More students to be eligible to take bus Sonme aIder elemieniarv students wiii be able ta share a schoal bus wiîh their vounger sîblings sîarting titis fait. Trustees wiîh tbe Haitan Distrnct Schaai Board bave vated la expand transportatioîn service [or stcîdcnts in Grades 6 to 8 by cuîîing in half the distance reqcîired before they're elîgîble ta bc boscO -,a scbaal. Effective Septeînber 2008, ail clementarv studenis living mare than 1.6 km (anc mile)i feti-n iheir designaîed home sehool will be eligibie for busing. Currenty, studenîs in Junior Kîndergarten ta Grade 5 get bussed if îhey are mare than 1.6 km tram thcir haine schaal while students in Grades 6 ta 8 are pros îded transportation anly if thcy live mare than 3.2 km (twa miles) away. Grades 9 la 12 studeurs can catcb a schoal bus if they lîve mare than 4.8 km (thec miles) fromn their home school. "Haiton parents identified bavîng a dîfferent transporta- lion distance for the junior Kindergarien ta Grade 5 sîci- dents and thc Grade 6 ta 8 studenîs as a prablin, satd Dîrector af Educatan Wayne Joudrie. "Establishing the saine busing distances for ail elemen- tary schoal students "It help many lamilies. This change in poiicy aligns aur eleientary transportation distances wiîb tbe other îhree publicly-funded schoois boardis [n Halton.- Tbe policy change wîll increase the nuinber ai students eligible for transportation and add 45 school bus routes ta the current 370. The prajected extra cast of the polîcy cbange îs $1.3 million annualiy, whichi includes money indîviduai scboals eau appiy ta receive ta develop, communicate and promote safe walking routes ta scbool. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apr i 22, 2008 Ail%1 Catholic Education Week to be celebrated Tthi e oftis %ea Cli sýhIin (Mvle i li e a ile OnMa 1(atlc tc l min v ffiC ý1 ili o - ,o dthoîî i . 1ý:1'ý 1() Board is We arc Caled'. As is the tradition of the board, Catholic Education Wcek wiIl begin Sunday sa the local Catbolic communi- tv wii have the opportunity to clc- braie the 'enduring guif af Cathoic eclucation within the cantext of the Eucharistic celebration. "The ihene for tie week is Mte are Calieci,' whichi ceichrates oor hunda- miental religious heliet that, nal onis are We creatcd ini tbe image ai God, but WC are called bv liai saine God hs, naine, explaincd board C hair Alîce Anne LeMay. "Our lirst and maxit fundamientai calling is that of our Baptismn and ail the other callings in oui- fle 1kw lromn that unique and laundatioiial first cail. If ibis is truc for ail Christians, it is espe- cially truc l'or ail thiîse of us invoivcd in Catholic educaiion, rcgardiess ai wbat role or position WC hald wiibin tbat ýendoring gi. \V encocurage oui stu- (lents and aur staff ta prascrflii reflecî on tue commitmient that tibis caling bs naine places on cadi oi us ini rexpect îîf ourselves, aur coinmunty, and bow it is a defining compornent of whaî miakes Cathalîc Education distinctive. Catbolic Educatian Week 2008 wiii feature speciai prograrns anci presenia- lions ai ail grade levels and wîli include praver celebrations and service acuivi- tics. Tbe boards 20th annual Student Awards of Excellence Ceremuny todlay ai Holy Trinity Caîbolic Secondary As well, the boards Anniversary Service Pins, which recognize employ- ce service ai five-ycar increments, will be presented t0 staff ceiebrating these mnilestones ai ail woik sites tbroughout the Wcck. braoc \ý ai ILI (itiiolic dOL aîioî Dai\ nengaging in activities tîtat will express their appreciation for the realiiy of Caîbolic education araund the globe. lu Canada, Caîholîc schaols eclucate almost ane million stuclents. e Brake Service * Steering.& Suspension e MOT Safety Inspection * Comiputer g g g Diagnostics e Tires 2004 CHEVY SILVERAD Z71 CREW CAB - Air Conditioning *V8 e Auto Service " AM/FM/6 Disc CD e Tinted Windows e Auto Electric and Charging " Tonneau Cover e P. Driver Seat Systems " Trailer Tow Pkg a OnIy 120,000 km a General Repairs Certified & E-Tested DRIVE ~18,595CLEAN s s lIEVIN BL'LCKLOCK Enter aur "Just like Mother" Mother's Day Contest. Send us a photo of you and your Daughter. Selected photos wiII be published in the Canadian Champion issue TUESDAY, MAY 6TH, 2008. Readers will be asked to pick the Mother & Daughter who look the most alike. The winning pair wiII receive a S 'h HURRY! Deadline for photos is Monday, April 28th, 2008. Email your photos to or drop them off at the front desk of The Canadian Champion 555 Industrial Drive, 2nd Floor, Milton between 9 arn and 4 prn, Monday to Friday.