The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 2, 2008 - A3 SKrantz's '08 wish: Iower tax increase MICHAEL IVANîN / SPEC9AL TO THE CHEAMPICU OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Owner Rita Hollis and Mayor Gord Kaniz cul the rtbbon to mark the recent opening cf Milon Shoes and Leather Centre as town councîllor (.reg Nelson looks on. The store is ocated in Carniage Square on Main Streel InstaflThe real gi Smoke you'II spe Alarms - It's The Law. on the year ahead By Melanie Cummings SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION \,Visbces versuts c\p)cctatious,. I-su tIse s cal abicad May or Gord Ki ani bias itenms lited unclet botb categorles. lu keepiug\n itb a (lo trpotnadi- tion, its unIs ttng tîtat tbe mtitanWbo was boi n raisecl and edutcaiecl iii \/ilton - atnc thiet weiii ou to beconse its longest serx'lng nsayor- gis e îead- crs bis svell-boned politicai insights. Fii st electecl b cotinc il lu 1965 and protnoted to nsayoi by ibe electorate in 1980, Krantz bias a 27-s car perspec tise to lean on. Beclow lise foretelîs Milions probable fuiture, and ias potentiat one, too, wiib tînabasbed lothîrigbîness. -I-beies«, a dittereice lbetwecn xs'aî I wnt utlusecand n bat I beliex e sx'll bals peu. tlic sad. As part ofthIie ,reaicr [oronto Aiea. Milton bas been tbe bob ot a lot of induistrial and c ommnercial actlvltsi Krantz doesni expedî 'mucb dlown- turu" to occir i 2008 and foi the mosi part Milton will -bold itheinnitbese tW'is areas. \Vîtb signaIs of a 5lumiisthse antis sc îîr alreadv uti play, tbe sîreigtbeiied Canadian dosllar aînd increased conspe- tîllîsu trirU . S.inantîtaclurers wîll contribute tîs tbe econosnic sirugglcs abead fisc local autis suppîs comparuîes. IItîspe tIse impac t isîs t tottisr ift is the tirne nd together. buti sîseer locatiosulsas and Wtt cl't ii- îîîsctii bode svell tîsr tbe lown. \earc aircacl isnstIse drawnîg boartd liii acditiottal industrial atnd coi.osnsetclalassessieltl- uavîse nts as îssîcb as we'e b ad coisseour nxas ni 2006 and 2007 but stlîbe tax Pots1 troînt tese sourlces nîlI go is sgler,-saîct Ki aîtz. Miltosnî bad aîsssîg tbe lon'csî busi- nsess Iseusîerts tax rates lasi year at 2.3 ler cent toi commtrcletaIcserprîses and a 3. pser cent lax levv on industrial Iscîîerties. But gron'tb brîîsgs cballensges too, esîsecîally over tbe isext decade wben tIse region is expected lis abîde by tbe Ontario governuents 'Places tus Grow' plaîn. lîs legîslation tbaî was 1sssed in 2005s and dît tates îbat 1-lalton regiuîn wîll grow iii aplsroxi-nsatety 780,000 peosple be 2031. an almsîst 68 per cent increase lions ibe Cet lpospulation of approixmatels' 440,000. Sucb gron il tbougb s estimted tîs carry an $8.6 bil- lin price tag tîs cuver necessary infra- structure ctssts. lu reacuion, I-alion cîsuncîl created tbe 'Fairness for Halton' canspaign, cati- Onf local pu s.îlstuc i sucb as bospitals, schoots, additional police, courts andl bigbnay's -l wear tw o bats as mayor anhl as regional counicillor and iin this respect, ['ni equally coi. ernied about the impacts Places toi (o0W n ii bav e on otber i nsunc il ltues. "said Krantz. [les adamant about tbe biggest itemi on bis wisbi list loi 2008. Krantz does- u't want to repeat tbe 6.6 per cent tax bike local towsn c otincillois iecently passed ini its inal budget figures. -l dîdn t support tbat mucb of' a bike," said Krantz. -l would prefer to keep it ai tbe rate of inflation, ai tbree to tour per cent. Doubling tbe rate of inflation is flot okay wvtî me." While politicians typîcatly bave dîf- ficulty saying 'no' to constituent dernands and pleas for funding, a tes- son in separating wants frons needs is in order for tbe next rouind of budget talks. Even witb a 6.6 per cent bike abeacl, it unIe means tbe saine level of -rea- sonably good- service for residents. fTbe increase doesn't corne with any major improvements, added Krantz. BOXrnsW., BLOWOOTI* 200 Tim Horions invites you to enîoy some orne wiîh your family and friends and skate for free ai your local arena.lits our way of saying îhank you and happy holidlays. Visiî your local Mlon Tim Horions for a schedute of ice ornes and locations. e*0117o.ther wth You, Makng Good lbings Happen. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smQ)ke alarms. Instali them in your home or cottage today! î mýl Ulm, Entire In-Store Stock! BUTTERICK PATTERNS 3.49 en. 1 rOff., alhd January 2-6. 2008. on in-stock patterns only. Not valid with any other discounts. Held over to Jan.6108, excluding promotional merchandise & special purchases. Details in-store, 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878mO931