A20 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September lt -1,2007 Solid debut for lawn bowling Boys caDitalize on luckv break men's trio Ilat -novice pr ovincials to turn tables on Mississauga \ Mxi -i 11 1 U t l - -1 t 11 ý tîuships titis pasi sweekend, but ai leasI ithes ditii tend i up siulî-sýs Ktckiitg ohit i itoip to '- iluai -,(lci Ile Nol-Ili t it ci -kîppcd liicali ss t\\ tiittitt10111( I ltmssand ltai Dasi ic P- c-ciuiuipc-iittiî ti Rober-ti BittictIl 3 tt ica ut.t î îii. Me cpriuoc h ai i idllitMaigImIe Ileî ssas uiliituit. -a ýid t(ouùlit Minor Bantam Girls iborn in 1995f Major Banam Boys (bom in 19N4) Se-: 'S 'Toest' C-s;- LaRose talian Bakery A Country Mile Leisure Centre lvy Arms Canadian Tire Subway Swiss Chalet Just4You IDA Milton Chamber of Commerme h iitiîll tit s i i sitiii 111 t',t1 t- lits pImits oiliietandl lîtitii i ptit.1 liii 'l- ii end li ii i Il i tic utti 'ti ltlieIlt ai L i 22- Io t i t catît- \îîs IIIIIi cxciasstnd slit stp ii lpeliivss tlýtl lsig i openi O o III) II) \1 1Il ( Major Midget Girls (bomiin 1992) JuvenhlNUunr Boys (borri n 19891990) 4&Pv PrVo Oh Hatton Hilîs Fine Jewellery on Main Gearhead Hearing for Life Royal LePage Prudential Rejllax Milton Computer 1 .11 iîti il SI, titi lt 'I 111 I11 tînt goaltri n hit-cuprcv<tv i cague t up iitoits -camne Uip with a litge- streici sas-e iu il iiijafi i uan Bii i't tiiiit* t(i-ti m t i i i ro t ith i.t t tti -' of 1 li liii evvyd iiian(hotit iairocti stili miciteici that included Kx le Iterreira and Yuma Isuboi. îîttlhil) squad wercu jurt(]piay- (crs Kylt- Lynch and Kevin Miltoti tdgt- i )xit -1 in the t tagia- fup si-iti, which fli iîîvvtd ba(t i bau k 3-0 su s tîtuts tiver f iarksuîiî B andJ Sittintgif 8 it the- South Regitîn Sîccer iagîjtes Premie-r l)ivviitht- tnier I 5 Magît have twîî games letf in regular seastmn play inciuding îîînight s meeting with St. Catharines at Ibotns Sports Park. (mre urne is 8:30 p. m. VolleybaIl tryouts start next week The Burlîngîtîn Blaze girls solîcybal club wiil bie bolding tryottus foîr the upcomtng seascin begînnîng ibis Mîtudax Plas crs 12 iii 18 vears oif age are insîtiti tiM"out. Tes-oui scbedules and registration forms tan be downloaded ai w-\,w.burlingtonblaze.ca. For more information on the club, caîl Andy Nicholson ai (289) 439- 8419. Instal Smoke Alarms Ifs The Law, The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instail them in your home or cottage today! El Electrolux 5855 Terry Fox Way Mississauga END 0F SUMMER TENT SALE ~SATURDAY September 15lh, 2007 9:ooam - 3:OOPm Ail Sales Are Final Only Debit. Visa & Master Card Accepted Includes One Year Functional Repair Only Must Take Product Dav of Event REP BASKEIBAIL TRYOIS Tryoul Costi s $15 AdditionalIniiuires: Contact Brian Schroder M0 691-1675 Milton You th Basketball 420 Main St E/Suite #558 Milton ON L91 5G3 FOCUS*I A MONT1tY PUBLICAT1IN FOCUSING ON TH4E RESIDENVTS OF MILTON & AREA PROOUCE-D BY TH4E CANADIAN CHAMPION Pick Up Your Free Copy Today at one of these locations: op - 0-MM-M nuui na;»Rb " Power Brakes Cruise & Tilt 7 1 " Power Steering e A/C &W PDIÇ " P. Windows/Locks e Only 119.000km QQIVE; CLEAN 1 Choose Experience, Chose Reliabildy, Choose... For the Aw Brnematw Iv BOL-1 à