Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 2007, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 04, 2007 - 23 R etrauraty'loe l Restaurant Georgetown Vlkswage Sales Professionais to serve 0cr expan ding ECUSER F C ? thease ply @htaîom customer base. You are ready for action oand 1-21 O GE? tesuelh reogtown illng a acomodte he ctnesedulsa We are lssktsg for moteafed PARI-TIME Retail Or dro off a resume at wiour t cusommae he ative chedres of Sales Assciates for sur Burflngton location120GulhSreeogtw Volkswagen dealership, oe provide qualdfied candidates a fully cornputerized orlplace, professianail Volkswagenr certtifed tiaining and a conîiprehensiv -nnopenisationi package to ancludes a full benefit plan Please reply in confidence to Mark Hughes: City Parent, a dtvtston of Metroland Media Group Ltd., s seektng an experienced Display Advertising Sales Representative The ideal candidates rell possessaa minimum of 2 years print advertising sales experience, with an impressive new business development record. Agency experience and working knowledge of PMB is an asset. The selected candidate wit I have an entrepreneurial spirit, the ability fo work both as part of a teamn and independently, and wîf f possess excellent organizational skills. We are looking for a self-starter who is highly motvated and has excellent communication akilîs, both written and oral. Previous internet sales expeience an asset. n tfis role, you will be customer focused and will build strong relationships with new clients by ensuring that their advertisinig needs are met. You will be goal-oriented and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets withîn a deadline focused envîroniment. If you would like f0 work for a leader in the media îndastry thts opportsnity may be the right one for you. We offer a competitîve compensation package and benefts as welI as posaibilities for future career growth. If interested please forward your resumne. no later than September 7th. 2007 to; Fax* 905)337-5571 We appreciate th. interest of ai apli- cants hourever on/y those se/ected for an interview wl/I be contacted. No phone cal/s or agendaes pieuse. GRE- ir SALES REPRESENTATIVES Full/Part lime $12.OOIÎ4R + Commission You must have an enthusîasttc and positive attitude as welI as excellent telephone marnners. Prevtous selling experience is an asset, wîlI train the right candfidate. Other opportunities available: Lamn Cure Technictans and Genenal Feld Labourers Emaîl: Fus: 905-631-5136 Phtorte: 905-631-0029ext. 17 5390 Munro Court, Buanin ton L AOIB O Y Are yS in RETAIL SALES now? Are you interestedin a much BETTER retail job? We're aeekîng mature, tafented, esperiencea peo- pie wrtt a background ri seling in a -etaîl emrioti- ment ta beome La-Z-Ooy Sales Protessioxala. We aller a generous Compensation Program, Compans Benefrt Plan. Piofesuonal Tranng. Op- ,%rtunnOes for Adsacement anc a uniaue tO- -ity ta COrS wttiCai-.aas fateur g'owin1g Cgt Quality funiture showrooms- La-Z-boy Fumiture -Lc mrsiave eiabie -rptt escOier: citbai and witter sr,4ic0esîc one pvê- KvOu ai etu- eeretce ur.d a iiext4e scredi-îe tmu yrmPs rtc *ce , A m eKendjo syrvi-e 2evi- -go i-se ravee" osa: 0akvillfi Missiasauga Border, Brampton. Banfington. North Missîs- eauga and Etobicoke eý eauv w appt- Vie ace apvicaticru omtele- -,Y\- celý-24 o;.a a la%-s- ai-miCtWtiie t ?Q5-8-5800 et-e p-onptei- w en ext aer- s-Vo- u dia] 15.. tme àcai *65' w -esrd w Refait Experience & Wtne Knowfedge an Asset Orientation and Trainng are ptoîded Oays, Eoenings and Weekends us requtred. Pleasa drap off your resume at Walkers Place, 3505 Upper Mddle Rd. Or emnail yaur rasumne and caver letter toi- GarftRsOvinepnùdestatewines.cpm or fax 905 643-4515 or mail ta 697 South Service Rd. Grmsby ON L3M 4E8 sisit un af for a location ta appiy in persan. Whle we fhunk ail thoae who upp4i we wlf snly reapond 10 flose under consideratios L_ and ask that no eponse be made bi- phone. TELECOM solutions Provider needs enthusiastic, motiveteit Inside Reps. Position reaponsible for sellingi servicing both ex- stîng andt new clients. Excellent communication, organrizafion andt computer akilîs requireit. An apti- tude fortfechniology, eagernesu lx learn ix a must. Missauga, Forward resumes to: Reai als î p i Saes Hep Retaîî soriras 50055sore Iaaking tor par-time, as sel- as permanent ai tenpvi-ary ftirime retaîl sales heip Cu ramer service salonsîýdspiay shtpping receîv-ng etc RetaiL sports expenei-ie an asuet bu ot asit Resurnesicowr, ëers. scsfiseryasive cai Oi- iti-p O to Enzorre Seorts Excnane 68 Mai- Stet.NorOrGeongeawn. 0ON L70 H FPHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC Mifton Physiotheraoy Assistants fo pin our growîng team Of healtf professionals. Fax resume ta 905-878-4432 or E-mail: I Vîsît us online. NOW HRNG Al Positi ns dayînînhl for 2 locations IThompson Rd - A&P Plaza, DerryOntariof Food/Subway espenience pref COFFEE CULTURE CAFE & EATERY Openrng soan in Mlton. F/T & P/T availabte. Send resumnes ta: coffeec@ SAW-WHET Golf Course NOW hlfng! Lookîng for Serversi- kifohen staff, Maint staff FT7 PT for fal Bring resume taý Clubhouse, 1401 Bronte Rd., Call 905-827-7750 Fax 905-827-836 *Garden Iîni OAK VILLE Requires FIT Guest Service Agent Avail.ASAp Fax resumne ta: 905-829-4690 Attn: Tasha Enail tashtvrees0 avaifable aI Upopuladowtown SMlifon restaurant Cal 0-75-3 Fan: 905-875-3051 WOR - W. are acceptng applications for the following: Full/Part lime *SERVERS' Expenienced - LINE COOKS. apply ie pernn BACKPORCH Emmas Backporch 2084 Old Lakeshare Rd. Burington The Frehaf f Hîrng " Une Cocha " Waft Staff " Hostesse *DWashers dougdOtheflrexeca NOWHIRING COOKS. SERVERS ami BARTENDERS ;hAi rn, Ce 416-831-0677 0, a vês-miec 905-702-8824 rv~-w~w -wrsnc# _____ LL~ MILTON MASSIVE GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 8, 2007 8am - lpm 1138 Charlton Way facross froro Galaxyf Household items large ond smatI, lurnitere, books & sa much moret Dont miss ouf! MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 8, 2007 8am - 2pm 313 Alexander Crescent fMain StreetJames Snsow Parkway areaf Home daycare closîng and lots more stsff bo chooae tromi MI LTON MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALES Saturday, September 8, 2007 8am - Noon Hudson Court MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 8, 2007 8:30am - il :3Oam 592 Roseheath Drive Housetsold items, malersivy clothes. baby esuensialsa amore MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat. September 8th- 8am - 2pm 425 Bell Street 4 Uniroyal snow lres w/onms Pt9R5/6Ra 87S m.S fr ia Speesa, qui#i & craCt booke/magazioes, labrc motons, aeuWoidiema, wrod fatie w! 4 cairs. 5-g meiai sooiage Cabinet si-sm t sis& more, MILTON COMIC EXPRESS FINAL TGV & GAME CLEARANCE Sat. September 8th ~ 8am - 3pm 613 Moorelands Crescerit McFarialaeD60i5armri coliecbles, family boardi gamea & houseliold items. Don Y miss tuis one! MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 8, 2007 8am - Noon 1243 Robson Crescent Couci-r.comnpuler deak. vacuum, new Taeknsrndo geai, Egytian items, hoesehold tems & more. MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 8, 2007 8am - Noon 661 Laurier Avenue FurrWte. powertols, hoiasehdod goodsu lai-lPs books & lots more' SFOR I/ e ~1 04F - DENTAL GREAT Opportunity hf -i. '__'azz a ASSARegistered req'd for Milton Massage Dental Office. Teaps New Grads are aps welcoome to apply needeit tor bsy nuffi Ptese senit deqaryopkna resume ta dawntsmn Budlixgfoet la ooing for oertlfled fenlale persona] rainers andt F: 905-878-7746 Piusefaxnesmeta w sttd ee' e rlia ii n d ite ite or E-maila rsff o " appiedetakmetre 905333-143 o las0rpff esn o @hotmail com Cal 90%-3331104 1 Puse rpore ue 5 e ff VETERINARY HOSPITAL- Busy, ijbtuwd prictice "rolluoAre groWing! Local pnivafe eaie RECEPTIONIST U Ful-TimeI oolrqie Wear oMisg lo an ethuasbc uns reabie îinfi- - E schI ________ vidaJ ro pn orteain Part-lie Musrs' afternnont ECE After-Caoesaf and weekends. Require flexibiity catomrer cure required in Oak- Must have experience prefenred. und animnal hundlîng espen- ville. Must speak transrabon. ence an asuet. PIeuse forwara resurame covei - French ffuenfly. leter;ta ne recenoed rno ltef n Se0ýot iaSend rexumne tf0 E4"malesum: AI*ryAnimal Hospital. Attn JilI van de e ýlinda 8hMY.flfMi@ fax: 905-127-7027,.W =_____mi.w email: abbeyaximalhospita@belnetca lecocclles hu : o b.o le~ ammiate m e lterestoffail çpicant& ic- ocgeone Sbec o ewe onf' fliosemtcteit Pr ai intervm iewliIbe coMiacted n owtne Cadis o eor s plasse Ou". IZ H* es an I STRESS CENTRE NORTH HALTOM S NOW ACCEP11NG APPUCA71ONS FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS Wv ai-e 00v ng for Canna Indîvituals wiio wanitoi 'Ecj' &1Eýc Z«,£ " 'eco r % ivii- i Or exýsie i-s-r ni- Pi-O-g-r VI eacr i-c 1,0ce c ii yatetca-e Ssti-se-I oneCe Dfci- Cvi-ng Pi- moere *i-miat con-tact 905477-065 a à m

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