Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2008, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 25, 2008 -A3 No penalty for students' late work in public board By Tim Whitnell SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Teachers wth the H-altea District Seheel Beard ne leuger take marks eff' stttdeut assgumnents fer latcucss, the Cheantpien bas learucd. Ihe pettcy - actually' iîchidec int the Preovince', curricu- lum everbaul et 1999 but euy iade maudaterv this scheel year - catis fer a mrark et zete per cent te bc gis cît ens if the werk ts net evet haudcd ta. The practice, wbtcb a beard stîpertateucicut saý s istit (tais beard peiicy but au expectatten of the Miutstry' ef- f7dtcattetî, bas drawu the ire cf a seier Hatenaraia student. Iu ber Views Froim a Student celcri ta tbc Chlipieu"s sister paper, the Burlington Pest, Grade 12 Nelsen flîgh School student Sabrina Shahecu says sucb a practice îs unfair te conscientieus students ike ber who get theit ttreîwerk doue on time. Ultamateiy, she betieves the beard peiicy deesît de dawdling studens any faveurs la the long mun. "Students wiii suffer wben tbey gradriate,- sbe said et these wbe de net tacet deadlines establîshed bv teachers. . Educatien is essential in eur cempetitive seciety. Au educa- ien systera shoutd teach teenagers hew te lîve ni the reai world. Instead cf beiug aware, students lu tbe Haten District Scboot Board are livtng la a bubble and are beceming uuac- ceuntable te the subjeets and their teachers. "Who is responsible fer creatiug the unacceuntable chid? Whether it is teachers, parents er seciety it will be every- bodys prebiemn once these studeuts graduate," addcd Shaheen. E.C. Drury Higb Scheol principal Donna Tayor, hewever, Charges dropped in Sex% assault case Sexuai assault charges against twe Mlton men bave heen dropped. Charges agaiust Abdul Maid Abdul Wahed, 20, and Noorallah Nawrozada, 25, were withdrawn Jauuary il at Ontarie Court of justice in Buriugten. "The Crown came te the concusion there was ne longer a reasonable prospect cf conviction," satd Brandan Crawley, a spokesperson for the Miistry of the Attorney Generai, adding he couldu't give auy specific information about the case. Abdul Wahed and Nawrozada were each charged with sexual assault in Marcb cf 2007 lu counection with an alleged attack agaiust a 13-year-old Milton girl. .9Z AUTO BODY (ROYAL ATL.ANTIC) INC. Coniplete collision repair ans1 refrncsktnqj services 155 Nipissing Rd., Milton (905) 878-2721 secs ment tu the plicy. Its destgned wo separate a students abilittvtrem their beliavieur When titis hîrst camin ttere was [car there weuld bc a teaulber teveit, but l'ni net suîre îît.-iuch ditter- eut than whaî sore t lachers wsedeîug betere tu terris of havtug sertie flexbhitîs 1)r sttîdctts who tedel verwheltned anrd can't gel seme wetk n ou tîtue, , aidTlori, whe sa> s stîe cases the pelicy practîce up te tudîs idual teachers. 'Its abeout bciîîg reasenahie. A zere t (mraIk) ssill be înade, hutî ely as at ast resert.t 'tudetîts catI t expect te lbc able te baud cvery, tbiîtg ta at the end of Ilte serýtsi ,,Milton Di)strict Higb Scîteel prtucipal lau jecnes admîts tbe pîa.tlcc bias inaide ttîîugs mere dificult fer teachers, but that it basaît causcd tnuch disruption. M~TOYQ~~.Açç.çQ~ is Lhi aU .li t~i l iustttt lo'tic al ryintentîen is te give students a window et eppertunity to show they've iearned the material t. hbasait realty been a big issue here." (ascy Kalvaitis, president ot the Halten chapter of the Ontario Secoudary Sebeetl eachers f ederatten, said he recently reccivcd a copy oft a mnemorandum roîn the Ontario Ministry et [ducation, under the title Growing Success, whtch directiy addresses the issue of marking late and missed assigniments. 'Teachers miust use assessment and evaluattea strategles that are fair te Al studeats," states part ef the mtinistrv docu- lment. ht later li-ss e ic mtbds for dealîng with late and mtssed assigurneuts. T he fast eutry related to reducing marks, savs -see POLICY on page Al16 40STEELE$ AVENUE, MILTON SToi Ftoe: 1-800-17-4025 Fa: 0058751110 Iftloy*t.o g -- -- II l t OllLtsti [c Lil1oot bEJULtt i LCyILi.IIiLIttLi,'tlS &IiIi L - x 2009 MATRIX 2009 COROLLA Arrivinçj Feb. l5th, 2008 taking orders ne... BE THE FIRST To OWN ONE. ewr

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