The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - A29 ~/oPURCHASE FINANCUNG W FOR UP TO 60 MONTHS ON ANY NEW 2008 MAZDA From fun-to-drive compacts and sports sedans, to breakthrough Crossover SUVs, we put thse soul of a sports cor f nto everything We moke. And now, we're geored for our new economy wtth zero percent purchose finacrng on ouf enttre oword-winning lime. Sus see yoar Mazda dealer forea testdrtve fodoy. Sprtagftme is the besf ime fo "zoom-zoom" ~~~HIH RtRt ORIIIMRIE RASR TMt RtttR MA 2008 U1UZD ZDA3 MODEL UNE STARTS AT $16,895 LEASE A GX MODEL WITH AIR CONDMONING FROM $199* T 2 9 M $17,895** PER MONTR rEASE AFR WITH FOR 48 MONTHS $1,095 DOWN PAYMENT 2008 MAZDA MAZDA CX-9 MODEL UNE STARTS AT $39,995 Mazda in1ects its sparts con DNA ino tics rfree-raa' crossouer trot's won accolades and awards. The CX-9 is a breaktlnrough rn style, performance, pracrrcaliry and cattng-ndge safety. A spnngtrae raad tripfor seen passengerssunds god ithearkbllou finance and leose offers row aaoilable EXPERIENCE EMOTION IN MOTrION AT YOUR LOCAL Mi Ta locate a dealer rieur yOu, Risit w ww,ma rdo<co or ccl Or cadet sh-a GT ..Ude ,ho RIGETGORERRMENTSIDE IMPRO tetr RAttN8* 2008 MAZDA TRIBUTE MAZDA TRIBUTE MODEL UNE STARTS AT $23,450 Standard features like remate funylesu entny, air candiriooing and heoted doar irs make threredesigried 200R Mazda Tibue arretrto driveeoll year long -butrmdlnthe nocepioal pricir and laase offeruoavailable nom, springtime iuthe timeraoget yaur activecifestyle in geur AZDA DEALER. ru z~ Il11-800-263-4680. a- 0 L î: Bu ý 0< 0 E o cZ~ 05< <~ È 0 <2 < é: > o 0<CD àN î 0 0 > OZ E t-sý So, - >- T' 2008 MAZDA 4ý>C- MAZDA CX-7 MODELL UNE STARTS AT $32,095 Thre versatile CX-7 Crossover SUV combines generoas fiue-possenger secting ý«itf Q sport-bred chossis and a DISI (Direct Injection Spark Ignition) turbo engine thot kicks out 244 horsepoozer -simultaneously boosting torque and errfancing fuel economy. In foct, it wos nmed one of Ward's Ten Best Eagires A long ist ofstandards includesoatlt steerirg ouheel ourtin rtegroted audio contrais, a four-speaker, AM/FM CD ployer and powuer undoos, door lacks and mrrars. And uitfncurrent financeoand lease offes, tirere's neuer been a better time ta cross vr 1