A8 A- The Canadiani Champion, Fnday, August 3, 2007 No one injured in blaze at plant t from FAST on page Ai workcd to conta in the ire. Brassard said the lire was initiaill' detected by workers who called the alarm company, who in turn called the ire departmrent. There was nobody in the office portion of the plant at the uine. The employees did their hest to con- trol the ire by ustng the plant hose ini- tially, Brassard said, which helped out the lire crews. "The Roxul people did al the right stuifl," Brassard said, adding there werc no injuries, Fighitit1 ihe blaze wasn'î ait easy feat for firefighîers, particularly with the heavy heat of the day, Brassard said, and the departmenî's rehab unit worked bard to ensure the crews remained hydrated. Brassard said the Roxul office was slated for demolition and that the blaze may have started as a resuit of crews who were on the scene a couple of hours earlier with torches. It seems a spai k may have grie urinoticed and then smouldered for a whiic hefore igniting, the chiel said. Brassard commended firefighîers' actlion-s. "Flad (the fire) grown and flot heen put out hy our guys, it could've threat- eîîed the entîre plant," lie said. A damage estimate hasn't been made since the office was scheduled for dem- olition. Stephanie Hounscll can be reached at sthiesSCn(@miltoncanadianchampion.eom. GR.AHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TOUGH BATIE: Above, exhausted firefighters Adrian Uhraney, lef, and Ryan Fraser take a break after battling a stub- born smokey fire in the partial ly-demo i shed section of offices at Roxul Monday evening. The f ire was difficuit ta fight with the par- tial demolition and the extreme heat and humidity. Above lef, firefighters survey the scene. [liAi PHONE BOOK L$ THE" EASIEST ASK THE GORILLA. Guide Complete Local Business Directory Shopping Mailt Guide Gotd Book cal f 310-GOLD or emaîl info@goldbook.ca Local Web tGuide THE ULTIMATE LOCAL DIRECTORY brougbt il 000 by: 1 --, l ,,, - Ve,