Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 2008, p. 37

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ARTS The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprl 4, 2008 - Bi C01/ACTIST 1 ý - - , ýýV 1 ' - , , , - 1 di fdl I bl t; 1 4;11Rn'] 11 Spring concert dedicated to boy's memory MCB to perorm next Sat. A schieduled spring performance h the Milo Concert Band (MCB) recently took on a deeper, more mecaningful purpose aft tragedy struck onc of its members. A few hours after the newly-formed tvttfs first-ever Christmas concert last Decemher, members received the sad news that the six-year-old son of band member Kelly Kîlbride had passed away of a rare metabolic disease. Wanting to do sometbing in memory of lîtîle Kirkland Kilbride, the band decided to, dedicate its upcoming spning concert to, bim. The concert - which wîll serve to remem- ber Kirkland as well as raise funds and awareness for the iii- ness that took hinm - will take place Saturday, Apr. 12 at 8 p.m. at St. Pauls United Church, 123 Main St. E. Joinmng the MCB for the performance - for a second time - will be the St. Paul's United Church Senior Choir, con- ducted by Judy Hunter. The band will perform a medley of songs arranged by con- ductor Josepb Resendes enîiîled 'A Message for Kirkland.' "Being such a close-koit group, we wanted to, show our support 10 our fellow band member, ber family and to the research fond that was named for bier son," said MCB's Cheryl Ciccarelli. The upcoming concert will be fîlled witb uplifting music includmng ligbt spirituals and gospel. "We feel bonoured to make this dedication to Kirkland and believe it's fitting in a season bursting wiîh new life thai we remember the ie ni one very special boy," Ciccarelli said. It was believed that Kirkland died of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, wbich prompted problems in the mitochon- dria ni bis cells. But recently bis parents were told tbat mighî ot be the case, leaving many unanswered questions. There isnt much research into metabolie diseases. Kilbride, wýho plays trombone wiîh the band, said shes touched by the support shes been sbown by the groups members, particularly tbrough this concert. In a roundabout way, it was Kirkland wbo helped ber iind ber way back to the music she'd once loved. -I told myself 1 was goîng to have to, do somethîng that would bning bappiness into my hife so ît would make the lonely days more bearable for me once Kîrkland was gone,"Kilbride recalled. That "something" was to dust off ber trombone and start playing again - with MCB, whicb sbe'd read about. "I was welcomed witb open arms and soon iound my place," she saîd. "Music instantly brougbt back mucb joy into my life and the camaradenie was jusi what 1 needed as Kirklands hast days approacbed. " Members ni the band supported ber wholebeartedly alter Kirkland's deatb. '1 neyer imagîned that tbat one decîsion 10 joîn tbe MCB could îum out te, be one of the greatesi gifts that could be GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION READY TO PLAY. Kathy lyres (Ieft) holds her flute while Milton Concert Band mate Kelly Kilbride (who plays the trombone) shows a photo of her son Kirkland, who passed away a few months ago. hrougbt about tbrough Kirkland," Kilbride said. At the upeoming concerts intermission, tbe band will invite tbe audience 10 visit an information bootb 10 leamn more about the Kîrkland Kilbride Researcb Fund at The Hospital for Sîck Cbîldreîî and the Mito Marcb for Kirkland fundraising event. Band members have cbosen 10 wear green ribbons ai alI performances ibis season iii support of mitochondrial aware- ness. Tbe MCB is now in its second year. Members and organ- izers say the band bas jelled int a welI-balanccd and excit- îng ensemble. "We bad sucb an overwbelmingly positive response 10 tbe band, the location and our guesi periormers ai our Cbristmas concert tbat isc sanîed to keep wbat worked wbile offering a selection of music thaïs as fresb and iiw'ig- orating as spring itsell,- said band presîdent Angela Rozarin. Sometbing tbat sets Ibis group apart fromn traclitional con- repertoire," Resendes said. "Wbile selections from Broadway, big band, classical and contemporary Nortb Amenican coin- posers will always be a part of our musical offerings, 1 am able bo draw on my cultural background 10 introduce some very innovative European works." The band prudes itself on injecting eacb selecîton witb emiotion, allowing tbem to communicate tbe story bebind the notes. "We've, worked so bard bo breathe lîfe toto eacb piece," Rozarto said, adding the acoustîcs aI St. Paul's enliance their efforts. Tickets to tbe concert cosî $t2 for adults. $10 for seniors and students and are free for kîds under 12. Doors open ai 7:30 pi. Tickets are available at tbe door or in advance by calling (905) 693-9886 or e-mailing For more information about tbe Mîto March for Kirkland, cert bands is its repertoîre. Resendes imparîs bis own unique visit influences mbt performances. To fînd ouI more about tbe MCB, visit www.miltoncon- "Manty Nortb American concert bands bave a sîmîlar

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