Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2008, p. 11

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Crime Stoppers celebrating tiNo uecaaes uoà !ucceb!b Dennis Smith SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Crim îîu'noppt s of iltlonî lias buuii a moui- million dollar stîttuss os'ei bvo tîctades, bielping recoser nearlN $ 17 million in rimîinal prioperto, Stupporters t lebraîed the pi ogramis 20t1i aliiiiis ursii s anid lauiit but C riimeSopi Molitil ai a curcions lasi seck ai 13rlingon [tolidkiy C -rimie -ioppeis of Halion bias a long andi dis- titgis ;il tr adition cil oininuniîs service,' sud t laltoni t-hllii Gars C.arr. -i guis tbe publit involved to itlenolv suspeçt s and ci nes thai irigliî ies s go tînsolsed, aiid lps urto v er properis anti dulgs. Thbe noî lor-profiî charitable tsigaiiization pro- oides a toI [re nrnîber (l '1800-222-8477) enabling residetlus ici aiioi ntousîs, report crimiu- nial aciivits'. Rewartls of tîp io 5.2,000 are oileietl for infor- mationi leadîng ti an arrust. C ritse Stoppers; lias issueti 864 ruwaids in Haltoxi for' a itotal ut $101,060 slnce 1988. [brough lasi vears progiamn. $792,725 in crîîn mal propertv was retosered in Lalion iiicludîng nearlv $700 000 in narcoties. I bats up sharpîs fromn the $17375 total recovered îiî 2006. Callers pruvîded 633 tips 10 Crime Stoppers in 2007, clearing 61 cases and leading bo 47 arresîs. Carr noted the programn bas lîelped Halton become une of Canadas safest cumnuniîies of mure thari 100000 resideis. "Moue know we'll coîntinue tu be able tii work with Cnime Stoppers aîîd Haltun Regional Police to continue to make sure our communits is sale," he said. "Cnime affect-, the tommunitv une wav or another and its something ose must aIl be vigîlani about." Carr saîd technology is cbanging, with poten- tial tipsters now able tu take pîctures on telI- phones. He added that Interniet tnime and marijuansa grov bhuses aie rnutb more comnitîn thaiî ss'ieîî the Crime Stoppers program started 20 e irs ao business E A R H tht Mor Cash Fow Poblems considers ilseif immuntne to the itself immune to business."1 Derby Brown Delinquent Txes PqPADDON+ YORKE INC. 225 Main Street East (Ma laite Ont 'SPECIAL & 5ikrorhc i1 .25 ier LI ORMANN PF AL OICAMPION MARKING A MILESTONE: From left, Halton Regional Police Chief Gary Crowvell, Det. Gary Gold and Crime Stoppers International President Gary Murphy commemorate the 20th anniversary. [Things have thanged and wu niced t0 contin- uc 10 improve,' raid Carr. Only by' coing that can we continue tb bc suctessfii" The co-ordinator of Halton Crime Stoppers, Dct. Gary Gold, said there are plans to take tips via text messaging and a promotional video will soon be unveiled to enlhance the schlool program. -Wc have moved int the computer and high teth world and are mnaking use of ever, commnu- nication tout that is now available to us," said Gold & are going to nmake full use of websites and the commiunicaion pathwax s now corniflon- ls used hv a grows'ng number of people, încluding s tudents. lialion Police Cu het(ais C rosocll said tic pro- see PROGRAM on page Ali5 START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Loss of Job or L.ooed Ont Repossessions Wage Garnishmentt Evictions Jcdgemeots, Law Suits Student Loan Forecloîcres Divorce Reoîed Finînciol Problemi Ban krupit v 'an bc aooidr'd. (<all r ,r'i) argejr rinitaltoniaiont! RYpi ti ent e 8375-08gs11 lain & Martin SI.) Milton A beller solution! t Specializing in British Style Fish &t Chips Sek& Kidney or Oinion Pie with Gravy & Chips à aggis Pudding & Chips *Black Pudding & Chips - Scotch Pie & Chips # Mealie Pudding & Chips II Gloucester Sausage & Chips II Befast Pastie & Chips Dinin ake-un-t -, ne-n - Tak -rt Dinein SPECIAL iSPECIAL iSPECIAL ,SPECIAL -SPECIAL IA.dic ,,i iidck &. hrcoircrOadJk&o,h-i, Oados&,..,Oarh-, . ,, 1, ,lhc oCip, Mhid c.ecn- iocihIp,, M.hd o, citcie luaid .,k, c o f ChI sic ,d I Si.E.MÎto 05-É7-123 HM SAr The Canadian Champion, Frday, January 25, 2008 -Al Cocaine case back in court tutu i ltsIiiciitli Brampton resîdleni Avtar Sandhti, 3(), msas ubarged wi possession of cotaîne for the pîîî pose iof tralficking alter bis trutc was pulIccl 0511iin I ubi oii s2007 a ainjamesSnos lai koas aîîciI lov. 401. lis, alleged more iban 200 kg of t lu Il îîîakc lits leN ll ~j 1 aîîce luesday I-eh. 5. Thle return date svas set ,Ianuary C ouitt beard ibai Sandhu's case os ili bu biandied os ur t a neso lawyer site 1the lawyci ver originally retained lbas suf- lered twIssusrokes and is unable to cuntinue. Grand Prize Draw Thursdays at 9:O5pm Must be in attendance 10 Win. Mui0e1 a s of a e der aO sg emi-rse o lo - e00- ai3e-may0eor etaeei o ochs ncssr o mly rig OCis opntoGSoteat s rkat Mhw Rctaskn Tus Gormil roi a ndPieDay.espaea :5m vr hrd at Mohawk Racewack pr«erA*

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