A22 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 22, 2008 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@&haltonsearch.cam Dawgs steam-roII way to OBA gold Minor bantamn girls undefeated in DA4 By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Having beaten a couple ot Div ision 3 contenders just une week, earlier alter the OBA rarikings liad heen seî the local cagcrs knexs Division 4 gold was within their reacli. But no one could have predicted that îbey'd take ail six games by double dig- its. T bey don't just beat thse OBA "Our conditnoning was excellent ibis competition - tliey year and sse wore teants dlown dominate îî. M-o wîîb our quickniess aînd Delîverîng a coimanding defenu e." saicl trian encore to last spring's unheaten Scbrodei, who coacbied the rini ai tbe Division 5 msajor cbamipionsbip squad alung- atont girls provincials, tbe side Cl bus Blax -The gaines Madd Daxsgs bave reîgued were aIl preitt close in tbe suprein agaîn - doing [ irsi baIll but we'd pull assax ibis tue arouind ai tbe Divisin d'" own tbe stretcb. . EVE ON THE BIRDIE: Above, Bîshop Redîng's Rhysse Noel returns a shot in mîsed doubles play ai Thursdays Halton badminton championshîps ai E.C. Drury. At lef, Brooke Hartwick (left) and Fiona To look for a return on the way to their thîrd-place finish in girls dou- blet play. They advance tu ibis Thursdays GHAC championships - also ai E.C C along wîîh sehool-mates Kristia Dermot 141h in girls sin- gles), Rebecca Trîschler (516 in girls doubles) and Mati Kerwin and Robyn McCol (5th in mised doubles). MICHAEL IVANIN / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION 4 tuinor hantan chamtpiousbips in Niagara FaIls. Going for gold josb Brittain and 'leans Canada are goîng for gold. Led bx two goals froni Windsor Spiîfîres < sulper Taylor Hall, tbe Canadians rallbed froin a pair of une-goal defbejîs tu edge Sweden 3-2 yes- ohBitn îerday tsoruing îu tbeJshBian semifinals of the World IIHF Under-18 Cbatnptonsbips in Kazan, Russia. TIsai puis hben in the cbampionsbip lur jusi the ibird time ever, ibis year againsi tbe bost Russians, wbo kuocked off tbe U.S. 3-1 yesterday afiernoon. The gold medal game wtll air live on TSN ioinorruw, sîarîing ai i1 ar. One ut 22 players naired to tbe Pat Qutnn-coacbed squad, 18-year-old Brîttain - a six-foot-lour-incb left Winger wbo jusi finisbied a productive sîîpboinore season wîîb thse Kingston Frontenacs - drew an assist in Fridays 6-0 wbttewash ut- Slovakia. [bat was certainly tbe case in tIse finals xxt îî faruilion s Blessed Saciameni. wbu overe witbiu a couple ut baskets ai hiall-tinte but xvouncl up lallîng 34-18. Natalie Samnuels led wîîb 14 points bier fifth cdouble-digit gaine ut tIse ,weekend - wbîle Hay les' Scbroder and Marina Furîk took turns quarterback-- ing tbe offeuce and did a great job breaking Blessed Sacraments press. "Tbey're (Hayley and Marina) ur fluor generals oui ibere," noted Scbroder, wbose Madd Dawgs closed oui the season on a 1 2-game winnîng streak and were 16-6 overaîl. "We did- tut shoot that well early in the finals, but our defence kept tbemn in check and eventually we sîarîed knockitsg thein down." Milton kicked off the 12-tearn tour- nament wîîb a 44-21 rout of Ancasters Cardinal Newman and were in control the resi of the way - downing the Sault Ste. Marie Titans 47-34 in the quarterfinals and the Etobicoke Storm 40-23 in the semis. Ancboring a îopnoîcb defensive carnpaign througbout the OBAs, - ee GREAT on page A23 ~-C _Mw 1 -a- 'lm