12 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday January 02, 2008 4 -~ - ,- L'W..~ ~LWk~J M M ~ A, * e eIndex: Real Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 ____________________________________________ *Rentais 170-196* Leisure 200-239* Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@m i toncanadianchamp ion Com Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fr. 9am-5pm BONUS! Al classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com.* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION call: 905-878-5947 Ad sabmîssiun by mail us in pesuss The Casadiani Champon, 555 Indasisiai Drive. Sîde oas, 2nid Pour, Milon, ON LOT 567 Dadilea: Mssn.11 a.m., tor Taes. publication, Thars, il ama lasrPi. publicato paa ets oia edle may varp. Paymeot: 85e accept cash, cheque, lnterac, Visa, MasterCasa, Amesîcan Espress. Al ada placed are nan-rotoodable andnon credil will be issoed. Business acaonts cas he spened wth an appraved asedît applicatian availabie lsam yaar Sales Cansaltant. CHECK VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta ensuse the intormatian is correct. osntactlpuas Sales Canssltant wthîn 24-Hoars tf as errol appears. An ersss in a Fn .publication mass be repssted ns laies ICan Mon.11am If you were a special someone bomn in 2007 (or Dec. '06) and your birth announcement appeared in The Canadian Champion... THEN GET VOUR PARENTS OR GRANDPARENTS TO DROP OFF OR EMAIL AN UPDATED PICTURE BY JANUARY 4TH, 2008 FOR OUR Please include cbild's naine, birtbday & contac nuniber. For mmî informaton please comtc. Z!IMe(&iîabian QIbamnpion 555 IndustrialDrive *905-878-2341 c1assffied@mitoncanadiaflchampiofl.com DpnHiss a Foessio fia 1 Apariments & parimensA DietFiats For Reni M Fiais For Rent ERASE Yoor Crmirai ACTON APARTMENTS DOWNTOWN MILTON OPEN HOUSE Record. We succeed ery ieae. quiet bulding MiisideTowers 602 Eliott Crescevi, where sur corrpelitior irO aundry asiity on sire. 82 Miliside Drive. Milton. ca'i me gise Ires cor- 2 1-drms avaiabie Sec Atracive quet buiin5g. Suvday Jan. , 2008 soiraros. Sur sosi cvstist & Jar rsr Very spa- 5pacous rgSs svar 10 am-2pm $475 Appiy anlrise CcsSOper 7 da/is &5 152 edroom critss is Raised bungalow loa- mwwwgovrnernai ecenings. aume day ap- auedry aciiirp and ed rn scughi aSer Dorset dovsca Cais Robyn 1s8sas provcli Caii 1-519-853- social room vs sie, Park Hardood mlors 298-5520 4374 wmm reasiarsa Regciar resdenteeers hrougo50ithe main lvo Open 7 days el, randrie kithen& eveives ei, ~ ~ I brr eikrhe ogge, CENTRAL Campbeiiviiie Cali 905-876-1249 wit nw ppiace m0 lo Qie area Separase bid- This properia suts or a - îrsig, sashevor aparrmers for wsva.reaIsrar.ca large loi meascrirg 5/r"x $SC ONSOLI DATE orngie proiessiorai. 157ý mstse,, o $$ b v reir, ro/ mort- s7aairise vhydro. Sefer- 2-BEDROOM aparrmert ageers p/rase, Forinr gage arrears. se/5 em- erçesicredis scieck. No frrn nRcwo quises pease Coli p/vyed saa Morgages, petso pîeeried 88es5o4- Aaiable îmmedîateip, 90516899 167 2 z7. 575/morss pics cîiies. 1 dont paylyr rogra! OnCa/i Bob ai r 90v esa- lasso-Wde Fîrasciai Cor- aa97 Reererces regored E e1Business praior 1-888-307-779 MILTON 3-bedroom apaîs- SFridge/soe, par/ira.mert. 0900/monO irc I:V -upspinreuSiti.S$5 255/mls+ o olsisîes. sice. Frsi and last. Jaraar- JOB as hoen $48760 Avoulable Jarouary 'S I s. Ca/i 518-893-3882. Wee/riy. Assemble Prod- 905-854-1 E'13 cals, Mail or Compater r,__________ Work Free Serai/s MLO ag -ero www.TopJobRview.com I ILOrlrg -bdro wrle Cii8Jobs:372 Ri- 1 apartmesr, 5940/mIs s- doaua S, 918-ArC Ottawa c/odes 5 appiarces, 2 car 171-880-351- o parkings, asadu ble îmmed/ * ON, KIN l72 4 amisy. 905-887-63915. 1 cal 0.88234 CiMerprmnt & GEORGETOWN. Oseso- ie r Oearcom Sasemers oparimers ioi Febicaiy l105 Srparaie enirarso cas irepiace sCored acndiy. frsl a l o neparin sties Splus l spOC w,1 àleS, v/C net Crii quini N o smol45 180 79290 MAILN l3 bSeoiom 1crt 5 app acs HAp- da1 Ma0/nIla ea La/resn MAKILN, maloedsem/ sur hosm/er 5 chose hlme date m5 Fel as a 4 OLDM reMs a MeIeTece, mae femal CARPmoerToI hae hsea 1,00 yards os rati 4a6 pe W/ dvlivig s m peani, yad O rlai/and 3 yafrdnsl Olsee, 95 83 sOpsOCorS a/i 1 MORPT 1 h Sae rare 1,007 mords mia/ioplîvSt adser 5h55ylrn r-e set cia.d liiegeaiard haifr $Nem, nle/ ali Coord$8900 esî s95-633 HO Tab Spa d Nea 10/a rie A/ aessoraiesA Ccci 5/r olo0. 5/iCll 1a 866-58-005Dww.0e le HOTiTebenS1a- cmaBdols $4o2 5,$3l 00-Ca/i1777 0780410 3sece almes WAet, DSofp îovs ar d mhair2sîNeinpstric.a eOLecTrabslaBrand aNedi stlrineoab/y prWod lSia, Ai A853so1817 Ya Sal s e Yrdae- BU E ONWO'OK Fn XiayN ary4tStAm LEOa -6Op Saturday January 5th from 10:00am - 4:00pm ll998Winston Churchill Boulevard 1112 miles north of Maylield RoadIl 7th Sideroad Georgetown. Ontario 905-873-0929 New ResadTo Finish Handcralred Furnîture and Naselties Blanker Bases. Cuilt Racks. Dressera Armoire. Nighr Tahies Oaueen Bed. Wardrabes, Deacan Berches, Corner Cabiners. Plart Srands, Book- cases, Dry Sink. Safa Tables, Callee and End Tables, Jelly Cabinets, Pastry, Hatch and Baffets, Dressing Vaniry, Caria Cabinets. Wine Tables, Wine Racks, TV/DVD Cabiset, Hasseat Tables China Cabinets, Micrawase Stands, Mirrars, Hall Coat Racks, Magazine Racks, Lettes Racks, Magazine Tables and mach, mach mare. Brîng a TRUCK and take it wlth yaa! 25% aff Castom Orders SHOWROOM HOURS Msnday - Satasday t0:00 am - 6.00 pm & Humng l-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1- ~ ~ Jf 877-586-5896 Samne day junk remnovai service Ž,r Senior discount. Cali & get it dons!r r I.9ri j cet Cleaning oeil-? SANTOS Carpes Cares. i1 Great services. Great rases atisfaction guaran- n teed. Special 7.50/rssm 905-821-8411 LIIIIIer îTrning 1-1IIerrTrining le use eob.. F7RhFREEpressionaV Empoyment Counseling and Career Assessments Coli in Oakville and Burlington: 905-333-3499, ext. 104 Col in Milton and Georgetown: 905-702-7311, fut. 101 or 1 -866-260- 1175, ext. 101 www.thecentre.on.ca UEP.O501NThis Errryint Ontirio yeogrnrrrIs OTROfavnddinpaee bythe ovrrmnvt anad. ,Cé>The Centre i ilsDebSonefnm* flahahsg ------------- = 1 EARLY, Ruth - Poacylally wsth hes lamsly oy her sîde dl Milton District Hospital on Wedcesday, Dycembes 26, 2007. Rath Early înee Buck), mach lnved wile ofIthe laie Carl Easly. lavîsg moiher oI CarIa Darnan (Grog Ourson) and Cyndy Wilkinson, wonderlul mother-in-law oI Cyndy's husbacd Dav/d; dear grand- moihes of Elizabeth Darnan (Jason Cockhurn) and Patick Damasn (Jess Alexander). Rathh a predeceased by her parents, Margaret and Stanley Back of Milton and sîsier Donelda Neelands. Dean usies-în-law oI Joanne Early. Special auni t0 many nîeces and nephews la the Early, Neelando and Lush lamilies. Cherished lniend and neighbour oI Sandy Martin. Cremaion arrangementu were made ihrough the J. Scoit Early Funerai Home, 21 James Si., Milton (905) 878-2669. A memorîvl service was held on Saiarday December 29, 2007 ai SI. Davild' Preubytenian Church la Campbellvillo. As expressiona oI sympaihy, donations may be made 10 the Milton District Hospital or the chariiy aI your choice. The family would like f0 thank aillthe caring nurseu and doclors ut Milton District Hospital. A special ihank you 10 Dr. Bremermann, Dr. Malek and Dr. Robinson. ~ar fThanks ar fhanks 1 ie fbonils cr ie iscse Richard Murray octroI ieir tCCpsO5rciiOsio cial shîrsewmise lilstreJ oitls us resesîstross. Ycorkind mords ar csosrsesssrîrcsoît oinspatis pvesse cc h ciitrctr. I lirrîk 9-iristir 5-hes »Ciihclm auJ ail os unisý RoaiiiCs Oursi coîrhelpcJ raLe il herrîrablutIf srv/se. lI cittKessie-Koîsher $ sirersI 17 iis/s rs sirs ari og cttenon ii 5 îsiakiscg Cuisa susie csy ois 1rr ,. 0 c e raIs- gîraiCflu t i .11rot i cii asîscclo icesdos ad cci csiiccsc rs a N il tON HYDROfrr rîsir kissdicesr nid siiisupor cîsf osi s h s îsissune ad is caraJ o, tiers, cdonationîss, f/odîîct oss rlcs rî çoni iic sC icirl tsensc il tth ise itlOiîon arsd MassCservice gave orsisci iris in kstosiiig Ricîvossîs lifet ouciiiislsisl ii uîsc and I mîtI lie COe rsîbered hl o vel . ArileWanted BEST Cash$ Paid- Ail ITUDli Jewaiier, GoldOSiler, - Dumrondo ChouaCrgrs - tei, Sileer, Figurines, Hv o mnm Royal Doulton, Swarov- Hv ~lr ien. ski, Ail antique lurnish- Clasid w bs ni ings, Art, Colleetiblea, etc. Estute Speciaiats, ewe( Top Cash. Caîl John/ nkmmâmhalpeem Tracy 900-331-2477 ýl, nt d ly S. 4- rt- u- ýry