Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jan 2008, p. 8

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A8-The Canadian Champion, Wednesday January 2, 2007 qKAWRT1NTT 487 Laurer.Ire (905) 878-2881 www.kurensflow Gross a Down Syndrome success story Young man leadsfull life despite limitations By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Evrvclay jusi afbei 8 a.tix., 2 1 -yeai- uld jxîxalxaîx Gi uss lxads uttol work. Sure, sutnetiiecIe'd raîber Ixe plax îîg gl, lxii ai thxe enxd outhie day bu kuuwvs the value (xf a oh vvell duxe. Jonxathaixas [tc Duvix ixcnruixte.Buit tbît duc-t ii ucan ie xcc ani bavecincaniiifui utxlxiîîi\\ lxx sixhouIil Y ut thxe îx,î-.isix nioixiixc.luixalixaixbas becix lxldtug dcs itcc o jos leccwk fILi- lunte ai lou0x1a10a1ix luuîxg pau kagitxg anxd ascixbi sotk. as \cccli as Fucciay ai ici iîuuixs a i aitis Ruiiusc. 11lx dxc ci , nu d sutiîtuxclixe xcou k lu I cpait dlivut otguuu In iex utc' - ai îixrcc arca golf coci ses, a job thiat igtIxIuI)lxcegolf enttîuciasi s ailuxý Hecs a Iard cx utkcî. andlixts davs ai cixt speutltuchxdiffeicixtix fliuxxauxv uithevu\iix1g mn findixg bis place afici luac'tug thxe scbuxol balls bubtud - wcxtcbluiaiban ix lc lî itue. its uci as bis Iaretuxs, Rux anxd Sîxatix tink îî should bb. lits (cvoik) er' tixportattfut bicscli- esîeîxxi, Roix saîdaddtug. \' e rixîcasuci anxd îroucl ut bixxý lnispiring siorx The Groxsses aruecxcii acvare tiai Jounax îc a succuss sîory of sorts, particularl\ as lies made bis wav ' tthebuwurking wxrld. Aixd they're mxore iban bappy lu share bis scxrx' if ixxueans gîxing bopu îuoîbuhr parunts - puc- sblv new parurits - comîng lu îurms witb their cbild bacing Dow,ýn Syndrome. "its a good lifu for Ailof us," Roîx caid csibuuiqualms. Sumu of Jonaîbans acbîux'uînus caîx bu a îîrîbuîud lu îwo key urganizatioxts - Communiiy Liing Nortb Halion (CLNH). wbicb us Horizon Packaging, and tbu Halton Doxvn Syndromxu Association. - Honizon Packagîîng is jusi oixe01uthebusîp- ports and programis CLNH îxîakucs avaîlahie îu cildren aud aduîts vttb special needc. Jouaibaîx guis a paycbeucand cuixpa- nies ibai coitraci oui jobs ccxlix Horizon gel good scot k ai fait prices "Txex' (Hurizoîx)tmarage to guar thxe xc ork lu eacb pcrcotxs tucltx'duai skîlls,-Run satd. lonaitan saxtclibe bas lois ut frtutxds ai Ii'i:ctu anxd ibat bc ctjxclits Iluxe sîxclix cxutkng there. rCRAûHAtvlPA NE/CANAD'A'. HV'C! PROUD PARENTS: Sharon and Ron Gross are certainiy proud of their son Jonathan, who holds down two jobs despite having Down Syndrome He sucurud bis jobs ai Matis and Horizon tbanks îu co-op placements wbîle ai E.C. Drurv. Laiulx; Jonathan bas buen takîng advan- tage of a nuw prugram offurud ai Horizon tbat allowxs hbîm to contnue bis uduaîion uvury Munday morutng. Rîgbî now bus cxring lu improvu bis math and reading skiffs. Peuple witb Down Syndromne luaru ai a sluxvur pacu. but îbev du luamn," Ron saîd. Sbaron added Jonatban can ufien bu fouud iîeadîîg ibthew,\spapur ai biueakfasi. As for thbu Haltun Duxc i Syndrome Assciation. its ic tplv alcx ,avc been iburu for the Grosses. pruvtdtug support and resuurces. TlIR parent-riu. uun-ptuofii associatin offers social exeuts fut- pareunis aixd cîxtîdruix. a speecbharid lanuage prugri aux.rugulat îxai euis txuiusandclixore. Thbu Grosses foutd tlxixciveý's becutxxtg tuxoîx ud x\-ith the support group schrtîx after Jonathan was honm. The early cbîld intervention program was vitaI in Jonathans formative vears, bis mom said, proxiding pbvstcal and inîcîlectual stimulation. its tbe Gross familys normalcy thats per- haps whaî's most notable, and wbat can pro- vide tbe best examplu for [amibies struggling under sîmilar ctrcumstances. Tbev don't bide tbe faut tberu are big chal- lenges wben it cornes lu dealiug witb Down Syndrome - Jonathan bad lu bave huart surgeix wben he was 15 - but neithur do tbux make anc aîîeinpt î bide ibeir luve and pridu xx en tbcx speak ofJouathan and cvbaî bc cunbutes tu tbe fatxxtly The Grosses empbasîzu tbex've îruatud Jonathan the samne as tbeîr txco daugbtcrs - recjutnng chores and goud bubax-tour. nu excuses. Grucc tng uip, Jonatban bad a paper route tbat ttxsilled in bon ci arIs un tbe value uf bunest cvrk. Su ever sîncu bu scas voung, bus been working," Sharon said. Tbese days, peuple are more understand- îng ofjonatbans dîfferunces tban in tbe past. Mucb of that is due to the public sueing peu- ple cib Down Syndrome out and about. "Tbey're in tbe communtty, not jusi sboved into institutions," Sharon said. But theres still more ground to cuver wbun it cornes tu accuptancu, Ron saîd, addîng bu encourages peuple wtib questions to coîce tbemn ratbur iban lu go alung mîsîn- formed. Talk tu us. Ask mu:" bu saîd. -Don't tbînk uof a purcuns diffurunces as maktng tbeiri fesser.- For more infonxmaton about the Haltun Duxvn Synidrume Assucitioun or Cummu nîx' Living rNorth Halton, vîsît cvww.baltun- duwnrsx'ndrutxx.cum uor wc\vcclub unca. Stepltailtc Hotiscliliiai bc 'i ccîdicd ut s tli i st-Ci'i~ iltilxcati djiatci ltli -ii ui W§COGECO Cogeco Cable Channel 14 5c4474X4 H A UC)N-SJ Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 i-

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