A20 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 21, 2007 deSlsIsd ales 1 Sales Help 1 Sales HeIp Hmmli Hoe Rtintn k- NU H l IRestaurant :A M S 0ý A g n is & A o n s C M ed c a l D na l o i a , D n a bI H t l R s a r n B ATSIThe Oakville Beave rt-tiîme Nurse, RPN, or Medical Assistant, ýo iigfor ail positions includîng Prep F J I H an an immedite onerssrnq for two day: pr week and aiso be availabie to NwbrngA ELDIRÇ aS) IW it es o personal training, receplion, cOnsulling and member- ship sales. Ysa must be fil or in the process of becoming fi. Earmings based on commissions, bo. nases and service rendered, up f0 $40,0 axnually Fan esae b905877169Attention: Elana i'ease at icoer lente ieîIîng ISW yu wouid bea go candidate foiste Canes ndusiny and wyyou woud eniy sae nC s buness 1Sales HeIp Sales Hel; Sten Expemenctin andoomer ui ceoe-l caal fmlitakn nafs lelor G e nvrgol n. Mlton and sorrsuodîng area. Emaîl resumne lx mfo 0 @aaoods ca Interviews ciii he set op once resurte is reviewed. City Parent, a dvison of Metroiand Me- dia Grosp Ltd., s seeking an experîenced Display Advertising Sales Representative The ideai candidates wîlt possesa a mini- mum of 2 years print advertising sales ex- perience, with an impressive new busi- ness developmext record. Agency expe- rience and working knowledge of PMB ix an asset. The seiected candidate witt have an entrepreneurial spirit, the ability 10 work boîfi as part of a teamn and inde- pendentty, and aili posseas excellent or- ganizational akilla. We are looking for a self-starter who ix higbly motivated and bas excellent communication akilîs, botb written and oral. Previous internet sales esperience an enset. In Iis role, you wîlt be customer focused and wîli buld strong relatîonships with new clients by ensuring that their adver- tising needa aré met. You witl be goal- oriented and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets within a deadline 10- cused environment. If you would lke to work for a leader in tbe media îndustry tbis opportunîty may be the right one for you. We otter a comn- petîtîve compensation package and bene- flis as weii as possibilties for future ca- reer growtb. If înterested please forward your resume, nlo later thon August 271h, 2007 to, jelford@cifyparent.com Fax: (905)337-5571 We appreciate the interest of ail appli- cants bowever only tbose selected for an interview null be contacted. No pbone calis or agencies please. GORRUD'5 AUTO Located in Mij growîng cty ini Auto Group, 45 years. hý opporlunt FINANCIAL SERVICES Mi We-requlres Ornanizedi Positive attitude: Perterma Srnon cvmmnicaion Ceoai oriented:Cusronen We allers Steliar eparatior Osxpererced sales staff tain turnover, Consperîlîve pay sructureCsreat wOokensionnent, USED CAR SALES REP5 Ne require: Positive attitaude. Stron communica Tan viavon Vald O Mv.Iî r iseseo We ollerOser 200 vehîcie inventony; State ofrthe art fa( housisPositive tean environnent, tonn npav pans& Please send resume E-mail: f0orusuo L à J ,J ;, .~ REPRESENTATIVE As a key member of sur Sales Team, you ciii source nec, and support exsting, adverfising cli- ents for sur Qa/eville based necopaper. To be ouccensful, you ciii ho a motieated, indepen- dent, self-starter cîth sales experience. os ci/t possesu encellent witfen and verbal communica- tion skilis and bu tamiiar wth Microsoft computer applicationo. n this oie fou ciii bu cutomer focused and ci/i buiid strsng reiationshîps oit/t xew and eistîng cli- ents hy onouring thal ther sdventisîng needo are met. You wiii ho goal sientvd and capable of meeting regular suies targots snd ho activeoln prsspecting tornenw busines A relishie veiîcie o requîrod. If ysu would li/ev10 wotk fon a leader in tino media îndustry this spporfunity nay ho nîgint fon you. Wo aller componitivo compensation & honefit package as woll as opportunities for future coreor growth, To apply, please send your resumne b: dbaird@oakvillebeaver.com We appreciate the interest of ai appticants howeîeer only those setected for an interview wl/t be contacted. No phone catas or agencies please. L A &7 3O0y Are you in RETAIL SALES now? Are you interestud in a much BE1TER retail job? We're seekîng mature, talented, eaperiexced peo- pie wth a background ix selling rn a refait environ- mont lx hecome La-Z-Boy Sa/es Prolessionats. We offen a genorous Compensation Progran. Company Boe/il Plan, Professional Traning, Op- portunities for Adancement and a unique oppori o- nty luosnok wîlh Canadas fasteot growîng hîgin quality furnîlure ohowroons- La-Z-boy Furniture Gatteries. You must have reliabie transporttion, excellent verbal and crîtten communication o/eu/o, some pro- oîouo retaîl eoperience and a flexible schedulo hat pormts you to cor/e os ceekends and some even- îngs. We have openîngs aI- Oakvit/eI Mississauga Border, Brampton, Burlington, North Misa/e- sauga and Etobicoke il's easy 10 appiyi We take applications by tlob- phono on/y- 24 boums a day- ntmply cal Chartie at 905-789-5800- chexi prompted 10 'enter an exten- sion'- yoo diat 150, thon dial #6151 lu respond 10 noverai questions. ou Salstep Retail Sales Help (F/T andt P/T) - required for ostablished Dowxtowx Oukvilie Furnitune Store ail? Apply ix persox aI. Swiss Inter/ors Ltd. E.ur ~ 217 Lakeshore Road E., Oakv/ile KtN/PTA vwîth interest in admîn requîred for P/T to F/T for prîvate Pbysîo Fax resume: lilIon <Tnfaoîesî 905-875-9840 7Canada") Gorruds )in business for ýa theo fovlowîng Shoppers Drug Mart iies avaîlab/e: 4524 Nec St, Bonl Reqires exthusiaotîc ANAGER FIT Pharmacy ance diven.Technician ,focused 10 loin set team. ivseicle mntislv Heafthcatcb oxperi- OnGonth opportunies exce proferred. s <2) Fa resum to Sarxjay ation skiis. 905639-0757 ticiity Flexible work bous pnogram by roup.com wok cal ulsia. eiliilgs, give rslsvursLatons.MulsrSiots, assd hae an understanding of medîcail ermînoiogy and drugo are neceooary. Prevîsus experience n a physcianos office, emergency deparîment, or hoafth cinic wouid be an assel. Resumes May be faxed to: 905878-5203 Established Georgetown CIIIROPRACTIC CLINIC s ioo/eîxg for an otgoing oxergetic, poruox /0 rux front des/e. Moxdays. Tusdays and Thumdays 7:30am -12:00 pmuand 2:30pm -7:00 pm Drop off reoumo lu: 2 Guelph Street iumm QAcclaim rHealth Gîvîng bac/ e nver loo/eed so good. The Flexibîlîly and Varîely that you have been waîing for. Currently hiring Personai Support Workers (Day & Evening Shbiffa) available îmmediately for Burlînglox and Oakville We offer: *Flexible shifts *Competîve wagon *Pension Plan *Evenîxg shift premîsmas *24 hour clînical support *Paid comprehensive orientation *Educalion and Career Growlh opporundties *Travel reimbursement *Sspplied Unorms Experience the Acctaîm Heallh difference, Plusse apply to: Humain Resources, Acclaim Healfh Fax (905) 827-5476 E-mail: humanreaourcea@acctaimheath.ca Please quote Job #BPAu 15 + Community =Services Assistant 35 hrs/wk- Permanent Fuît Time Reoponsîbîldies include proeîdsng cienîcai and ad- ministrative support to the Home Healtincare Equîpment Loan Program, Fîrot Aid and commu- nity initiatives of the Burlînglon Branch. Supports other programo as needed, Must be detaîl oriented and have a Claso V drioer's lcenue. The suc- cesuful candidate wiii have a secondary ochool di- plonra or eqoivalent and between 1-3 yearso f te- iated cor/ exeperience. Prevîous custoîner service esperience and corking cdth volunteers os an as- set. Prevîos knowledge of ieathoare equîpment s desirable. Forward resume betore August 24, 2007 10: Manager, Home Support Services, Ca- nadian Red Crosa Society, 400 King Street Easat Hamilton, ON L8N 1C3 We thank ail candidates w/to appiy but oniy Ihose selected for an interview wiii be csntacted. Thte Ca- nadan Redi Cross is a Unted Way funded agency =-VeernyHe lp e3rnarHelp Required Permanent Part-lime. Evenîngo and Weekends. Pesse lax reoume t10 905-702-7622 s ooking fon indîviduass cio enoy an h ng in a lun env tonnent with many ohetswons oinse tie oamne goals We are cuxrentiy seeking: ý a BAR!1 NIGHT MANAGER and COOKS Please ap/s in pessn lx Rhiassion al BOSTON PIZZA 319 Guelph Street, Georgetown BONUS!' AILasSifed Ads appear at... minibwdvâm1co 905-864-8001 or in peraon at: 55 Ontario St. S. (in the mail parking lot) C.ROSSW NI)S Not going back to school? OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NOW! Beverage Cart - Banquet Servers ,Dishwashers A great place to workf Please contact Heather heather@crosswindsgolf.com or 905-319-5991 x221_ workôjico %588241, Recruimene ad eoduo- & ece-îve 2 ivee.k.oan LWoekepoi.fr neiI ~250 or Fax: 905-875-2279 Tvank yxu for your intereot Only candidates seleeted for an interview mi 5e sonnacted www.gorrudsautogroup.com 1