A20 - The Canadian Champion Fnday April 18 2008 I I 3 Tans 83! Big infrastructure dough ____________ 'à The Town j'. slated to reccive more than $1 million in provin cial funds to invest in local infrastructure. Ibe municipality recently got news that it bas been approved for $1193212 from the Provinces 2008 budget to be spent on roads and bridges On bebaîl of town council, I would like to tbaiik tbe Province for ibeir invesîment in our communiiy, satd Mas cii Goid Kraîitz. I applaud tbe Province for recognizing tbe need to insesi in municipal infrastructure as a way to strengtheîî tise Ontarto econo- îny I unding belps growing coromunities sncb as Milion to continue provîding quality serv ices and programs for resi dents t be nioncy coines frotîs ibe i)ntarto governinents nesi $400 million Municipal Roacîs and Bridges Eund for projeccs octtside foronto. Tbe hînds are distrtbuted based on popula- tion. [be grant wîll be îransferred to tbc Town by lune 30, along witb details on ibe types ofeligi- ble projects tbe funding is intendecl to address. i be lown will detennine ai tIsai tiior îvbeie tbc nsoney wîll be usecl. Rural bridge, road work projects moving ahead lU MUIJIFI3 $ (Ail C ents) 5. Nmrnm TMININ9"~. www.sunhaventanning.com 550 Ontarlo St. S. @ Hwy. 25 & Derry R 905-878-2324 MILTON COMMUNITY POLICING COMMITFEE 2008 SCHEDULE 0F EVENTS AND ACTIVIlIES Power of Attorney Presentation Tuesday April 22, 7pm - an educational presentation by Constable Jackie Brennan on the important topie of Power of Attorney Where: Milton Police station, 490 Childs drive Police Day Saturday May 10, 10 atît tu 2pm a fun family day of interactive activities Wbere: Halton Regional Police Centre. 1151 Bronte Road Oakville Public Forum Sunday August 17, 2 pm to 5 pm - presentations on community issues such as road safety, neighborhood watch programs and other crime prevention topics. Where: Milton Sports Centre, 605 Santa Maria blvd. Vohmteer Recruitment Fair Saturday October 18. 10 am to i pm a day where potential volunteers can meet with various non-profit Organizations in Halton to network and learn about available opportunities. Where: Milton Sports Centre. 605 Santa Maria blvd. For more information please cali Tony Lambert, Milton Community Policing Committee Chair 647-302-7017 or visit our website www.haltonpolicingcommittees.ca iwo rural road constrticîion prolecîs received an initial siamp of approval tîsîs weck. At ils meeting Nlotîdax nigbî tbe Fowns comrnunity services committee endorsed plans to replace tbe Barnstable Bt îdge on Lower Base Line betweeîî F diii aîîd Sixib tises antI reconsîruct tbe Eourtb Lîne of Nassagaweya frons No. 10 Sideroad to No t Sîderîsacl. I be bridge s cut rentîs a sin gle anc strucitite witb a scîcîs toniic bai resirtu iii il t lic ici stiuctciic xi Il carri tivo l,înes ol o ,îllîc xi tibocit load resu ictions Tbe replaceissent ix expcctcd to ciist niore ibats $2 million ixbicb is olîset bi ibe $1 4 mil- lion n funding tîse fown rcceis ed froin ibe pros tut aI atîd lederal govertiments. lis bopcd that work on tbc bridge ivilI stan tbis summer Tlîc f ourtb Lîne pro]ect ivîlI sec ibe section of road recon- sîrcîcîcd aticl pavecl Tbe budget or tbe work, wbîcb t'. slaîed to gct cînderivas by July; is S900,000. Botît projecti will go before tosin cotiticil at its meeting Moisdaî~ Apr. 28 for considera- 4.4 DO YOUR PART Help keep our commu- nity dean by following Milton's local recy- ding guide- unes, and recycle this paper when you're fln- ished read- ing it! C~jAon ~'~hed ~W~jL!ITÎYp~,~ ibe~ai~aibkj NK~1 50% Making quality affordabie for over 30 years! Once in a lifetime offer! Xl ~DL SOI 1IW~<)OI) HI- DRO( >\l Includes: King Bed, Dresser, Chest of Orawers & Ose Night Stand $6999 NOW $3499 (;FMlNv LE U FIER SOI-A/I 0% I"SI- \I 2 pieces $~499- n-stock special Iimited quantity 100e SOI]!) ~OOI) I~BLI- + 6 (JEM 1SF I V XTIIFR (IIAIRS Il! m-stock special offer $~499- $1399 Don 't miss out on these great savings! 4205 Fairview St. Burlington * 905-634-5298