The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 22, 2008 -A9 HIG SCIOrEPutu ----- ---- ---- "'MUSTANG MESSENSER"9 Emiy Barrie liarbi Naft Leanna Ritchie Zainab Asadullah MILT1ON DISTRICT Hie SCHOOL April showers bring May flowers and we have cer- tainly been experieneing the former of these evenhs. With the constant rainfall we can only hope that May xviii bloom brightly and colourfully. Good day Mustangs! It's mid-Aprii. only 9 more wecks of school and the weather outside is ramn.. again! As always things are getting even more busy before the end of school. Mid-termn reports are being handcd out next week and graduates are bcginning the first weeks of their last months of high sehool. Last Friday night a bowling fundraiser was held in support of the Student Athietie Association's upcoming trip 10 New Orleanîs. Ail proceeds went towards our projects and supplies requîred for the reconstruction of New Orleans follow- ing RutTienne Katrîna. it was a great night of fisi and Iaughter and support was present in great attendance. Tomorrow, our Senior Concert Band is performing in the annual Haiton Showcase at Hamilton Place. We promise to look and sound our hest and perform to thc best of our ability. This year a great honour has been hestowed upon our band to open thc concert. If interest- cd in ancending and supporting our band, tickets may be hought at the box office for $ 10.00. This Thursday our hookworm students wiii join together lu participate in the anual 'White Pine' content in which each student must rend a minimum of fOve books and vote for a winner of the 'Whitc Pine' award. For ai those who participated and rcad the books join us for an hour of reflecting and camaraderie hefore our final vote. Finaily, our students returned from their recent 'Tools for Tolerance' trip to New York City. Once again they were exposed 10 the misgivinga of society and learned how to hegîn to win this fight againsl intoler- ance. This trip provided many good memories for those in artendance and shopping opportunilies as weli. Until next week Mustangs, keep on shiîsing and enjoy spring! "D6ATELI1NE DRIJRY"P' Kevin Boyd Marin Merchant Allison Wallis E.C. DRURY 9109 SCHOGL ""TUE ROYAL REPORT"p Joanne Bayoneto Malt kerwîn Chantai Pereira BISHGP REDINO RlOU SCRGOL 1ley BR, gel ready lu lock aîîd load for another great issue of the Royal Report! Your Itiside Sources fhave sonme excîtiisg news lu share with ail of you! So let's gel started! lile DR, are von feeling as tîtougli you need a litile Culture iii yoîîr life? Doi you wanî Io go 10 tIse tîseatre but don't have enougs nioney? Wcll have sse got the solution for you! The BR Players hase been harîf ai work practicitsg l'or tîseir big pro- ducl in of The Boyii lriendf a light-heartef hiiv ittecis girl" musical Usai is sure ici liave yoii hunming Use caîitiy luttes ail nîght. Tickets are $SI Il'for adulis aîsd $8 for studeisis and go on sale surin. V ais colisurful. tomns tif f ut. anid iuts hy uic studfctt gos. ernieist? WIIAM DAM (.OLOIJR JAM of course!'alling ail unior students! The Studesi los erniîsit is ruisning a junior seissi-fksi-iial foi aIl isf he grad 9s ansd l0s. Yoiir Insîde Sources strol encouirage ail ofyo jolli attentd aisî have a great lise. Tickets are $20 and tItis gels vou etitrance Io the dance AND a BSostons Pizzai Studeii (aid. Daîsce starts ai 7 o'clock aîîd the doors svull bc closed ai 8, so iake sure vou gel there out ise! Over tIse pasi twct wecks ai DR. students hase been rais- îng nsonev through a -botîle' drive in order 10 support tIse Halton Sîsifra Horte. Shîfra iHotmes is a non-profit organîzalîon set up 10 support leenage moihers in the Halton regioti. At Shifra Homes, pregnant teens arc able lu receive support, kîîowledge, and acconsmsodaion. In order lu heip raîse moncy for titis chariîy BR sîndenîs are lrytng Io colleci enough change lis fuIl baby boulies. Tbis îîsoîey is then sent 10 Shîfra 1-buse wlsere it s îîsed th lselp the women durîng pregnancy, child- bîrtlî, and for a period afier the birth of their cbîld. So BR, if you have any spare change inake sure lu hring il ils 10 support Shîfra House Hialton. Il is lime for aioilser guesi appearance fronitihe dreaded MID TERM REPORT CARDI! Your Inside Sources are keep- îng their fingers crossed for ail of you. but especîally for the gradualing studenîs as this is the fintal rounsd of acceplances 10 any posl-secondary school. So pray and hope that on Thursday, your marks are up lu par! If not. tis is n good indication thal msore hard work must be put mbt those subjecîs! If you hare lsavîng trouble wilh somne of your courses, BR ix always here lu help. Stop by Student Services and ialk lu Mr. Caîzoîsetti about findîng a lulor îo lseip yoo wîîls your courses. Best of luck 10 ail of ynu! Weil DR, ibis issue of the Roîyal Report bas been Jar- pncked wiîh soite impotrtant information. and iî has conte lime 10 say good-bye, Bii doisi you xxîrry, your Insîde Surces will be back agaits texi steek wîil aisother slaîsniîîg report! Uîîîîî tîscîs, Cheento' XOXO, lisse your lîsside Sources. yumm