M4 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 4, 2007 (À,,. oAu.~ GET DUR BESI PRICES 0F THE SUMMEU ON DUR HOTTESI MODELS. W A Great Opportunity For Ail The Bargain Hunters To __ O1 NOVR20NEW & USER VEHILES MOm URLOTI Grand Cherokes Turbo Diesel 31 MPG Hwy M 7500lbs Capacity Wsl akoYeu A Osai Y, CAN'ýT RElSE.. 2007 Jeep Compass 260 pkg 2AL VVI Enginn. CVI auto tans-ifh I AM/SM/CD/MP3. ai ond.17 ano whenl &l muhSo n St 217552 Purchase ~ 9 r n - m» tf t *1USUflUi M 2007 Jeep )odg Patriot Ltd. 4x4 I26F pkg, A V nie M CVT auto trans., eather seat- ng, p.sunroouf, peu o Stow N Go, oaded w Ut Iuxury, Stk 383856. IOO Purchaso e EO Price... Uau5 08875~ <ie new fiw l0w kms v6auto ai PW POLtitcie any Stk# 213013 2003hodg - - - - - - - 'C-SE e DDE JE-À 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON TLUllif, CANADA *W.), SAMESMTun.[ <1.8477001J #1 SALES TEAM IN CANADA#*rr SmUl in iy UI MNJ mIwm u sa Ooa uBu3 lklom'tu LavhkIy Miii. KUMi Cluulu Lenassae fl oes DA (deieraBuaear and emf:liscoufi& ln ematesaddfor aeeregn am etaes and kunetee (dutnnCarg fehtO C faand 4tau Sffl naoe andilease atesary bymodtuAtCshreots efi Sedaerto futdo OAC tLm a e rems as sun & ridud ai rcentvsandcashnrebâtes DuOalsoging auotO jflpament flt pavrneM. 40uabne ntadmnt fleenn~eas tae ndlceractee 2oo40okannuai mkaaoauano EacesutaoerfloeSpek rdfk aawayëme, SA aamtoetlateuuKg on1< d eenfot exactasu , Baedon Meant007SSI P Rat aqU Grup eedeerode".teftOnsele ian See0eeàffoe0tt Ineres! rae8&999t.,202andt idr ehe npeamedsbaed el 108r. O eIntent yvaywh~ ia O O ad moel ear f n aefiot prnentO Mus çcaW fe sad mm eand Stantee