AlO 8 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Saptembor il, 2007 SPOIRTS :I S iL)i ifOH. bfEVE LeibLANC e-mail j' 18 \THEY'RE A BIG HIT. At le, Alanna Lalîberte beits out a hit and (above) runs the bases in the t-bail * level skills competition during the Milton Girls Basebaîl Associations skills/champ day Saturday At rght, fellow t-baller Abbey Donegan takes a big swing, Overali division skWIs winners wereý Lauren Lamers (t-baIl), Rachel Porenta (pop bal), Jamie Ruthven (rookie bail) and Holly Ruthven Ipeewee). The Shockwaves won the peewee champîonshîp game. GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION Big finish gives Under-1 5 boys League Cup Boys rallyfrom two deficits to daim champîonship S;.euT-H REGcIZ4N By Steve LeBlanc didn't deviare rom our game plan - whrch tsa a-s CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF ton efnpinlrnàtE-*L,,- A-- --% Aý The championship drought is over. Refusing ro corne unraveled after falling behind twîce in the hirst haîf ar Hamilton's Mohawk Park Sunday afternoon, thre Under- 15 Magie boys eventually grounded thre mississauga Falcons 4-2 - giving Milton its firsr League Cup ridle in over a decade, perhaps longer. The Bbandani Dentisrry-sponsored Magic gave Up a goal in the first five minutes of play, and found themselves traiing again at intermission - but maintained their composure each ime. "The guys didn'r push the panic burton. They buuug ucence an i1Lcute-attack - ana unar was the key to our success,- said head coach Louie DiPalma, who took the Under-17 girls ro back-to- back League Cup championship appearances in the lare '90s. It was a great ream effort." Zavvy Brown cemenred the win wirh roughly five minutes ro go, burying a 20-foot blast inro the bottom left corner ro complete a huge passing play with Heeva Sarkarrah and Sanjay Moodie. This came just a few minutes after Richard Monk - rerurning from an ankie injuiy sustained three games earlier - came off the bench ro deliv- er tire game winner. He did so with a nifrv off-the- esee BOYS on page A20 THEIR CUPS RUNNETH OVER: The Magîc celebrate their League Cup tiievctr 2001 SKILLJRILISANO GAMES 2007-208 WEIMSELMUE PROGRAM LOCAflOItIIshop Rsdlng H.S ~REGISTRATION: DATES: fia Y.SClni WeOW ys: 7*0 - 24i1.) 6Go1o Dur wsbsit.; Am 1-le yrshUf/MMeleâzCOM/îitonmadddawgs Dawgeuinle Tuadale 7:00 - 8:80M OeWnbad tihe Reglstration Farm. AM 11-14 yr s.FORMS and FEES TO:- SKILLS, DRILLS & GAMES:,beq4lWIg ta thre end af MitteaYautl, lasketbail 11111111ber (gl a 420 Mthn Si E/Suite #558 HOUSE LEAGUE: Decemnber ta Aprrli (14 weemm ItnONLT 0 COST: Sklits. Dritis & Garnies - $95.00 2.) OR Reistraion Nighi House League - $146.00 Wedgeaday Sept. 12, 7:00-8:00 p.m. ai Bistffl Redlng High Scirool (e la cifed10e70 reliumeats par dIvIsion) .reemd Stonrm d altm noeded> Calt In aemiin . INOUIRES: Cali (M0) sol-lm75(Brian Scirroder) Mltoni Public [lm Lbr New Branch Library Militon Public LrbrarV-s First Brandi Pourir U ne and Hearst Blv-d. Public, C< nsîunitv Consultation Wednesdav. Seprember 197 7 - 8:30) p. (Pr esenrtaùinai 7:30) p.m.) Be a part of dire 1plmiuïrg andi irreet tire ira ZAVS Archirec-ts me. Banquet Roorn Milton Sports Ce 605) Santa MNaria Blvd. <Dem-s Comr Rtfreshxent- ,,mi be 'crud eirrbe-s Iroi ,nerc al) m 1 là MILTON YOUTH BASKETBALL "MADD DAýý'Gsq il 1 t 1) etea m ,, . com - fil l lto fi qq -13 a