A20 - The Canadian Champion, Frday March 7, 2008 SPORTS SIPOR iS EDIf OR: SIEVE LeBLANC e-mail sIebIanc@haItonsearch.com on ;ce Clockwîise from left, Kaitlyn Bell ano Emiiy i Wlliams of the Milton Skating Club and Acton Skating Clubs Danielle Spear compete in the Junior Bronze Starskate division at last week- end's March Mania Invtational at the Milton Sports Centre. Bell tîed for top spot, gîvîng the hosts one of six fîrst place fînîshes. Other Milton wînners included Hayleigh Bell, Rebecca Cherry, Faith Harris, )amie Knoblauch and Lindsay Mindenhaîl. Roughly 750 skaters from across southern Ontario competed. GRAHAM PAINE / CANAOîAN CHAMPION It's do or die time Minor peewees face eliminaion in semis lu wbats become al too-farniliar this post sca',on, M,ý,ilton-s AA iner peewees once again fîid tbemnselves behind the proverbial eîght bail. fIasîig pulleci off do-n or die comnebacks for eipset S ictories oser Georgetowsn and Ancaster last rnonth, thce Wi nterbawks xxil c lutc peerlothrancest rioxxh rfdanbeir b igg oîcler o clîmb 011E 0f 3a tw' gamex Ste onle OMJ-A seinfirial hole againsi tbe \\ midso -Jr.Spitfires, L)espire sortie topioic b goaliendmng and lair lx- g: ts play lasi weckcnin mWindsor, Milton sciltcied b.t,ck (o-back sbuEout losses - and now laces tbe towerrig rask of engineerinig thre straigbE 's irs on borne ice te clear the final ber- die to champîonsbîp play A 2-0 senies-opening whitewash Sarurdav saw Alex Webster deliver a big physical effort and Connor Hallyburton show strrngly betweeri the pipes. Unfortunatelv, Windsors netrninder xvas equal te the challenge, robbîng the visitors on a number of key seoririg chances. Anthony Heneti would bold the Spirfires te a sirigle goal the followig afterrioon, but like bais tandem partrier couîdrit get anv offenisive sup- port. Sean Walter nearly put orie in on a baekharid rip, whîch dribhled along the goal lirie before beig seooped up. Michael Bergmani stood eut with some bierce forechecking. The best-of-five series continues tonighr (Friday) at Milton Sports Centre, startirig at 8 prit If riecessary games four and five will be held tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. anid Suriday at 1:30 pris. - also ar MSC. Tbe AA miner peewees arc nîcw the last remaining Winterhawks team ti the OMHA playdowns, with the AF2 peewees getring swept iri the besr of-five semis wirb Tuesday's 4-0 whitewash in Newmarket. SAVIM'NOS GAORE 50-75% OFF Selected Merchandise (Many in store Specials) ' U i I c?7o elry1 Join Us On ONDAY, MARCH 17TH For Our LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AU Day Starting At 2pm With STEVE MANSFIELD