The Canadien Champion, Friday August W, 20)07 -.23 g *A * ** *Index: R eal Estate 100-135 B usiness 140-169" t w Rentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239* Community 240-299 % Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@miltoncanadianchampiOlonom e Merchandisa 300-385 e Auto 400-470,@ HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. 10 Fi. 9am-5pm BONUS! Al classnied ads also appear on * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATIO cal: 905-878-5947 i71 Ad sbonssin b mal cin /ors/o:ThoCantiin campon,555 lotiostrial Drive, Sitie GiSt, 2cti Floor, Milton, ON L9T 561 Deadloos: Mc laon , for Tues.i/publication, i cors, 11 .m.- tor Frît publication.eii. ps urur n & Hnoidiay uc,,, ,,admayv Paymsot: We accepi cash, cheqoe, Inieras, Visa, Mastertarti, Amerîcan Foirecs.Al ada placed are eae-reluedable and no cradit wilîl be issued. Business accoants cas Se Siecet i th Oai/i/roveti credit application avaiuable trion yor Sales CnStot CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS 10 essore the inormation is crrect. Ctc olS r/ Sales Consultant wthin 24-Hours tf an error appears. An errer in a Fn .publication oust be reporteti ns lter thon Mon., il a.i GRADUATION N Don & Mary Craig are thilled i/o Bill &CY 0<10 trong re p50< annlounce the recent graduation of hefr to announce the borthcominq daugter Mananae from fie University marriaqe ob their chidrert of Toronto, Facslty of Law. She previ- < oualy otained an Honoura Bachelor of Kimberley Joan & Science Degree wth Higb DistincOtionMcae Da d L am We are o proud of you and al your Loead4ô w6esbi achievensents Maranne!! a buture buil ob happînemi. Lavei Mom & ~Ded . .... .........<gg-~ WEDDING__________ Michael & Lucinda Morgan are pleased to annaunce their marriage which tssak place on lune 30, 2007 at The Chandelier Place in Stone Creek with family & frienckr in attendance. They will be honeyoaning later in the year. Michael has opened his law practice in Miltan under the name Gryphon Law Chambers lacated at 400 Bronte Street South, Suite 217, Milton ON L9T 0H7. Lucinda will continue ta aperate her businesses, bath Gn/phan Express Cauriers and L.D. 's Exclusive Baskets, as well as helping Michael in his law raracliceaas his oiceemanager. U.IUM .aV * A.a1ments &-*sApamnts& om.Special at ÉorRet FastFer Rent LOVELY REASONABLE isteli unit GEORGETOWN 3-hoti GEORGETOWN, Ralaco GEORGETOWN 3200q5 t ih loatieg tiocks. rooon hongao Finisheti Cresceet 2-hetitoom ai/at- SOUTHl SEMI 95-2797 or9D-2755oifl.asement 2-etroom ment. Lage cel mas- 3i/etrooms, metaian t ooapartment. Bachyarti taînet i nqoret -plex. faiyroom, cambinet ivl- Mortgage, Close tai shopping. Hea/iyrtioicaterlpatring îindnny uektce y ,Ota Firs/Last reqireti No setokingipets pieerreti. cilS caikoiti 10 priate ssssCONSOLIoArE $t,ti5aloonth pics tlities. Availe September 1tsi treeti iackyatti. No neigh- $$$$ hati cretiit, taxi mort- Peaue cati r>47-297-6991. $1,000oinontir. Cati 416- 5400 beiinti Entranca 0 gaeanertseie- ITN9nqe4it8tht -098 house rom garage Celais- poyti10MILTgaes O n B ienApt. lae- ATN AArET ibsanti sec aiotilaminate toi p grm - ip rîtrielstodetiishelatih- COer da, que rtiS tirougirout. 5-appliannes dya OdgesW ticswah-vF sassa Cieobilin CIA dobledrie. los ta portio 1 M-37-799 e, microwaue, pivale en- witir lauetiry facilty on ste sCiAo, tiopingtir ndeelos-0 poao t88 traoce, parking h ali/ntI. 1 & 2 hetroom nitnS ery sciool, soppng ntiGel irefet eo pets/smoking. spacoos Open 7 tiaps & tert Centre $295.900 Aia $eos &1200elmtl inclusive. 905- evenings. Same tiay ap- Cai o ic 95-02052 Fiats Fer Ret 878-9861. prooa. Cati 1-519-853- ______________ 4374 caicre Tonom AC10N 2bdrn apt close MILTON Hig5 basement tshoppng lai,, a sohoots ai/aliment. Frnisheti or MILTON 2-betiroom apart- For Satirl&ea k n amishet. Separale en- ment main lenel. Down- to $875n th + 011485 C, tance. Gooti for 2 people. tawn aiea. Aallalle Sep MILTON Close 1 isti/asi 519-853-25W9 289-878-9628, leane mes- tember it. $9010 rt. No choolsshopping, cean sage pets prelenreet. One chîhd CIA, Centrai VaC, 5-aipPli- ¶-betiroom base-eet79p. annces, apgraties. 561 1bdor aeetat Chilts Drive. 59000. 1.881 central, parking, MITON 2 i/tisn analabhe por appo)intonýent $1905-876- *e $800 inclasive avallable Septeether ist. CR 416- 0428. OPEN HOIJUSa SrSept. tel. lstAaas 519-853- 7234801 for Sriher inot- 988. maion. tap 2Pn-4PSe. lm s at ales L.argc 2 sorry fatily hontec 3l ibcd 3 lbth, 2810vý sq fr of' living area, bacico ocni orccer fieltds, exîenîîvctv rcrîîîared tri 20015, cew roofr tin 2017, ocon ktchclî, mîîh pircelain ceraoolcs. large Masier mitti ensuite, oiak arrd Imaînut hardicoords ono oaîi tiror, FrpaLcc.A/C, ,central sac, clii omthcein fiohcd livre meut, doruble garage aod double dicemay. 9eare om For icone ntret aior o mae an emrcîtOportuniti! MILTON Hegirs 3-betitoom aparlonent anti 1600sq1tO office si/use.Ai/iliasses, parking antisonail yardi 52,000/onti plus utîltîtes anti services Aaiiaie Map 151. 90"54-1687. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mlsde Tewers 82 Mlîsîde DrIve. Attractve quiet buitdilng. Spacious bnigh cdean 1 &2 betiroomnins cCir launtiry lacility anti social roon on see Regular resitient eenîs Opent 7 days & reeeulga Cal 908-76-1249 wwwrsiIOeca 1 betirooon baseneni ai/t. Close to enerythiog, private trive, aealable anyone, no pots/sonokers. sSOOioonth incusve 905-877-6659 1 -BEOROOM, A/ion. Aoaiable îmmetiatly $7l0nonnh, utilties in- clutieti. No pes. Firsilas/relerences re- qcireti. Cal 519-M8-3877. ACTON t-betiroon ai/art- ment. $fiSOlmonth i/tus hytira, irsAast, hritgelsiove. Available Septeonher lt. No pots. Cati 519-853- 4721. ACraN brîght aod cieuo t i/etroo m busement upt 9 $725 o hytiro 519-853- _ ACTON briglit and cieun t1-h betiroom basement ai/art- l ment 5725/montir i/us hytiro. Cuii 519-853-9743 GEORGETOWN t or 2- r betitoom, 5900/mocthin clusive. Pione/cabein- ciatieti No pets. Siareti accommotiation uvaiabie $14i/iceek, goter- i encesicrodît chreck, Cali 905 702-4614ý GEORGETOWN 1t beti romaprtmecti n smail, dlean, quiet bauitding. No smokersipets. One parking spot. Aoaiai/te Seplemi/er loti 905-877-8639, ceti 416-66-g639 GEORGETOWN 1 ti room basement ai/urInent. Near DO Stution. SBOOionnh iccluties ireatrhytiro, 1-parking Spot, lrrigeislooe. No smok- ing/pots prelerreti Cati Brentia MacDonaldi, Johns- sos Associates Reaitor 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN 2-beti tooon basement aparlonent. BrightI, open, iaîîtiryipaîk- mng. Certral location 5890/onontir plus alîlitres. Cati 905-702-4494. GEORGETOWN 3be- rooon basement aarInent seat DO. Prroate entrasse. Nu smokiing/pets. Seplemi/er lut. Inctuties soScwaler, tritige/stooelwasuir $1,lOOlonontr inclusive. Firsituasi/relerenceS. Cati aSter h:0i/pm 905-877- 8986. GEORGETOWN Sanhetor ai/alIment. Saîtable foi 1 person. Aoaiabeie noeti- atep. Cati 416-414-6507 GEORGETOWN latge t - betiroom aparlonant clean ant ielt. No smokingipets prelerreti. Septeonier lst. Relerennes. 905-877-1209. mitocaaian. miole3 * Apartmants & I e IORT-TERM rentailfoi use 1intiowntown Muft ri 80S sq. S.kîlciren ai/pli- ces roclutieti. A/C. 400/mo. 905-878-4744 AILiON 4-betirsom to* r- rausa 1750 sqf. Living, rrring, tamrly ronts, hirît ioti Ibios, close to tii/, iarr Street. Waik to huais, Avaiai/le immei- ely 416-779-9ti70. MILTON 4 i/edroom New Matiumy Toonirouse, appliances, AC, iront anti rat cailiut Salcony 1-1/2 garage, 3.5 i/athrsoms, lirs te street rm sew sopping plaza No smok- ig, ru pets preterreti ourilai/le Augusi. 1550/mIS, 415-947-7902. GEORGETOWN -Mous- tarnvîew/Maple -brîgiri 3- betroom townirouse wrtir garage. 5-appliances, cas- -ai air Waling tisotance lu overying. No pelslsmoi- vrs. Avaiai/le Sept. Iti. $1 .250/montr ilus utîlîtres. Firstasi reqarreti Cati 519- 833-008& OAKVILLE- 3 betiroom ocoiouse avaiai/le îm- netiately tirrougir October lti 4 appliances, Hope- dte Mai area. Lakeshore Mianagement 95876- 3336 jRROO5tms Wanted OAKVILLE Trafalgar & Upper Middle. Sepanate entrance. 47thli ttpark- ing inctatied, ait incasive inclutiing caisSe, taandry andi A/C. Cati Bob 905- 844-8W33. a Lst&Found FOUND Jaly 2M hat Claver Parks Siror-hatreti lenale. Doclaceti-ail4, black and orange. Cati Qalsoille & District Humas Society 905-B45.t 55t FOUNI2 lly 261iron Tiromi/son Roati Shrort- hirîetitemale. Brown, white anti a bd oi orange. Cati Qakvîlle & District Ha- mas Society 905-845-551. LOST: Mate Chihaahua tiog. Short hair, white, ci/hi/byLast seen in Sam SiraS area.Call905- 693-1978 ABSOLUTELY, Misly Riv- er Introtiuctions cas lînti you tirai speciat sonneone. Free Consultation (416) 777-63S2 omaimis- tyrroenintnos. nom M*aies LIVE Oat Nanny requireti immetiately toi 2 ir. olti twins. Mast have CPR Flant Ai certification anti Se a nos-soker. Must ho avoutable ta aiark flexible hoars, Reterences re- quireti. Please cati 905- 876-2314. -a FAatm o ent 'EORGETOWN, 2-beti SI 00m aarInenit. Ali ho tlitres, lrîiqge/stOoO anti 18 îsiriitryer. $1,000/ an onh Cati 416-258-6571. $1 ILLAGE Parc avaiai/le M ni/t. Iti 1i Atito, 5 51095/mis Avaiai/le Nov. tri olt 2-i/trm 51400imtirin- or jo, pool, roctates atîlties M & asis Cui 905-878- 50 1198. ut Hoes M MILTON 3-Setiroomn ouse te eut school 1-car garage. 9 Avaialole Aug. St350/mlhS aSuiritres. 905-875-3750. si IILTOIN Nec 3-500,0cmrl bangalow on 2 asies. $ 4-ai/iliasses. 51200/onontir + atirtres. Avaiai/le imme C tiare/y. 905-824-48,5 c ILTON 3-btirm i/ranti sec 9 roase, close 10 ait ti imesîtres Immetirate oc- E cuiancy. Ca/i 647-831 - E 5557. ILrTON u-i/etioom t 12 btri aill roatiloom. tencei yard. Avaiai/le i/eitemi/et tut 51 .495/mtr v utirties. 905-854-2357 MILTON charming 4-i/Cri Muliamy home. Lrg corner lot. across from i/ark & : poni/cotieti lot. Macy ai/grades mci tîirepluce. ensarte bathS. Avaiabie vow. 1-510-301-4854. 3 /etiroom i/ungalow top Iloor. Centrai location, patios, scirools, shropping, parirngiiaurdry avaiai/te Septemi/et lui, $1,295in c/asive 1416-871-1023). ACraN. 3-betitoom ei tietactreilnouse lot rent, ronoetiîateig to responuri/le tenants, CA, tenceti iack- yarti, ruaa senînog on Cirurcill Roati, 2kms sorth of Adtos No i/ets. $920/moctir ilas atîltires. Cretit check. Fîrot anti ast. Cati: 519-803-3865. BEAUTIFUL 4-hetirooon eoedutioe hongalowin Crrn. 2 kitchess, 2 ireptaces, 4 batirroomO, 2 car garage. $1,700/mosIr i/tus. Asaitabie Setttemi/et lutt Cati 519-833-4610 CARISLE, Large country single laoniiyirome, 4+ i/etitooons, near public/ catiroiic scirools. $1350/mo vutîtîties. Sept.1. Non-smnoking/ No pets prelerreti 905-659- 2054 COUNTRY home or lot.s 4-i/etrooon, large i/arc, Availai/te Oclober lust. 51 ,300imontir ilas atîtîties. Cati 519-853-2074 Eot. 101. ERIN, 3-betiroom 2-bath house for test. Aoaiiable îonmetiiateiy. $1,350/ ontir, negotiabie. Cal 905-873- 4217. MILTON Derry/Thoonpson 4 BR 2 541h approo 2200 sqilt. Cal in khches, tiining & living roeon, laonily moon, fireptaca, large tiecis, 2 car parking, 5 appliances. $1800. inclusSes utiliSies. Aoaiiable Sept. 1. 416- 832-3072. .OTCMNGMRIG 4 Frank & Lîrtda Sambellô and 1 1 supplies Sple SWIM NOW, PAY U>TER! 6-UM. OAC Custom Sizes Available! 1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 lé Bhs jri PICHORA Mark and Anne (ne. Wlliams) are thrilled ta announce the healthy arriva of their son, Evan Michael, born JuIy 20, 2007, weighing Bîbs 5az. Praud grandparents are E ldon and Sandra Williams of Milton, and Michael and Anne Pichara af Ottawa. Evan la alao happily welcomed by Auntie Jenni, Uncte Glusepp'e, and cousina Dean and Talla Veneruz af Georgetown, and Auntie Erin and Uncle Shane. Thank you ta Midwlves Emily Gillard and Abigail Corbin, Dr. Sharma, and the staff at OTMH. n 9 ig B. ry 3- p- 40 ild de 6- )r-