A16 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, January 25, 2008 Policy based on ministry direction, says superintendent Kalvaitis said ifs irunîn that the rninisiry is addressing the laie assigiineni issue direcîly berausc bis understandîng, as a vet- cran cdiiratur, lias hceni hat penalties Iruini icacliers fui lîanrbng nii late assigunienis were a1iplied tri veiy few siîideîiîs in tlîe pasi. Siiic ilee îiiînistry lbas addrcssed tbe issue i îîcds iii be risrrssed andcliiipleniented tairly, lie saicl,îmuuîîîg hoards are nusv exper i crI tlui toigeiber an assessiiieîît aiid esaltu- atiun curiiiiitee mu discuss surît prar unesý. -Ilwotuwisvrk iiiiless iliere is a luit utsup- puru tîuii each schuuol.- An educaîjun nînistry spukesjîersun said thai tibere are îwo tracks for student assess- nient - curriculum expectations and learn- lecar lers can runsîder mark deductiours ini tiheir strident evalriatis but înitigaîing fac- tors- lîke stridents wiîh special challenges ort needs, learniig pruiblenîs tir prutleiiis ai bornie -shoulrl bc ruisidered irsi, saîd Patricia MacNeil. [Tie I altun public huards superinteîdent uot [ast Buî liiîgiun sclturls nuterl is boarrd pulirv liased on î mnnisr)rdirertioniii give sîîrleîîs aàrchante tut exîîlati ss liiîcir wuîrk s late anrd extra itie iiigeî it dutîe su it (aat bc cvalrîaied anîd Iteerack proi ded. \\'e rîuini Irîsiautinaîically dedrîri (nmarks) ur give a rhild a zeroî if ihev te a day (laie) alter an assigumnent tor miss a test," said jefi Blackwell whu alsrî said the deduc- A sindent rer etvîig zero lui a prilleri tesi oir assigumnenti s a iissthbility îbîîrglî, lie cîînceded. "Yes, ai soriîe pointîî,îstý a pier e (ofiIcarti tmîg) we have iii put a zeruo ii hecatise t s îîîîe iii write ur (repot i aruls).. u t lie ciiie poimnt liere is we put piessure on lie stiideni tri shobriustliciriclarning and iii îerlîri iaieir tlîaii rîsi saytig, OK, here se lii titio with a zero, wr Il taIlIriit ltrgei ahouit.t Sibalicen s ,pinctipal ai Nelsontisain tudntire assessiiienî arîd ex alutiiuiin iteria and prit- tires, specitîrally in the area rft niarking, have been the suhjen t ofînrreased rdisrus- siron and debate in rerent years. It went oîff the radar for a while anrd bas ut conves'rsatioin on iliis.," aid longtimne cdu- catur G ary Crucker. -]-achers are hiavîng difficulty separating learnuiig skiffs lrumn achievenent. One siffl is iiinpluting wurk (on urne). It doiist nican ihiai nul geîîing wuîrk n on une îsn'timpur- tant,- lie ,aîd. Thle Nelsoni principal ',aid that at i ts schiîil it bas br'cn expected practice sinc the siaiitiof tliis choolui car that tearhers nul deduri marks tir laie a',signnie 11îs. its an issuec more fuir suine iecrhers iban uîbers,- he said, nuiing ibai lie's Iknumwi sume îeach- er, in the pasi sshu have deducted anywhere fruni 10 tu 50 per cent for late work. - uithfilesfromt Steve LeBlanc Changes made to design fromn MOHAWK on page A5 Since the proposai firsi came forward, changes have been made to the golf course design, wiîh fairways being moved off the norîh end of the properîy to proteci greenspace that provides a cornidor îhrough the area for wildlife. While this modification does leave a larger area of the for- est on the properîy intact, 27 hectares, or 44 per cent of the exisîing foresi cover, would stîl have to be removed to make way for the faîrways. Mohawk plans to replant as many trees as it tan. Town Senior Manager of Developmenî Services Anne Dawkins told the commiîîee rhaî the loss may even resuli in Woodbine purchasing 27 acres of wooded lands elsewhere that would go into public ownershîp. The plans also include upgrading the present sewage treatment system ai Mohawk to incorporate the latest tech- nology s0 that the treated water is safe tu use for site irrga- tion and for diseharge purposes. If the project us ulîimaîely approved, the construction phase would resuli in $84 million in expenditures in the region for materials, salaries and services and 1,400 person years (the equivalent of one person working a full year) of direct and indirect employmeni. Once the expanded Mohawk site ns up and operaîing, if's expected t0 bring 68,000 new visitors to the region annually and $47 million in expendîtures, along wiih 300 person years of employment. While the Town commitîee endorsed the expansion ibis week, it will also have to go before town council on Monday for approval and ihen on to regional council for an OfficiaI Plan amendmeni. Woodbine àlso has an outstanding appeal of the Town's comprehensive zoning bylaw ai ihe Ontario Municipal Board thai bas to be dealt with. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@înilIton- canadianchampion.con. Prepare for a Career in Canada f you're a foreign-irained professionat tooking for a job, improve your Engtish and Canadian job search skitts with... ENHANCED LANGUAGE TRAINING for a Internationally Educated Professionats a Residential Construction 8-week programs are FREE to qualified applicanis and take plaie in Burington. For more informationcaIl 905-333-3499, ext. 264 or vîsît www.thecentre.on.ca *'The Centre