1 The Canadian Champion, Frday August 03, 2007 -25 ___r W ivr :eerlHl l Gerl Heinp Gerl Help Gerl Hein M :GneIHelp M OGeIlH81P __________________________________________11,lgh House Promnotions, Mssissaga req ures ,HU * U B *bookkeeper 1 office coordinator Storage Manager ACONLE TH R O.min 2 years bookkeeping experience o management eam à s Suà ï5ilt, de i d à i O FURNITURE DELIVERY PERSONS Must be cou rteous, have a valid "G" licence and provide a dlean driving abstract. Heavy lifting is required. Previous commercial driving. experience is an asset. Please fax or E-mail resumne to: 519-853-4514 megan@&ohh.to Attention: Human Resources Or complete an application form at The Olde Hide House AZ TANKER GenraIHelp enra Hl DRIVERS (7 needed) $21/hr Roîalîng Shifts RU 40-60 hoars/wk.TCN IA Oakville eurdb Cal 905-565-3562 i okn o ru Faa 905-565-9115 -Exp. CovEs Rs - to Email: ryan@aztn Exp Une Csvks Cmay solutions.com Please FE: W i- ri 905-878-1699 ~jMG l HeIl j 905-878-5556 905693090 The Canadian Champion, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., has an immediate opening for a: District Service Representative The qualified candidate wil I posses excellent written and verbal communication skiffs and will have working knowledge of Micro- soft office. You wilI be customer focused in ensuring that our customers' distribution needs are met. n this rote, you wilI work closely with the catrier force by ensuring ail newspapers and distribution producte are delivered in a timely manner which could inctude door to door delivery. You wilI be organized and capable of working within a fast paced, team oriented environment. A reliable vehicle and valid insurance coverage is required. If you are interested in working for a leader in the media industry thîs opportunity may be the right one for you. If interested please torward your resumne, no later than Auguet 24th f0: kmossman@mitoncanadianchampion.com fax: (905) 876-2364 We appreclate the Intereat of ail appicants however only thomse s.Icted for an interview wl! b. contacted. No phone calla or agenclas please. w weight Ioss - sine a- ut.e ath U Weight Loan ix tooking for Personat HealOh Advrsors. Use your knowledge cof heelth and ftness 50 help our members reacht heir health and weîghn loua goals. Base + Bonus, Fuît Time/Part Tme-training provided. 10 hrs/wI< @iiiiub-ia-.uufnr Block Clark positions now avitabte with our Manheim Teamn. Must be abe to work Tues Daytime & Thurs Eva, Perm PIf. Emnail resume: taajobs@maflhelm.com or Fax: 905-875-5458 Real Larsadian Superstore ochers a (oivpetitive vvage scale, scholarships, opportunity for advancement and secure employment for ail employeeb. Now hiring part time positions for the foilowing departments: eCashiers e Front and Service Clerlcs e Meat e Cold Deli a Seafood * Aduit Apparel eHealth and Beauty e Housewares e Health Foods Fuit Training is provided for ait departmnents Applicants available from 7:OOam - il :OOpm need only apply Also hiing for: FulIl ime Night Manager Positions If unable to corne to the Job Fairs, please send resumne to: darlene. vandenberg@Ioblaw.ca e - et Agut r 930- 63 n Type of Work- Door-to-door newspaper deIivery. For Milton- Tuesdayes d Fridays. For OakviUe- Wednesdays, Frndays and Saturdays. You Need- Reliabie veice (the larger tbe better). At least 6 available bours, between 6AM-6PM, on deliiery days. Strong sense of comniment and responsibility. We offer- As nany routes as youucao bondie. AU] required delivery materials. Training and on-gong communications and support Now accepting applications for our FaIt season. Monday through Sunday -Cashiers -Washroom maintenance -Tractor wagon drivers Weelsdays *School Tour Guides -Food Service (Mature person) -Parking lot attendants -Greeters and Security -Entertainment Ares -Food Service -Barbeque Ares *Animal ares Please apply in person to: Chudleigh's FARM 9528 Regionar Road 25, Milton, 10-5 Any day Local Comnpany Seeks Cal:647-409-9999 Medical Distribution Company in Milton is currentty seeking a Shipper/ Receiver for a fuîltime position atart- ing Fimmediatety. Fax resumne ta 905-876-1004 Email: jalvlano@on.aibn.com âmm 1mr De A Model AIl aqc5 niee4ed for F'irnt, Commorcial5 Anch Muuic Vidcoo. Top Aqemcy. Cali Now..~ 416-221-38i29 Foster Parents Wanted Experience preferred. Please cal! John at: 905-454-5705 for information. Start Immediately Must F811 25 Positions $25/hr. Piece work guaranteed by contract. Fun job. Great Pay. No Experience 1Required CalilNow 416.849.0026 junior warehouse persos *must have oulid drver's lcense 1 year experience required E-mail Resume to Bianca Postic: bpostic@lighthousepromo.ca SHIPPERIRECEIVER A Milton based company has an immediate requiremnent for a ful-trme shipper/receiver. Candidate must be a teamn player and able to work alternate shitts. Heavy lifting a îinvolved. Please torward resume by fax: 905-878-8998 or e-mail: tahir.qureshi @sargentfarms.ca TRASPOT *eORINA.* DIVE Local carlage company has immediate opening for licensed AZ, DZ Driver with experienice in route schedalvrg and driver dspatch. The lob reqires limnited driving and aval y DIpatch and warehouse activities. Kowledge ut air / ocean freighf aare- hoaves in vicinity ut the airport, bondable, forklift certified, able fo 1111 50 lb. Speak, read, write Eng- lish. Referencea reqaired. PIeuse reply in confidence fa enrail: recrait@ddhdia com riocs & vasi de cil cenue reqaired. F/T Beneftst, bonaaes. $8/hr. On-site aparr- ment available. Apply anlIne www.uhauljob.coml n person ai 478 Woody Rd. Merchandisers (Par-Time)- To ver- vice greeling card de- partmenîs in Dakville A ppos l12hr/week. $8I/hr Mast have good command of English. Cali Sylvia lOam-4 3Opm Tharsday 1-800-387-5614 exit. 4491 Nul ail calla w/Il receive a resonae. IlUBIE s nsw hiring for esperienced Sous Chef, esperi- 4 1 enced Line Cooks, Backshop Staff, Pro Shsp o suitable for Please emoil resumres tu I Cati 905-689-3131 koatterson@clablink.ou Fax: 905-689-9302 Fou yoer reaume lu: 519-853-14041 Avg $2OIhr PERSONAL ASSISTANT 10 New Openingu Small business locatedin Georgetoan/Mississau- $500 laiiiing go requires urganized multi-lasker. Ssme Ilioefltlve computer knualedge, san cor, fluors are 9:30 - Enumneration type 3:30 daily (sume lesibility aith hours). Wuuld suit aork. Pieeartr mois atm school-going tsds. compensaton Send resume, long atm woge espectalions lu: No Exp. needed emore@hotsa.ca Training proviffei To wctieule an Interview oel ________________à _____ 1-866-421-2727 STIJDENTSIMi - Tired f utworking tor minimum wasg e9?Poie ig utif -Tired ut haviîno a- due1h1s nul flexble Poie g ad and duoesn't meetyour achool needa' ficensed &&fmotred $fgý,. 'îouability tproduoe in a fast paced envirusment wilI resufi in an average wage ut $12Ar lu $l8/hr. Comae in and see il we cas create a work schedule that works for you. SCHOOL ~ SECRETARY Rotherglen Schsul-Oakville Elementary Campes- a prîsate, coeducational elementar achool ut 500 students seelos a part-ime Secretary for September. The ideal cas- didate la aarm, energetic and engaging, andl pus- sesses sfrsng casîsmer service, rganizational and communication (arilles asd spoken) skills. A sense ut humour and mhe ability to wsrk in a busy office setting aiftr many interruptions are essentiat. adinstrar lu inalaîlcpuwerestfdingo con- toractrio sie crosa offhe GA.Esperience u n cnastcThnpasai.in nMhn-ic 7:ai 12a:3mafan gie hrl epar hydraalic, electrical killad urai- ceratin c otiatinan sadThe ahb0wski s a paed yically ean dingp envirýsnment. 0usde rgnz tisal& epl 1ails Smavel, vli driver icenserequ-rd. Cum etiiv ags n beneits Kher o Mflo boeifcsm any. e tr s ein i. ý HEALTHY'S Nutrition Stores requires *Managers *Supplement AdviSOrs(F & PMT Fax resume te Date: 905-913-1008 Emali intoOhealttys.ca BUSY mail srder tacility luuking tor hord-asrking individuol for pickç- ing/packing/shipping/ receiving. Heovy lift- ing requireif. Ful ime position Mos-Fn 84:30. PIeuse send esume 10 terina@resspets.com i' l'O If IlKPUsCw g' gNoFo 9 i Senci your resume to resumes@uweightlosscom AUCTION ACTION! 7911 __à p