28 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Aprit 22, 2008 Sded tIIt&Sales Help Sales HoIp Sae1tl Sales HeIp = oeRstuat Hatel Restaurant 8Hatel Restaurant Tectilcal Help Tectinical HeIp &Agents &Agents Auents Agents HtlRsarn IIWt~oofePLUMBINGI I~~TECHNICIANSI j Excellent compenation. Cali 905-6-7585 Cab@netmaker's Bench Assemby Custom M llwork. Geerf utius Georgetown Fax: 905-702-1854 §Handvman CONNF C-tI0N. Tap-uct Hue'mpruvement Company ns PART-TIME or FULL-TIME HELP Yf you can do the followlng -PAINTING *PLUMBING #DRYWALL -BATH REMODELS .CERAMICTILE *BASEMENT RENOS/ATIONS .CARPENTRY - GENERAL HOME REPAIRS If ysa have 1 Pyears expenience, ycar san fxxls and reiruble transportation We are lxxkinq for outl J A vibrant and growing food distnibufen lscated in Mil- ton, ix currenfly looking f5 unre a respsnsible and reliable indixidual ts join eur eeer gnowing team. The saccesafal candidate sheald pesseos tire fellowing: " Eccellent computer ckills . Helpfcl tulepirsax manner " Hîgirly eganized " Flexibility witir heurs " Abiiity to folixe procedunex " Ability f0 astis in a fast paced eneirnment Ne experience necessary, training wiii bu pnovided. Pieuse e-mail: burbbrown@fneshstanttoods.com WALLACE PONTIAC FOEQUIRES PART TIME RECEPTIONIST - 3 EVENINGS A WEEK 3PM-9PM 1-2 SATURDAYS A MONTH 8:3OAM- 6 PM PLEASE FAX RESUME TO: 905-878-0960 OR EMAIL TO: chall@wallaceontiac.com BOOKKEEPER We are a gnocing manutacfuring company lecated in Oakoîlle nequiring an experîenced Beekixeepen 2-3 dayo per wxek. Rucpenorblîtieo include: xc- ceunts papable, accounts neceieable, payroli ad-' mîniatratien, bank reconcîiîatîonx and tinancîi ru- porting. Applicants must have experience and a good working knoclxdge et 'Quickboeks Premier' along with computer fiuency ix Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc.), and; the ability te communicute botr oerbally and in cditng. Pieuse send resumne and coven letter te the attention et Tom Taylor: Fas 905-339-0t171 E-mail fxmtayfxn@deaignplastermouldings.com Customer Service Representative Wu are currenitfy suuking an eothusîastc, dutaîl snîentud and puoplx-frîendly Countier Sales Per- sas. Somne mechanical aptitude ix an asauf. A commitaunt to qualitp and oatstanding cuatomer service ix a must. Somne et yoar daties include greetîng castomers; documunfing requesfud work accarately; foilowing up on paut endura; ordur placement, set-ap and processing. You must irave aboeeurage communication akilis witr tire ability te qaicxly aaaees oar custoer neuda and falfiti thura accaratuly. You have the ability to irandie and reaxivu cuatomur problumai and faku a proac- fixe noie in meeing and escuuding our caxtomners uxpuctatiena. Yea maxI bu computer lîteraf e and have saperier et knowludgu ot Word and Excel. 'lir are a teuam player and are able fo wers ina irigir presaure, faut pacud uneirennunt. If pou hrae a good ceosa of humour and like f0 wear juans te wons, tires forward pour rusumu fo tem@neymoursmtth.com No phone cais pieuse. UNHAPPV IN VOUR CURRENT JOB? CAREER OPPORTUNITY Recent promotions, Eociriog New product, and încreaeing salua volume means we oued cuverai addîtiooal Professional Automnotive Sales Consultante We offter: -The Top retailer in Maltant *Up ta 40% commiasian " Msatnly and yearly bons *Car Allosancu " New statuaof the Art ahacroara " Newu statuaif the art Camputeri CRM Syatura *Acard winaiag Service Departraunt If pou are protuccienal, and ighly metîvafed te succeud, tiren emal peur rexume te; Pln Aufutta pautetta@lockwaudchrysler.com or Plese Contact sur Salua Manager at 905-845-6653 Banlington based energy company ix fooking for eopenienced for wuekday, weekend, faflf and part lime positions. Enlirasiasm, confidence and sales espenience are an asaut.' Compelitive compensation in a dynamnic groaing, tea cniented organization. Pleane emnait your resume ta Charlie.Zilvytis@ActiveEnergyULCcum or fax ta (416) 855-7487. Successful applicanla will be contacted for an iateriew. Georgetown Volkswagen SALES PROFESSIONALS REOUIREO Addifiona cales pensons to asolot cîtir vur grvcirg prvduct lire-up. Excellent paymenf plan and beneftot. Plexox tac recume: 905-873-1914 Attention: Mark Hughes Or emal: markh@georgetownew.com w Hoptal, Em MeiaIDentl rlured IPnt-Tîmel Sfor Doiwnfown *Buiîngtonj IjntaliOfficliI Pease fax resumne toi: 905-681-3792 Fuit-lime Experienced PHARMACY TECHNICIAN tor Bucy Burlîngion Pharmacy. Pisasu fax neauraus ta Pst 905-336-9658 Have yo u herd the nes? Clanulffd nus han nrall. lasaffied@ ikfaeaadiamiasumm Sue ep Ifpaauhave no autornotveuperience tiasOK, becaseie wiliake hetim ncesar o curentlye sekingalexe, sl, movatd prierseni crade and ales aningd arepetn an m nalsis Thiar pesn éiia s e t gnna îîs e Daain uîme evice issues. Theedealcaniae mn as haavesren ekn hone:dg n9Escel3(m1c26 bable te5c7ea33 e formas, ini fakile, CHt pFeet f abl es ldely his peon oii he H yerThs perncl en the cnae pa age plnig eeda nducfnd nalcch peanifin austOomer Fiance, s emue Srvce Tra de anidate on s huavoe Mrkeng. Akng Cilege erein h fînx c al tcust refabered ra ifom ls pea fee l es, w ea e pivtu a ble ) and upfer thes chenge, pil ae 5-enwar eperece inth confide c ag te d ndsr, n s Tae ACHys For Cuomses, lakn. A cidrsa BuingofthePuI 5o40 Mainwaye nis #1e ulinge osr, Otfaria L7L7G5 s #7501re COOKHOUSE- NEW OAKVILLE LOCATION FOH & BOH MANAGERS Emal peur résume ta hiring@ shoeleaajoea.ca arifas 905-760-1296 Affa; SJ Oukville Uoae italian Restaurant Nec Hînîng IALLI POSITIONSI L ocucci.cj or in persan: 119 Janes St. Oubville Fax: 905-827-2026 YorCommunity Newspaper pit + ork> o so =.. 6. +ES WO SOITEo i Can't make it out? Forward pour nesumé 10 montanas3032@cara.com wwcara.com C R eu* place adc 058824 Milt on GARAGE SALE 717 Briar Crescent Sat., April 26th 7:3Oam-noon Many items on offer nangîng from a fridge and mîcnowaoe, kitcirxn set, lampo and nec lump- ciradec, giasacare, jigsa puzzles and mucr more. Exeryihing muai go, xc ne reasenabe offen cii bu turnud docn. Rain or shmnet Milton 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. April 26th Bamn - 1pm 332 Coxe Blvd. Window air conditioners, ceiling fana, Astiques apple corer and aealea. Household items, MILTON GARAGE SALE Suit April 26 ~ 8uam - Noon 222 Galbraith Btvd. Stereco equipment, vintage Toahiba Amnp JVC Tuner, Luaman CD, E SS Speakers, AOC Equalizer, atellite receivers, table hockey, arm chairs, office furniture, printa, boka and much more. Indoor Garage Sale Sat April 26 ~8am-Noon Bethal United Church 6150 Trafalgar Rd (Northr of ffnîtanniai Books, glass, china, taya, collectable's, household items, some Antiques. Create the Comfort of Home for Every Guest. Swîss Chalet cs gnowîing, this s your opyortunîîy 10 sOarO a career vvîîh our 00w restaurant in Cakeille. We'ne iookîng for ail positons, încludîng Survers, Line/Prep Cooks, Dishwashers, Hosts. and Bartenders. If you wanî 10 work ton the bast in the business, Swîss Chalet has a future for POU. For the Career Opportunity off a Lifetime, please attend our JOB FAIR April 240h. 25th and 26th fronn 9 arn. to 9 pra. each day Staybridge Suites. 2511 Wyecroft Rd, Oakvillu (Bronte Rd. and QEW) Join the cookhouse team. Do you wanî 10 joie a neam of people who thrve on servîng great- oastîng home-copie food in a relaeed famîlp frîendlp atmosyhere? Then come checks out our Cookhouse in Oakville WîOh hourly positions availabie for Seruers. Bartunders, Hosts/Itostesses Line/Prep Cooks, and Dishwashers thene may he a Cookhouse uzaneen than is perfeco for youi1 10O3 FAIR Saturday, April 19 to Sunday, April 27 frorn 10 am -a 8 p.m. 3537 Wyecroft Road, Oakvmlle NIGAithiswEEK Niagara Tis Week, e division cf Metroland Media Group Ltd. hec an immediate openîng ton a: NATIONAL INSERT ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVE Tire qualîfîed candidate ciii bu s mofîvafed, independent, self-starter drives by acirievement. Yoa miii posceso excellent uvritten and verbal communication okîllo and ho tamîliar witir Microsoft applications, pnimaniiy PowerPoint. Prevrous cales eoperience os reguired. In tria noie, pou miii ire cuotomer fccuoed and miii build ctrong relaicncipc witir National Store locations. You uvili ho goal-oriented and capable of meeting regular montirly budgets and opecial section fargefo. A reliabie veiricle os nequîred. If pou would like f0, cons for a leader in tire media înducfrp tuis opportunity may bu tire night onu ton pou. If interestud pIeuse forward your resume by April 3Oth, 2008: abeech@niagarathieweek.com fax: (905)688-9272 We appreciate thre intureat of ait apphicants however onty those selected for an interview wili bu confactied. No phrone catis or agencieo please.