Choose your speed, choose yuuË1i ei *aaà, vclýià bi qeI _ dIun Flic specdîing la,.s s sen pi eî is simple. The speecl siguis hav e a nuinhe cn thein and if s ou gol fasier than that innîher. von could geî a ticket. TIme moîîment soiioiî trav- els e î onîe kilîîîneîre ahcîs e the posted lirnît, tliey ha"e îechîi- cally commiiîed the îîlfence of speeding. With tie cîffence comn plete, any încîease in speed froni that point is ail about the penal- ty I have heard speeders argue, "I wasn't going 30 ove.... 1 was only going 15 over!" Either way they were stili speedîng. With today's advanced, acenrale and effective speed lasers and radars, l'm going with the 30 over. Remember - when vou chciose your speed, vou chloose s îîcr fine. L-eis taîR îcîlerance levels forî a second. I can admîit tha'. I have neyer writîen a ticket hcîr one kiloîire ovei tlie lîîîîîî (thatîIl sou $17.50h tu(le way>). Vie du try lu bc rcasîîîahlc wiîîl hîîw sse eîîforce the laws basecl un tlie .iicnistaîiccs surrcituIni ing the offence. I ha' people say, "Jnst don kml/h over the limit ai won't bother yu." Ni'. but. not true. In some p "tolerance levels' are e low (i.e. 10 km/h over limit or lower). Good examples of 1 erance areas arc Coi Safety Zones (CSZ) siruciioii zones, whe speed tiierance and finles are tic norm. D kmn/h oser thc p-osied nornialiv cilsi voit $9 thc saine ,peed in the O)ntario Strcet in froui Drui s Highi Schicil (aut gcicd regularly) wiII -180. )rîs e 30 Lui/h ÇîIî iiiuic-l user- ilic lîîîîiii i a Cf o/ con-.uî suructioni zonie ýv here sývîrkci s ire pieseni and'. s'iîi ill liii'. vJ,, ycursell suiniiiiuused. ii cîîti lice~ ecplaîiig yur ch iiiccs iii a jcîstice oif itie Peace (and tie be t pissîbhiis cillmes i excess cil $500). I I Rcîac salety hegîns wîth cadi c heard drive r assuming respuîisîbîlîty 1t do 20 anîd accountahility for iheir nd police actionîs. Every'one wlîo steps behînd the wheel mnakes deci- laes Ouer sions aboîut hîîw thev drive - 'lcsur their speed, their tnrn signais, xtreine'Y following distances and levels of the speed ccî-cperatîon wiih other drivers. A driver mnay not be able lu, uweî toi- control the other cars on the rImnnity rcîad, bnt îhey're certaîîîly in and cou- charge oil iheir vehîicle, and are re lower acc.ouîîtable fir their dris îng iiicreasecl clîoîces. Please chocîse ici drive rîvîîîg 20 iii a mnaniier thai cîînîributes Ici lîînîi isilI the overaîl saleîy ofl ur c îîîîînu- 5. Dîîing its:. Cs oZ ii Sgi. Derei Diiis is iii sîîpîu i oil IC. i'is4uî uj îlîî- 1 Di.vîiiiRsjcî aiea îai- I îiî fuuli iîig on i ti îfîîit ioc cilsi sLi mentii ini 5liliiiîi and îl lloili Ilills. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - A5 Youth arrested in swarming di 11 l i K! iti a nîiait îîsIs nîghît ai dic ( an iage Square plaza. Police -aid a miîantec nan.c oikcî o as c eaui iiîg tic parking loi oii tie Miain '-treci pliza -shiirtlv, aller 9:)*30 p.iii, \o heu lie iihseîs ed lis or six youtlhs o alkîing. Fie saw one iof the youîhls lmp on ihe hood ofl a vehicle and as îhey passed hîm, une I lic CiiijiliîsC c'. tionecl ilie s oUîIs ahbout thecir hehas iour andc lic was uî i rounil dc 1 ion'. lid andl lick( ed. Oîie siuih siîuck ti îiians licad sviîh a heer, bocule. Ani eiiiplos ce o vork- îng iii a nearhs store sassý, wlîaî was goîng on and caine ici tic aid of ihe vicii, police said, and the youîhs scaîîered. The victim receîved A 1 6-y'ear-cil iltlon vouîh \vas arresîed antI lias heeti clîarged wîîh assailli, causîng a dîsîtir- hanc.e ancl lailing tu compîs wîîlî probation. Anvone wîîh infor- mnaton is asked îo caîl poîlice ai (905) 825- 4747, ext. 2411 or Crime Stoppers ai i- 800-222-TIPS (8477). Black dog Iikely stolen Police are hoping Ici reunite a lamily with their beioved pooch after a sus- pected dog-nappîng on Friday Police said a woman and hier chil- dren tied their black dog uside the Zellers at Milton Mail while they went inside around 5:30 p.m. When they retnrned 40 minutes later, the dog - a black Labrador retriever/buli terrier mix weighing about 50 pounds - was gone. A passerby approached the family and toid them a blond woman who was about 22 years old had said she was going 10 take the dog to an animal shel- ter and lef'. with il. The dogs owner told police she con- tacted the area shelters, but nobody seemed to have the dog - whîch goes by the naine Sarah. "-I'd lîke '.0 gel thîs dog back for these children," saîd )et. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter cil Halîcin pcolice. Anycine wîîh înfnlcnaîîcn is asked to caîl (905) 825-4747, exi. 2415, or Crimeî Sîcîîpers at I-800-222-8477. BlD ONLINE NOW!. Go te and click on the0 auction loge te bld on thousands ot items todayl AUCIO IIOIN OPENS: April l4th at 9:00 a.m. CLOSES: April 21st at 6:00 p.m. e 9*1111 POLYESTER/COTTON tjow.,* PRINTS 45f# Our Reg. 6.98 ni Fiashback! 1 .63 m