The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - A5 St. Marys gives assurances By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION an the wake of a ssrong advo- cacy campaign mounted by a citizens' group and a local court- cillor opposed to a quarry appli- cation for northeast Flamborougli near Campbellville, St. Marys Cernent is taking steps so allay public concemrs. The aggregase company recensly held a drop-in informa- tion centre as ils site office on i ath Concession Road East, invising nearby residents to meet one-on-one wisli profes- sionals who will conduct a pumping test on the property, if the Ministry of the Envsronmens (MOE) grants a semporary Permit to Take Water (PTTW) to St. Marys. The PTTW application, sub- mitted in October 2006, lias been vehemently opposed by FORCE (Friends of Rural Communities and the Environment), a grassrooss citi- zens' group that lias heen fighs- ing the quarry proposaI ever since it was unveiled four vears ago. The group lias found a ready ally in Flamborougli Counciaaor Margaret McCarsliy who lias steadfassly backed FORCE in its assertions shas the pump test could have serious, perliaps irre- versible, impacts on the quanti- sy and qualisy of groundwaser in the area. But St. Mars s officiaIs counu- ertshas the test is needed to eval- uate potential impacts on groundwatcr resources that the operation of a quarry on the site miglis cause. "We are saking ail necessary sseps and precausions to ensure thas locaa waser resources are nos impacted,' said John Moroz, vice-president of St. Marys CBM. A recens lester sent by the company to residenls noted thas the company ran swo pump tests on te pruperty ini 2004 with "no reported impacts to any water wells in the area." The previous tests were swo days and five days in durasion. The current PTTW applica- tion consists of three indivîdual six-day tests casher shan the 20- day period proposed in the orig- inal permit application, said Paul Odom, supervisor of water resources with the MOE's west central region. The volume of waser to lie saken fromn the aquifer for the tests lias also been reduced from 12,700,000 litres to 6,850,000 litres per day, lie said. Odomn added shat St. Marvs lias submissed aIl the necessary teclinical information for its application and lie will make a recommendasion "quise soon" on whether to grant the permit. St. Mary s officiaIs have assured resîdents that the test- ing will bce innnitored by the MOE and the City of Hamilton and can lie halted immediately if any prolilems arise as local wells. But sheir recens infonrna- sion package savs problems with svater qualisy or quansîsy during the tests would lie an "unlikelv event- Riglit now, tîne compatis is encouraging resîdents within one to swo kilometres of the site 10 have the wells on sheir prop- ersy monisored during the pumping test. The programn is strictly volunsary, but provides a benefis 10 residents, said the company's policy and planning manager Jennifer Tuck. Tliey'll ges a confidential report con- saining important information about the water in slieir wells and a grapli showing water level measurements before and afser the test. Their water will also undergo chemical and bactenio- logical analysis bosli before and after the test. White only six people attend- ed the Mardi 18 open bouse, Tuck said the mail-out was sent to 150 homes and contained a lot of information about the pro- posed test. Anosher drop-in sessioni was held Mardi 26 at the site office. In addition, consultants retained by St. Marys to conducs the test wens door-so-door earli- er ibis monsli to speak with res- idents who lîve within one kilo- metre of the site. The company also hosted a public meeting about sheir Pi 1W application last wcek. The MOE hasn's yes clecided wliesler to grant the permit. A few weeks ago, Hamilton cîty co uncil gave unantînous support to a motion chaînpî- oned by Councîllor McCarthx' asking the Ontario goveromnent to fully consîder the potential ramifications nf the proposed qsîarry on flic groundwaser- based municipal drinking svaîer s\'stemr serving Caraisle's 3,000 resîdents as ssell as on hiundcred.-, ofi nearli rcsîdcntîal wells. 73% OmF 2L saucepar w/suver, the perfeci ail- ronier tir aniy kitchen. $120.9. 57% OFF Cabot 2ipc taicware, 4x5pc seitinsi 30% OFF! 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