Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jul 2007, p. 11

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r The Canadian Champion, Tuesday JuIy 24, 2007 - il * * ~ * * .Index: Real Estate 100-135* Business 140-169 a roiRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Communily 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@m i tonca nadianchamp ion com * Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad subrissian by mail omi persoe: TheCnadian Champion, 555 Indutiai Drive, Side Door, 2sf Floor, Miton, ON L9T 5E1 Deadfineg: Mon.,il a.m., for Tues. publication, Thurs, i1 a.m. for Fni publication. Special Feafure & Holidap deadiines map oasy. Paymenf: We accept cash, cheque, lnfecuc, Visa, MasterCard, Amer/cao Epress. Al ads placed are non-refundabf e and no credfifwf f be ssaed. Business accoontu can he apeeed wtb an approvef ccedit application avuilable trom or Suies Consulfant. CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS 10 essore the information is correct. Contact ysur Sales Consultant within 24-HoIurs il an error appearu. An errsr in a Fni. publication mut Se repotef nu laser f/sun Mos., i1 ar. Vour e lnNormei.uCLr.s G.nsurru à arne.s, Iob. -usicc ANNIVERSARY ENGAGEMENT Coom celbrate Ron &' Muriel 8pm Milton Legion (upstiir) For more information please cali Cindv or R/sonda 905-864-4410 Best wishes only! NDebra Xeemoaorand (amil« arc prouad ce aeenoaace the enqgement of bier daughter Leu AI.undr. tuher unie'ersittf sumeetheart, Dmk 7#6» de Hoqe. Weddinq ce cake place at the Club at Morto99g i ge7 Apartments & 0 Apartments & Myows aluss La lasFr ela For Reni MLTON C/se to $009 CON SOL ID ATE ACTON APARTUENTS very MLTON 1-Bediuom Base- sc/svvislsbuppingcg ean, $M5 bad credit, tuol mort- dlean, qviet building uth ment Apaniment, O50lmtb CIA, Cen/nul Vac, 5-appli- gage unnauns, seii-em- laucdny tucility o site. t b ncusiue. as Frepiace, 2 aucen. vygades. 56t ptoped 100% Mortoages, 2 badnoum uuts van/ Parking Spaces, Shured Chîtds Drive. $190.000. donit puy t/n Progrum! On- spacîvus. Open 7 days Laucdny. Neuen caipel. For uppvîtmant 90h-876- tuno-90de FînancîilCvi- & avanicos. Sama duy Cradît Check and Rat. Be- 0428. OPEN HOUSE Ovin- poration 1-89-307-7799 appîovuai Cati t-5t9-853- qunnad Ny smoking/pets, day 2pm-dpm. 4374 mme eaistun ca Auxlabte Septamban t st. _______________A__416 505-83t4ý REASONABLE indus- trîi unt 3200sqh mth loudng docks 905-2779347 vi 905-275-6834 MM punities JOB at home. $49768 Waekly Assemble ro4- ucis, Mui an Computer Wvnk. Free Detuils orite CHRJoybs. 372 Rideau St. 8956-AiS Ottawa ON. KIN 1G7 1-00-351-5120 FasFor Rent MILTON t bdrnm vutabie ion a single pason, pnen uuc smokani o. Pe t s, $800lmth + utlties Appiy o 900-878-3070 aaek- dxys, MILTON Haghts 3-bednoom apurtmeut uand offica space. Appinucas. purking and smuil yard. $2,000/mth plus utlities andf services. Avilubie May tst. 905-954-167. MILTON 2 bdnm asaiabie Augoot b Sapiemben Cail 416-723-480t tornfu- tSaer information. MILTON Furnîshud lange, bring/st. t -9/R basemaut apartmeut inu piote bome avulubie nmmedixteiy on quiet crascett uppousiae E. C. arury. kitchenatte, lage U uth gas tire- place, uic, s/sred iauudrp- nom, piota parking and utlities included, $825/mocth, irstixut. Non- smakem ocp, n pets. 905- 875-0838. ACTON 2-bednoom apxnt- ment, Soptemben tle $88Olmonlh utltias in ciuded Quiet Building. No- pets. t92 C/surchil Roud Sovth. Caili5t9-853-t281. ACTON hachelur uput. meut. Frage, tuve, A/C. 0695/montS inclusive. Avilubie Augut lut. Cali 905-977-7194 Eut 8#30 ACTON, 1-bedraum and 2- bedroam uapurtmentu aux/l- ubie nmmediateiy $790 and $890/mont/s ait inclusive. Ca/i 519-853-3309. e f I f f MILTON 1 -bedroom base- ment apartmtent. Separate entrance. irepace, utlitien included, wreless internet and Starchoice availabie, Septembar 1tsi.$900lmthý 905-864-9191. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mi lade Towem 82 Miflade Drive. Amtactive quiet buiding. Spacous bnight cean 1&2 betiroom anits wth Iaundry tacility and sociul raamn on site. Regular resîdent evants Open 7 caye & eveefege Cati 905-876-1249 South.OM sitelîton î tue plac $9lont tuuos îradn hme ACoNradorae eormatmo $aglutn W to wnhomea ments. i rent ls S te.CtPlzaeth Duet 905-78-5375 A BTuilaingManaedrsnle ary u arden. Pendne e AuBEr, O yad. u tcesSt20/ mienpa.ce 416-699-9164 ACEORG2-eTroW madple- bdranm epurenntsme,5 mont/s aond 92/ eh AxTa/table e immediateip pIndades heit y/carde GE5/oAG . EOW t-bedroem apacth.AInent 500s atplus bi hydru Catliaeho0put 905-873-4072. ACOGONre2W roN tl-- ment parutentran e. A5- ardpinas, satellite TVltiih and 25inte. Avalabie A/C. Prîatelga. includssio Fîrplae Carlin ex5-r73 alt95- GEORGETOWN 1-bednim quient, on-umoke.$lth u A/Cro Cai 4t6 5t-2269 90573-4072. GEORGETOWN 3 bxd- oom hempeant aprmect saurn. SPiiote etrance, No/g sknig erneptm tde ad tOvelusero ptoolmrknt.h$inciaulue inclssivet/reterences. eCuti Caller05873m6015 a7 GEORGETOWN 1lueroo1. baidrfoom upritec wthcieux quied quiset Accetableton inldser (sp ison opsol)- cg/migpets Septem-u Rterencesp 905-7 7-09 ~zz rn~zz David and Floa Monk are delighfed ta announce the birth of their darling daugh- ter, lela Anne Monk, born June 29, 2007 at 1:25 pm, weighing 91b iSoz. Her twmo big brothero Caium and Jamie are takinci very good care of her. Proud Granny Annie and Grandma Sandra and Grandpa Andresa weicomed her arrivai. Many thanks to al fhe staff at Milfon District Hospital. Isia would like ta thank Mrs, Monks Kindergarteet class at Martin Streef for taking such good care of her sahile she was ai nchooi. ComngE vents IMMn g Events r MI, F* t i e;te t a traionI GEORGETOWN large t. SELF Detence classes t bedrxxm apartener dean Mlton Leisare Centre and and quiet. Acceptahle txr Mînxon Memuriai Arena. aider person. Na smxk- Clasues for ages 5 rui Aduit. cg/pets. 5eptember tt $88 tor 9 meeku. Reterences. 905-877-1209, miltoclPamadujo.co905- ______________________ 567-0644. GEORGETOWN, newlp enciaaed 3-bedroxxm uppe ICI1idFarm tServie s ee and klofta rntbaiceny Washer drperhookup. No smoking/pets. $1 .2o0/monnn SMALL square baies ot includes utlties. Avalabie o/seat stra, cdean, briqht & Juip ltt CaI 905-873-1174 long stemmed, cxc deiîoer uller 8:00pm flmo9059875-7960. MLL OSte e a eogeown. 111 unt 1beO oom pus dec $85Olmouth plus h/dru. COUCH & Loue 5eut ton Brand uew and beautîtul. sale. Great condition, Ash- Seau 647-268-3753. îug $850o or butS 050ý Caîl 905-878-5290. Retaîl gy~ HousOS calun for bath couches is lm For Rent $1500 MILTON 3-bcdnoom couse § dC1eS ceur uchool, t cxi garage, For Sale A/ailabe Auq St,3--lmt utlties 905-875-3750 lOT Tub 2007, Prc _________________ m wh ail upgrades, 3-BEDROOM hause inu Ozoctar soucve ninplus- A- tic musi seil cosi $8 475 toc heu handwood, caipet, Sacîntice $3 8000 Caîl 5t9. paint,6h inc a ppbxnces. 22407 Caene hobck yard Decccoitff ________ oi kîlcnu pîtless condi- POOL tabla' pnaiassnocual nion. S,350lmoct/n saies airS eveny opgcade. t" Plus utiliSes No smak- siate, $800 woth of accus- inuopais Immediai occu- sonnes Bnrnnd rcea cnbox pauc/ Cxli5t9-033-9975 Cosi $5, 000. must seit tt,50 5t9-7224077, BEAUTIFuLL 4-edruum axecutive bungaowoinu Enîn INLItS usher b dryer, 2 htc/eus, 2 irepiaces,4 heuup durp $300 Frigi- 4 daire onudow AC ait/se- bathruoms, 2 car garage. mt t20 $t,700/munth plus. 299-979.9200BTU, $200. Aaiabie 5eptember tst, 8ý7-72 Catil 519-833-4616. A diniug raoo, c/sercywood. double pedestai table, 8 BRIGHT, beautitul 3-bed- c/sors, baffttSn/, dovetail rxom, 4-bat/srxom serni- constructon. New stilli n deteshed hume in bases. Cost $11009. Sacrifice Georgetown Sauth. $26W. 905-567-9459. Prxfessioaleiîp fnisbed ___________ basemest, buge tu9y fencee A King or Oseen Orf/sapibc budqtad Wakmng distance ta magtresa set. Ne.inu plastic. sc/osi/purks, shopping, Warrunty. 00sf $160 meebeul facliies and more. -Sacri/sce knue $5500 Oseen Use of appbuanees. EadludeS $295. 905-567-9459. ubilities. Aualuble io- medlatety Firsduast ne- BEM Assuzig borgies, qaeen qaîred. Pieuse cati Tisa oatlspedic pllowlep set, sew t 905-977-0391 in plastic,.ouaraty $250 905- 567-4042 will ef iaec. For Ront aCOÊROON Cherrywood, FrRn - Bed, dresser, mrmor, cbest, MILTON Stand ueo 3su og/t-stand, ueo inubases. 3-e m aetuil consdrcbaon. Cost rom nMunumy Village home, $7090 Sei 150 end unit. Exergy tan, 5- Dn -rom $1090e her. uppi., A/C, garage, $13001 îigru im /ey mth e utlties. Sept. lut No eo Cout $9000. Se/i pets/smoking. 905-976-4999 $1900. 905-567-4042. CARPET i1/aue seserul ~ 1,000 yards of ueo tinu Masten b t00% nylon car- pet. mii du living roum b MLTON tonhousa 3- bu/i fvr $389. Icu/dos car- bednuom, 4-uppinces, pat, pad & instualution 30 garage.St1.340/ mt/s, Fst yards) Steve, 905-633-8192 [Lest, plus tl/nies. Auxlabie mnd epnemben, Cati bluve HOT Tob 1Spai Couens bast 905-878-5444. pnce, Best quli-ty Ail shupes _________________ & coluos. Cxii t 66-585- OAKVfLLE.- 2,3&4 Sed- 0056h awthao-venguyca onm tomohouses FREE Etîmulus Gut w000 auxlabie îmmadîutely biy chairs, inn lokn tbrougb Saptemben tut. wo fn, s? e ldsîc applîxuces, Hopadale Mal Cu t cWodhesu Pids area.LakehoreM.nae- uad Furnutune Rapaîns. 9-9. mant 9009876-3336 905-632-9090 Macr OT rvbi Opa- Brxod neo Aalbe 2007 modal mlxii options, and nover Stîllinc orappern Csnst $5150_, Sacritica MONTESSORI toucher $4250 Cxii 905-97t-1777 pruunding du/cure uta ____--- _______ hume. Closea o bau- LEATHER! 3 pece Itlinun set. t/sonne Public Schooui Sota, loveseut and c/sain. Cxlii693-t835 on 647- heu, icplastic. Coul$090 440-7423. 0eI $250.905-304-4673. POOL Tub/a, Brnd heu. 2 fu time spots avuilable. stili nu box. Su/id Wood, CPR, First Aid b Police t5iuate, Ail Accessonnes. Check. Cou Mlissu 905- Caut $6.700, Oeil $1.950. 979-8169, 905-304-9994 &a uy1,10 IAN MacINNIS .a iiy2,1007 liOiw.t - l:OOam faines *6Mode * Par ATICKETS $10 BIRTHDAY - 4Hapii $ot Birtkba,1 Dat, fNomjno AnSco juh1, 24, 2007 BIRTHDAY Ryder's 5Oth Wedding Amiiversary Fri. July 2 7th ' 7--] k,ý

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