Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2008, p. 7

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Town not to blame for tax hike The Canadian Champion, Friday, Janluary 25, 2008-A7 Sei;veral children and one aduit rr ii r4~ C lianlitonît hu fiont rage head- fine procfaiiecl Region apprcîves budcget for 2008,' with the subiead reacfing 'Tax hiku luss than estimated.' A large portion of this sav'- ings was in the Region shif ing $6. 1 million in infrastructure spending onto the unicipali- tics. if these were tax dollars the fiegion bacf been coflecting and they no lconger hase the expense, wvhat happuns to these dollars? Are they also 'shifted' tcî the municipafities, or do the municîpalîties have to increase their local taxes ta maintain the same level of service? So tiow the Region looks gond and the focal counicils are the bad guy's foi excessively raising our taxes. cdc tation. V vise a tundLenus .0 flook at the total tax bill and las the blamec for the amiionit on OUr local reprusentatives when in fact the regional portion is afmiost twice the cost of the iown portion. Milton currenils cnjoys the lowest municipal tax rate in Ilalton andI our service 1usd miay bu suf-fering as a result. Milton is the fastest growing coînmunitv n Canada and, uni ortunately, with growîh Corneis expenses. in a rucenit letier, Mike Rank suggested that Councillor WVendy Schau was a -tax and spend advocate," when in faut she was onfy echoing the words of a senior town enîplove froin a mnmber cf sears ago wlio fuît iiiciu-a'. u cdi\,cai to iiiecc tue grosvth clunandi.fhs is a svarn- ing pi esiotis cotinc ils ignored anid our curruni ancf futuîre cotincils iy have ici aclcress wiib higher tisan normal incruasus to mucet ont needs. T he (11(1sa'ig 'pay' me now or pay mie later' s afive and weff. If the former employcee's ads'îce had been heceded, your Town tax portion would hase grown to bu abotut 55 cents per tbousand dollar assessmuent higher thanii s currently. but wu înîght bu unfoying more services. In addition, the bouses in the newur subdivisions are guncraflv assesscd higheî and therefore they are paying thuir fair" share. MARSHALL HORNER SUNNYVALE CRESCENT Acts of kindness were heartwarming DEAR EDITOR: My fainils' and f arc faîrîs ness resîdenîs tcî the town cof Mil ton and oser thuefîolcayss laclcuir firsi îwo experiences at Miltcon Dstrict Ilospitaf's emergency ronin. 1 wan t ici rank alf the w'onclurftl staff wbo werur so kind and patient. Duslite wcrkiiîg al bours cf theninorning on ai bouclas they continucd to wear a sifuie To our nurse cn C bostias nîght wfi huggcd me and made me snîîilu whtle f lcîoked thrcîugh tuars at my fivc-year-cld sconxslicî adn't slept in days, thank you fcor îaking the timu 10 niaku mue smîlc. [o the x-ras' and lab tcchnicians, tbank scîci for your understanding and patience. Tcm the doctor, thank scîn for butng so throtgfi ancd patient. Yottvere wonderful w iîb ouson. Having a chifd with auttsm tisnt ass, and making a trip to ihe [R wiib cur son was ciffîccîfi. Also, thank scmn iiitheu ccple whcsgasve cp their seaLs so that we cculcl st dcîwn wîth tîut-scot. Not sleeping for davs must have shown on cicr faces. 'l thosu .vfio sifcld our way and looked assaN thanik\sou for vont stariîg tor ctdgiiîg. To the other imdiv c idaIs ssho wuru w aiiing t se a dccor sîhile \u sscre in the waitiig ronm ancf coulcfitibink of aiwything btter iii do ifian staru aticîcr son, shainit on N'oci alcîcur soit was screatning iii paîi andcbuinig becausu fie was ncît able to coinucnicatu xx th Lis xx bai was wrong.fie svas ntît isbchaving and xx e are not bacl parents. Autisun s a rnuurologic aI disabilits' thai affects ccmfmutnication, bubasitîtr andclsocital skiffs. Bascd on recunt sîcîdies bs ( aniacl an ruscarcliers, the presalencue raie of \cîtismiecicn Disorcr (ASD) îs 1 i 6InOnitnario, tilîc esan estimai- ccl 70,000) incis iccals ,witli Ail). OSur sonit alII ost lîkucls itibcutr fasi unicocinter w ifs an inclivicîial witli A'il) Ihebu it tume s oct uncocintur a chîld bubastng ciffruntls. don i cîcîge tir stai utcîî itstacl offuta luiîcing liaticlcria sitiilc' TRACY REIGEL MILTON Handguns won't disappear by banning them from FOCUS on page A6 Wu su bannud dninkîng and icîcr cîf othurs. putting more effort inco crini- drîvîng. but pecople sti1 dco it. I coîn hase a hiancîgun. but1 nal prosucution and suntcncing W've bannccf pîr bulfs, su ncîsvdoi hase a hîockes stick and base- of thosu who use a wuapnn in pecîple have oici mistruat othur hall bat, and 1 wuîuld hatu îc the commission osf a crnme.Tbis brccds tcî maku thuin dangurcîns. think ihuxcuitul bu bantued sbonld apply ici handgnnis. Lets tocighi up the penal bucanse soicnc ituc to use rifles. slingshnts. basebaîl bats. ties sci chat responsiblu lpeoplu thein to rob a bank. hockey sticks. samurai swords dcîn'î have tii bu kîllud. incîrcd DOUG BOUSFIEL[ aînd moîcir vehicf us. or penalizedcfofcr the bad fichas' COMMERCIAL STREET 'lime Capsules' arc gems of infor- matiomn uxtracted from pasî issues of the Champion and other publications in ordur ta provide a window mbnt Milton's past. Expîanatory comment is sometimes provi cf d ta place the situa- tion in context. February 1911 Thure is an outbreak of scarlet fever at Terra Cotta (Milton Heights). Several cbildren and onu aduit, John Appleyard, have it. There wilf be no services in AIl Saints' Church until furtber notice and the Sunday Sehool wif I bucfalsed also. Milton Lodge, No. 92 100,F. is having an lectric sign put up today Ruv. D.S. Houck, of Willington, Prince Edward County. wi"I preach at the annivursary services in the Methodisi Churcb Feb. i 2th. Tbis annivursary will mark the 59th of the old cburcb and 2lst of the nuw. Oakville bas ruceivud two nid four-ton cannons f rom the Ofd Fort, Toronto for decorative purposus. Tbey bave beun placed on the laku bank. Onu or twn would look well in Victoria Park hure and tbuy can bu gai by application ta the goven- ment. Dr. Zîmmennan, dentist, is at bis office professionally uvury day betwuen 2 and 5 p.m. and can sug- gest severaf gond investmunts in the gruat Noribwest ta thosu shy on hank stock and aiso ta those who wisb in recoup tbemsulvus. L Belleville Ontarico: If Sir James Whitney wisbus ta gain the lasting gratitude of bis countrymun and go dawn ta hisrnry as the benefactar of bis race bue bas anly ta pass the mast rigid rugulati ans against ail farms of municipal banusing. Belluville bas 1 had fier sariuty of banusing. 'After giving iavisbiy ta evury smaath- 0 ronguud pramatur wbo came along d ibe sbawing was: no indusrry tbat ;c eîpiayed twa dozen hands, suveral unaucupied bonusud buildings, and hiaif a million dollars of debt. Shu D gained bier wisdom by traveling ovur lime Capsules the thorny road of expurience.' Guy Martin arrived in tawn on Thursday front his father's home in Michigan and luft an Saturdaiy for Hilisdaie. After a short stay tberu he will go back ta Michigan and thence, about the end of ibis month, ta settle on a quarter-section homustead in Saskatcbewan, on whicb bu rugis- tered iast faîl, wben bu spent two months in the wust. Ris land is about 140 miles west of Saskatoon and 13 from the rail way It .had beun taken up, but was tbrown open on accaunt of tie prusSous settier fafiing ta carry ont the ruguiaLions. Mr. Martin says bu was iucky ta get it, as unimpraved land in iLs neigbbourhaod is wortb about $16 an acre. The surrounding country is wuii settiud by Canadians, Americans and Germans. On accaunt of the snnw storm on Tuesday Messrs. Winn & Ca. gave their girl umployees a sleigh ride. Thuy hîrcd the bus ta drive rhumn home from wark. This was mucb appruciated by the girls. A.W Peene, architeet of Ramilton was in tawn an Manday. Ru bas beun engaged ta pruparu plans for the remodeling of the thrue-story brick store and dwellîng next door wust of the post office and the erectian of a large extension on its wust sidu. Thure will bu a Masanie hall 50 by 30 an the third floor of the double dwuliing, with banquet bail, ante raamn etc. inta which St. Clair Lodge and St. Clair RA. Chapter will mavu as soan as possible, probably in Junu if the lodge and chapter maku the necessary arrangements with Mr. Puacock as uxpected. This matunial is assembled onbehalf 1of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, who can bu reached through the 7sociuty cît (905) 875-4156. R.A, AH Aj. Next Course: January 31, February 1, 2, 3 Thurs-Sun 4 days 9:3Oam ta 4:l5pm February 23, 24 March 1, 2 2 weekends 9:3Oam ta 4:l5pm 905.875.0480 YOUNG ODRIVERS .lOa p prnoved.b eg n ., d,.ný 1

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