jj eUialDental eta ett M a etl M a.Dna The Milton Caaadian Champion, a divisioa of Metnoland Media Gnoap Ltd., bas an immediate opeaiag for ant: ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qsalîtied candidate ciii be a motioated, inde- pendent, self-starter drîven by achievement. You ciii possess exceilent anitten and verbal communi- cation akîis snd be Ismiliar with Microaoft comput- er applications. Advertising sales naperiance is a detinîte asovi. In this rois, you wili be castomer locused and cii bsitd strorig reiationohips with new and eistîng cli- ents by envuring bhat their adoertîsing needs are met. You ahIl be goai-oriented anu capable ut meeting regular mvnihiy budgets and speciat sec- tion taigeta. If yos cvutd tîke 10 wvrk fvr a leader rn tbe media industry Ibis opportonîty may be the rîght vne for you. A reliabte vebîcie as required. If intereated please tarcard yosr reaume by Apri 111h.28080 : azawacizkl@metraland.cam Fax: 9054632-0308 We appreciate tbe ivterest of ail applîcaots bowever ovly tbuse aetected for av intebview witi be covtacted. Nu phone catis ur agencea please Registered NURSES Profesmonat Excelleace in Nursing rellected in *P,%IN;tsiF *Mrmn i N *ENI. W MLN] Heailth Gare PROFESSIONALS " Surgery " Emergency " Labour & Delivery/Maternal Child Services " Paediatrics *Combined Care *Cardiology Medicine *Operating Room We are proud tai offer preceptorship and comprehensive orientation, four weeks' vacation ta start, competitive salaries, benefits and shift pnemiums, flexible scheduting, educationaltucition assistance, and finsncîat assistance for temporary Iicensing. We also have a variety of Specialty NURSING rotes includîng *Nurse Praccicioner, Long-Term Cane *Nurse Practicioner, Neonatal *Clinical Nurse Speciatint, Geriatnit Psychiacny *Retail Pharmacists *Social Work *Radiation Therapy Corne and talk to peers and managers about the benefits and rewvards of joining a progressive organization dedicated to excellence chrough understanding individual patient needs and the detivery of compassionace and expert tare. We offer competitive salaries, benefits, and shifit premiuma, the latent in technoogy, a variety of amenities inctuding a fitness centre, and a commitment to your persona and professiona growth. If you cannot attend, ptease contact us at (905) 81t3-1573 or viait our website for detaits on our current opportunities. You tan reacb un at: Humran Resources THE CREDITVALLEY HOSPITAL 2200 Eglivcin Avnue West MissssagaON L5M 2NI C R E D)I T - VAL, IL E Y THE tttEDIT VALLEY HSITAL Your Comm unity ewspaper I IS.com = Your Ti -, W* , Wfu >ýLi CAREER FAIR Friday, April 25th 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, April 26thi 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in The Credît Valley Hospital's main lobby - 2200 Eglîncon Avenue West (Enin Milîs Parkway), Mississauga *FREE PARKING e REFRESHMENTS * UNIT TOURS * IN-HOUSE INTERVIEWS H- 4-14 QF.W