A4 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday January 2, 2008 $1 55,658 - wow!. ihil 0Ma o ions ov-'r the final f ew days bel ote Christmnas, the Milton Salvation Arnys holiday funcraising dr ive topped out at $15565868. Although it was the fir',t im-enin at least five years the fond [ell short of ots target, the fate flood of donations pushed the total miuch closer to us $1 70,000 goal than organizers could have expected a couple of weeks ago. Ketife tontributions were op sgnif- icantly irons 2006, sshich lped offset the crastit drop of \valk mn donations. "At the end of ihe day Milton is a ver> generous comînniuty, 50we re gratelul for that,- said Sals ation Arniy Khi C oninonity captain Debra Blackman, who oversaw the holiday' fundraising drive. -So muany people voluntectiiig on the C brîstusas ketiles or the hondreds of indivîduals and orgafizations that donate to the cam- paign. Thank you foi showing your eoncern andscare for those iii need in so many ways throcigh your partîner- ship with US. Bfaekmnan offeied a spettaf thaniks to the donaied usse andl services of Gaflînget IFortf, Discountt C ar and Truck ReniaI and the Stor-age Spot, as welf as tb the Fîfth \heef for ittcanut al chat ils' trkey dcfmnei. Along with lhelping ensute aIl local famisihes have a nîce holiday complete witfs dinnet and pi esents for the kids, rnoney' raised wîll go îoward keeping the food banil and famnil>' servýices operating tn 2008. Ask M r 6I ADm I Ad i crtc C FpeC p9 / v E! GRAHAM PAINE/ CANADIAN CHAMPION OFFICIALLY OPEN: Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh and his wife Sandy cut the ribbon 10 off icially open the MPP's newv constituency office on Mill Street, Joining them are Haton Regionai Police Supt. Signy Pitman, wvho com- mands 12 Division in Milton, Mayor Gord Krantz, Rosa Martins of the Milton Chamber of Commerce and Haton Deputy Police Chief Andrew Fletcher. Samurai sword case put over as accused obtaining Iawyer A Mil ton womnan accused of going on a rement rampage wîth a sainurai sword wîll reîorn bo court via sideo c onnecîlon i hurscfay Steeles A\venue resident Richecle MacDonald, 21, appearecl ai Ontario C ouirt of jucstice i, \llon hciscfay isol ning hx svay ofsidco leo s he tIse nesclaidae vas sel. 'Mac Donald bold the coutt fromn the Vanier women's corret- tional centre, where she's beîng helcl, that she's in the process tsf ohtaining a lawy'er. MacDonald has heen charged with isvo eounîs each of assautt wîîh a weapon, aggravated assacîlt and mnischief to property as sselI as possession of a wecapon. The charges are in connec- lion ssith an incident December 2 in which a 26-year-old man was slashed hy his sword-wield- ing girlfriend. Moments later, part-time lire- fîghter Steve Reynolds, 42, was scrioosly îinjured with the sword sshen hie tried to restratn a woinan at the Petrcs Canada sta- tion at Steeles Avenue and Mairtin Street. Manchisi Joins Power Team Leaders on Expert Panel at NAR Expo Written by Pam Ivey Top Producing Milton agent Domenic Manchisi uses the Facb FlII, over 25,000 real estate professionals and guesîs team approach to his booming Milton based real estate busi- gather at the aisouaf REALI'DRS® Confercrice & Expo to ness and sees the results. teami about industry trends, ncw tech Manichisi, a broker from Prudential înlogy and innovative produers and Town Centre Reaty in Milton, Ontario services. Special serninars and educa- reeeîlyoind nherindstr leder intion sessions provide REALTORS®È Naetl oie trinaulRea ers iatewiîh tht know-how îhev need to better Las Vegas at the ainlRa ae serve tbeir cornmunity. Conference and Expo speaking to, approximnaîely 600 Realiors about 1;. Manehisis theory is thai by aîlosving forming and managing championsbip peoplet ii work within their srrengrhs power îeams. ln attendante on the you build a teami of specialisis ihat pro- panie1 iîh Manchisi were Brandon vides the ultimiatn cusionier service. Fairbanks of Moitecino and Associares Also witb great systcins in placc yoci Real Fstate in Calitornia, Chip cao tcîiese thte pressuires of buving and Neumanin, featurcd iin Pat /aby's real seîîing by keepiiîg pour clients estate book, profiles io fiop Producers inlornied sith tht proctss. and atiner nf Ncumann Real sae Accordiisg to tht National Association adWyeTre h' elestate ofteatr h ciag eîo od1 an Tan urner sal os caîo elosteaerg elo o 11 Tune Ral1 tte( yman transactions iii 2006î. "This is svhý I wil close 200 sides in 200-1. ' itt the need to prinide inputiin, tht Assembîed oacd roderatud b>' RIS tupc(iiiig t, Posvcr 'Ieaiis book", Media Pîibîisher of RealI Fstate Doinenit said. 'llise book sholcîhit Magazine, this pariecîs aim svas to \vaîk tht stores in Februaty of 2008. Rc,,îItors thruht proeess ofreating Manchisi fecîs by helping and sharing a rbron, iug opc such as: wîth realtors at a great confereiice like idciîti§ying and mnasiering tht att of delegaiing, providing the ibis one, i can niake buying and seîing a better experience trainiing and technologies that resus nitushers need to be suc- for the consumer. Domenic a.nd bis teain are currently ccssfui and compensainig team - ruxembers to keep -theus on ranked- number two -in Ontario- with Prudenriaf -Real Lsate ,rack. and number 3 in Canada. Local residents invited to comment on Town's community services plan Mîltonians wsshing to have their say on the Towris Ccsisiunily Services Master Plais still hsave time to do so. Commneiss on tIse plan - ont of'ses'en under the Destin>' Milton 2 umibrella - tan bc suhmîtted on-lîîse until january fsast year, the plain wîll serve as a long-range planning tool to guide tht Coinuunit>' Services Departîseisis annual petoni- îles and objectives. "Tht coîssnistv services plan is a collective sision for 1arks, facltîts, reereaîicsn aîsd culture ns thet lcwsscof Miltonî," said Director of Coiisunity Services jennifer Reynolds. Vs'e siI1 Ibase cîcliloisg-range ss'oik îplanss ciidelix'- ering tise services ansd prcsgrains lcxsktd fosr sy tIse ccsinisni- tys' as ciitlintcl nistIse plai.' TIse iasier plans will piovade cdirect ion fcor dtcisius i sak- îîsg, Isolicy cîseloîsiietsandI capitial msestient foi- Miltins f uiti . Addtcl Mayor GuorclKraîstz, litai îîg eeclîacl fins is cdents oin osasti planss is ani ispoiîaîst sarti of itse Dcstiisy7 Miltonis2 Irucess. Conosoisinpulîst Il eîsscîe theTotwin c ontiinus t ii ios icletIse iigîistri ces ai itse iigîs ise aisd is tIse iigi s'a TIse cirait Cocisninity Serv'ices Mastel Plais is asaîlable oni tIse i-cîwî's wehsite ai wswm.riltcin.ca, and cals alsus' e msade asaîlable in hardcopy [omsi, usois requesi, b>' contacting Recreatiosi Services Senior Maîsager lis> Anderson at (905) 878-7252, ext. 2604. Feedback cari, bc made via tIse commenti brus on the aforeînentioned website or hy fax, misal or e-mail as noted in the document materials. -j Mobil 1 synthetic oil available at additional cost