Al 6 -The Canadien Champion, Fniday, August 3, 2007 JGHNSTN P.nOLUMs P uel Supple Salestele PesovfeheM (905bi easieî Ë Minforma lien, bit esidr 'lit 007ithe ab M5and restai wihc t1 c erq/ed general accoutilantç prcfeoîcina1l uupration " Full Service Accounting for Individuals and Corporations " Persona] Incomne 'Ix " Financial and Retiremnent Planning " Estate Planning William J. Mercer, FCGA, CFP Blake Mercer Hon BA, CGA T 905-876-1144 245 Commercial Street F 905876-4209 Milton, Ontario, L9T 2J3 *Sales & Serviîces MittOWn - Software & Accessories Computer * On-Site Service a Repair Depot Servicesi aNetworkc Installations e Consuling 751 Main St. E.LJU05n878 465 (Acrois fr-omn the GO okm 905 8 -4 1 Mon-Fni: 9-5:30 - Sr. 10-2 Fox 905-876-1013 "Our designers wl/ Croate a style customlzed tb meet your ne0eds & budget" T Glazed Finished Cabinets A* Brushed Nickel Faucets *Granite & Corian Countertops Corne Vîit oàur showroom 905-87-006 - 18 Thmpslon fload, Miton wwwplatinumhomeimprovementscom %MILTON CHAM4BER Fù MIILTON sident's Message McLaren ffe middle of the summer and for most cf us life is a littie ,r than during the rest of the year. This is the season to use ecue, 'to enjoy the great outdoors and to entertain more fy. It is aiso the time cf year for day trips to interesting ents and visitors are bemng encouraged to discover the id deiights cf Multon's tourism destinations until (>ctober Escarpment Country't Adventure promotion, which runs ober. A variety cf self guided tours are downioadable from, including conservation m markets, museums, artisans, golf courses, horse racing aurants. Visitors te the website can aiso enter onine for a to win an overnight stay in one cf Escarpment Country's 1 V lV 1id îJ, 11 Lui î.Uii hotels, bed & breakfasts or campgrounds. Escarpment Country'lm is a unique setting located at the foot of the scenic Niagara Escarpment. This popular tourist destination offers a weaith of natural and man-made attractions, leisure pursuits and recreational activities. From rock climbing, hiking and skiing, to fairs, festivals and farm markets, Escarpment Country' 'Il s a preferred destination for ail seasons and al] visitors Spend some time on our quaint and historic main streets and in our shops, studios and recreation facilities. Visit the incredible farms that are open to visitors. Hike on some of the trails on or near the escarpment. You will find the people friendly, the scenery beautiful and the displays and exhibits fascinating. There are, of course, superb restaurants and cafes throughout the area offering wonderful dining experiences. Above aIl, dont forget to visit the fabulous Milton Chamber of Commerce's Farmers' Market held every Sdturday morning on Main Street in Milton. Its the summer! Make the most cf it~ I ~--..~---. Upcoming Networking Events Contact the Chamber at 905-878-0581 for further information about these functions. CHAMBER FARMERS' MARKET Every Saturday morning in downtown Milton on Main St. between Martin and James 7:00 am to 12:00 noon Fresh fruits and vegetables (including organic) cheese, meats, baked goods, fresh cut flowers and locaîiy made crafts JOINT BUSINESS AF1'ER HOURS Tuesday, August 14, 2007 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Co-hosted by: The Regional Municipality of Haîton RBC Royal Bank and Bell Canada 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario AUGUST BUSINESS AVUER HOURS Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Hosted by: Color Your World 327 Bronte St. S. Join us for a summer networking event SEPTEMBER BUSINESS AF1'ER HOURS Tuesday, September 25, 2007 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm Co-hosted by: A Patbway to Weilness and SB Electrolysis Centre 420 Bronte St. S., Unit 117 Business After Hours are a benefit of membership. Make your membersbip psy for itself! a 26,000 distribution to every home end business In Milton end Campb.HvIIIe a The only'dlrectory of its klnd n the are* a Discounted rates for Chamber Members DON'T DELAY SPACE US'LIMITED! Roserve your space TODAY by calling Andrea Boyle or Barb Campbell et the Mlton Chamber of Commerce - 90"-784581 Andrea@chambermiltononca - Barb@chambermittonon.oe Voted Ontario Best Dlmectory In 2006 In the SmaII Chamber Category ~400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 Milton, Ontario 19T 4N6 5E£.EC 2 W/*C Tel: 905-876-2519 ELECIrICAL CON7RAC7MAS Fax: 905-876-3903 " lndust r/ai " Commercial " Troubleshooting a Panel Building - Pole Line 1 r