Cbamu'o R EA L E ST AT E See what's on the market inside S POR T S C 0 M M U N I T Y Lis Mara defends Piece of history Pacing Derby titie uncovered in attic ww ,iiltonSman r - e.. -.~ ~*. a a ~iZ e - i. i SI ..- 50 ,West Nule crow found l n Milton Haltons first case of West Nule virus this season bas been detected in Milton. The Canadian ',Co-operative Wildlife Healtb Centre in Guelphi confirmed Friday tbat a dead crow picked up by the Halton Region Health Department last Tuesday tested positive for the virus. The crow was found in the area of Main Street East and Ontario Street South. "Late August/early September is the tra- ditional peak time for risk of human infec- tion with West Nile virus," said Dr. Monir Taba, Halions associate medical officer of health. It is still too early to say wbether this year will be milder tban previous years or not, therefore Halton residents should make personal protection against mosquito bites a priority." Mosquitoes can transmit West Nile virus to humans after hecoming infected hy feed- ing on tbe blood of birds canrying the virus. The following are steps residents cao take to protect theniselves and tbeir familtes from mosquitoes: aCover up. Wear light-coloured, long- sleeved shirts and pants with tightly-woven fabric. - Avoid being outdoors from the early evening to momning. Tbis is when mosqui- toes are Most active and likely to bite, as well as at any time in shady, wooded areas. 0 Reduce mosquito breeding sites around your borne hy getting nid of al water-filled containers and objects. Change the water in bird baîlis at least once a week. aUse an approved inseet repellent, such as one containing DEET. There bave been no human cases of West Nule virus in Ontario yet this season. Maps showing the locattons of positive hirds, as well as standing water sites that bave bad larvicide applied are avatlable on the healtb department's website at GRAHAM PAINEI CANADIAN CHAMPION GOOD JOB: Four-year-old Adriana Hamilton gives her pony 'Sunny' a congratulatory kiss after com- peting in the Lollpop junior horse show ai Campbellvilie's Touch 'N Go Farm. The show had a Hawaiian Iuau theme. ~Dump truck strikes girl A i 5-year-old Milton girl is in bospi- itai with senious head injuries after she was struck by a dump truck Thursday aftemnoon. Police said the girl bad gotten off a tnsit bus at Tbompson Road and McCuaig Drive sbortly after 3 p.m. and was running eastbound across Tbompson when she was struck by a northbound truck and knocked to the iground. Ernergency services were called and the girl was transported to Milton District Hospital wbere she reniains in stable condition. The truck was being driven by a Tottenbam man. Halton Regional police's Commercial Vebicle Unit inspccted the dump truck and found it was in sound working order with no defects that would contrihute to the accident. The road was closed for several hours for the investigation, wbich con- tinues. Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 CHAMPION couwriw A5 DATELINE A7 CHAMPION TRAcKs A9 CLASSIFIED A14 GORRUD'S AUTO www.gorruclsautogroup.corn Walac PUBLIC N OT-ICESeDuFllPg Aulvrtluumomt on Pua: WHEELS B2 Finencing OAC. GM Suppier Prdxng based on outrent progorn Ses us for detalla .tAikTx. Ge. TexAdmin. and Lcense extra. 905-875-1900 L A-1 ROSE TAXI 1-800-595-0296 cail toi, heservetluns le, SENIORS SCOUNT :j