Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 2008, p. 27

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10 eea ep M atriHl enrlHl r eêriepGnrlHl Warehouse Workers Cure-Mark International, a Ieading distributor ta the retaît connenience industry in North America, s planning an expansion of its business in15 Ontaris uperatînif sut of the city of Milton. Currently, Cure-Mark operates sn the Western Provinces uf Canada and throîîghour the United States. Fur mure information about sur cumpany, please nis sur website at wmw cure-n) SiJMMARY: teceines, stores and dîstributes prxducts vvîthîn the warehouse by perfurming essential responsîbilîties listed below. SKiLLSLEDUCATIONJREQUI1REM ENTS. " Education: Hîgh school dîptoma or une tn three monthi ot related experience a/n training; or equivalent cumbination uf education and eoperiexce in a pruduction shift ennironment. " Language: Abitîty to read, prînt, and speak simple sentences, tecognize similarîties and dîtterence beimeen words and between serins oi numbers. Must be able su read produci codes and information quickly and accurately. * Skîll and abiliiy. To operate Narrnw Aisie teach trucks, counterbalance or maikies. As metl as daîrp esperience an asset. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: White pertormixg the daims of this job, the employee ix regslarty requîred ru stand; use hands tn handie objects, or cnntrots, reach mith hando and arms. The emptoyee trequextty ix required ix malk and stand. The emptoyee maxi be able to stand and bend for up to, tex hours. The employee mont regularty lift a/o mone up to 10 lbs., trequenty lift a/o moue 25 lbs., and sccasîsnaly tift a/o moe up o 60 tbs. To ha considered, pleasa submit a detaited resume and satary expectations to or apply on linn ait N">*IPISSINJG U N 1 V E RL S 1 TF Y Adenture Camp". Teachers intarested in porxuing Qualifications ix Teaching Deaf and Hard of Hearing Chitdren ix Ontanio sutl ha attending tha camp. The empinyment period rans from Juty il' 2008 - Juty 25, 2008 utitizing the Ernest C. Drary Campas facitities in Milton, Ontario. Accommodations wilt ha provided for ait succasfu applicanis. If pou ara iooking for an esciting and unique opporfuniiy to work in an academic andf racreationai stting, coma and parficipata ait our camp adventuret Bring pour okitîs and esperience, creativity, leadership stoilta and parficipata in thia adeentura. We are aeeking dedicatad indielduais tor the fotlowing positions haginning Friday Jutp 11, 2008 (exact doa of woro and hours cary depanding on the position). Att interviews ii tahe place in Milton, Ontario. Camp Directo, (1 position) - Reporting is the Program Manager, the Camp Diractor wilt seernea the camp operation and programming needo inciuding guent speakars, ASL classas, fripa and evnning activities. The Camp Diracior iI also work ctoxeip with the ASL Curriculum Coordinafor and some evening work map ha raquired. Tha chosen candidate must hava proficiencp in ASL and demonstrated axparience working in a reaidential setting. OetinCordinato. (1 position) - Reporting to the Camp Director, the Operations Cordnao MOIt manage the camp residentia faciltiies and oversea the genera opera- lions of the camp inclsding kitchen, cleaning staff as watt as ait tinonciat reqoirements. Some evening work wilt ha required. The chosen candidate muat hune knowiedge of ASL and demonsirated esperience working in a residentia setting. ASL Instructor (5 positions> - sutl provide instruction and certification of the Signing Naturaltp Curriculum. You must ha a native or near native signer and have esperience as an ASL instructor and course coordinator. Classes wiit run on average for 6 hou rs par day and ii inctude ciassroom instruction; assasament and evatuation and actsviiy based tearning. The chosen candidates muai possesa prenious esperienca iaaching ASL to hearing individuats. Interpreters - ASL/English (2 positions)- Bath are part tise positions with houso0f service being from 6-9pm each Mondap is Fridap and for field trip outîngs. The ssccexs- fut applicanla mutl provide interprating services for academic and recrealionat activitias. You muat have watt devetoped receptive and expresaive aign tanguage akitta IASIL and other torma of manuat communication) comhined with expenianca wiih deaf individuats. Cools (1 position> - it ptan and ovarsea the preparation of breakfast, lunch and dinnar, prepare menus and ordar supplies. You wilt have practica cooking experianca for a oarge group; famitiarity with kifchen equipmeni and provide group leadership f0 kitchen staff. Esperience working in a large volume food services environmani and knowtedge of food handtingtpreparation techniques and sanitation standards. The chosen candidate maxi also ha able to modity att menus for dsetarp restrictions li.e. food attergies, vegefarian, etc.). Kitcttsn HJelpsr (2 positions)l Reporiing to the cook, the Kitchen Helpers wilt assisi ix the preparation and service of meats. They witI mainiain cleantineos of food sernîce area, equipent andf utanoito. Experience working in a large volume fond services ennîrorment and knomtedge osf food handting/preparoiion techniques and sunîtutior standards. Camp ..Cleaner (2 positions) -perform cleanirg fonictions rn rasidentut and schooi ureax. Must have demonxiruted axperience wîth ctearing techniques and mathods. goxd knomladga ot cieanîng satanaIls and knowiedga oi WHMIS, Occupationa Hexîth and Safty Act and certification in First Aid and CPR. The choxer candidates wîtt racaiva the FOLLOWING. PDÉons Honoarium) *Camp Dîrector l$7.O00 *Operationo Coordîxator ($6,000) -ASL Inotruciors l$4,000) Intterpraiers AOLErgish ($2,500) Coos ($3,5001 Kîtchen Helper ($2,500) *Camp Cleuner ($2,500) *Plaase note aIt salaries are lsed before mandatory payroll deductions. Please submit pour rexuse îndîcatîrg the position lxi pou are apptyîng for, bp Aprit 20, 2008 to. Nipissing University c/o Human Resources Unit Provincial Schootn Branch 255 Ontario Street South Milton, ON L9T 2M5 The setaciion cosmîxlen would lîke ix ihxnk aIt applicants who upptp, however, ontp those setected for interviews iI ha coniacted. Nîpîsîrg University ix an eqoal opportanîip emploper. Peaicose Avg $20+/hr Weelp pîncewuro compensation Enumeration type anîto NO EXP NEEDED Training fer accepted appticanta Paîd training buxed on Performanca tudent ucholarshios programs Auaîlubleli T sechedule as interview t1-t66-421 -2727 College/ Uni. Students Summer Work $15.05 base appt., FT/PT openings, Castomer salas! svc, conditions uppp, no aap. nec., 905-528-3345 www.worklor students.comt -pring seaison positions or year ionx part im Wa ua curreitly saekîng eoergeiic axnd creatîne Marcliardisars whn anîoy plantx and fltIssas for busy retiî locutions in Ontari. We ara seakîng candidatex who fi rn the txllnwing crîtarîs: -Able ix wxrk euth a oariaty of staff ai ai lenets of the ratait- et -Organizeif andf show tond ixitiative -Cuxtomer tncused and dedîcatef ix helpîng customers be succexotul weuh thaîr purchaoex -Gond verbal andf interpersona communication skitls -Accaxs ix owt transportation Ix troaie within an asxigned area - Oailp acceos ix computer ard internat for raporiing and admis -Lifting reqoîref -Eniop baing part of a teum canirad wxrk grsup -Prevous tarder centra espanîenoe an asset but, xxi necessaiy to ba cxx- sidered Dues: -Marchandise and dîsplay produci accsrding ix a plansgram and oendor guidelines - Sign andf price dîspiayo -Drive salas and mainiain apprxpriaie stock tenais -Builif and deoalop reiaiînatîps ai store lnoat If yxu are interasiaif in a position that offero ftesihiliiy, gosd compensation, grat team dyramico andf year end bonus pxssibiiies, pleane tomward your reaume ta Please indicate yoar preterred working aires or city. Those wittr Team Leader experience wili be considered for any available apeninga. We thank ail applicants for their Interest bat, only thos selected for interviewa sili ba contacted. F i.king for worl i Retai Asso iate(Permanent PT) Weare recnaitteg for our buay kitchea & bath rerata design st Exucelentcustomesevce sklaareprm uv requemen. omputerexperencapumbgl j te and parts wldge are assets, howeej we wi tainitre rght inidual Please fas reaumne to Kathy 905-639-3581 DRIVER TREE PLANTER Standard Truck C Lcansa VAN DONGENS NURSERIES MILTON Colt 905-878-1105 Receptionisi & Mair Stylist (Childrens) xeeded for Qaovîlle Meloxheax Cali Ashley: 647-201-7448 EM Tehcal ep Bricklayer, Bricklayer's HelperlApprentice Raquurad for ron union company. Milton locution, long tarm. Piease cati Victor 416-970-5338 RENOVATORS REOUIRED tor hssy Ptumburig Munt. Must ba okitted un iing, drywai, plumbuxg & carpntry, Must haoe pour oct trsprtutio, tools and the abluty ix tnttnw drawings ix se uired The Canadian Champion, Tsesday April 22, 2008 - 27 We are in need of Summer Students who are avaitabla trom May ta August for positions at our manufactursng facility iocated in Georgetown, ON. Key Responsibilities: " Assist with feeding and unioading of equipment " Completa appropriate paperwork " Assist with reconciling inventary contrai issues *Housekeepîng dutias, imaintain a dlean work ares, * Ensure quality contrai of product * Periarm drilling af drawers, assembly af maldîngs * Pay rate $12 per haur Ali positions require: * Previaus manufacturing expenience is an asset * Previaus waodworkîng exparience is an asset " Work experience with minimal supervision " Oood communication skills, wvritten and verbal " Must be wiliing ta work shift mark " Must be able ta lifi and carry 2Olbs on a traquent basis and 5Oibs on occasion Came work at a company that offars competitive benefits, taam atmosphere and opportunitias for advancement. Pleasa submit a rasumne by April 23rd, 2008 ta or Fax: 905-877 - 7383 or Drap off your reaumne ta: 42 Armstrong Ave Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4R9 OLON Industries is an aqluai opportunity employer. REETO RESPONSIBILITIES: * Answer felephone (multiple lises), direcfing caîls * Abilify bo communîcafe effecfively, follow writttt/oerbal instructions * Greef clietts and hatdle customer inquiriet as required * Esore office supplies sn stock, order as rteeded * Coordinate it-coming loutgoing mail atd coorier packages * Data ettry (POt> * Varîsus additional dufies as required SKILLS: * Previsus reception experierice REQUIRED * Excellent command of the English language . Organizafional/mulfi-fask skills: work under pressure atd manage deadlîses; abilify Io hasdle multiple damando 0 Excellent communication ukilis * Exceptiotal felephone manners 0 Takes initiative * t3ood compufer skilis (ie: Spreadsheets/ Outlook) * Intermediate fo Advaxce skills ix Word & Excel; min. speed 4ffwpm f Education Required; High School/GED Preferred: Collage! University (No Degree) Please torward resumne f0: or fax 905-829-5067 by 5:00pm. Monday April 21, 2008. Gromîng manxfacturer ot groundwaier monitoning instrumentation reqoui.res a onker tor sih mechansicat and etcrncasmbtp Apscnshsd bumchncat adept accustomed t_ worksng with smalt paris, have sonne etectronîns assembtp and sotdersng espersence. Applp in writing ta: Solinst 1 Fax 19051 873 1992 inm Gergtownîv No7xprMn en ewRssdNry ilta Experenc geoulr br an se Som hat7 il r632ed Immeiaie positixn aoailable by a Bur lngtxn Ditrbuion Centre. The xuccexss tut appicont must be highlyxoganized, de- taladorianiaif and able ix work inu aat 1 acaif envirxnment, required by taport /îspart Compan. IFrench anasset Gret pportnit for advancement. Please fax resume ta: 416-253-0f756. 111]itncanaii I r toi ii Ciii

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