Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 May 2007, p. 18

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SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail LIESA KORTMANN / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION TAKE THAT!: Bishop Reding's Ryan Lecky (centre) gets hit by a Christ the King opponent during last week's Halton field lacrosse tournament in Burlington, The Royais aost 13-1 and went on Sotie Robert Bateman 5-5 and tail 11-2 to Notre Dame. The tournament continued yesterday, wvith Reding - now having standout Kevin Winter back from the recent world championships in Halifax, wvhere he represented England - taking on St. Thomas Aquinas and HoIy Trinity. Halion's top two teams advance to OFSAAý ~Royals clear final hurdie to OFSAA Faced wvth one final - and unexpected - obstacle to OFSAA. OFSAA, Bishop Reding:s senior boys soccer team ]ust Delivening his second two-goal effort us as maux. games. wouldn't be denied. Eros Olazabal netted botb the game wmnner and Just a day after clinching top spot in Haitons -insurance deposit midway through tbe second hait AAA ranks - whicb was behieved to, equl ~ \ aftei tbe Hiamilton visitors scored on them- automaiic advancemnent to tbe provincial selve.s duning a boîcbed cleaning aîtemj i thai cbampionsbips , tbe Rovals were iîîfurmed tied te game . a a d D n îbev'd bave to take on Hamiltons runner-up for ' Wt Nikola Repar se red tbe fîrsi goladDe that berîb. DaSîlsa-Horsat and Chrîs Canas offercd standout Refusing to surrender svat tey fet was performaces for te Roy as wbo laimed 'AA already tbeîrs, the bosîs battled back from two one SAA gold last spning. goal defîcîts amîdst bumîd conditions \Vednesday to rbe 'AAA OFSAA ebamnpionsbips are slatcd for june 4 upsiage tbe St. Marv's Crusaders 4-2 and solidify passage io t h in Windsor. - -CROSSW rNDS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB_ Novalk likes what he sees in prospects IceHawks coach explects '07/08 team to ke significantly quicker By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF andy Novak isu t suggesing a returu 10 ihe R Western Conferences upper crusi will be quick- only tbat bis 2007/08 lccHawks will be. At leasi, tbat is, compared to this pasi scason. 1111 take speed over anyîbing, and we'rc definitely going to bave more speed," said tbe reccntly- rebired bead coach. [bat assurance follows wbat tbe 2004/05 Western Confereuce Coacb olf the Year vtewed as au encouraging rook- rP ie camp, wbîcb came to a close Wednesdlay evenîng wib a final audi- lion of rougbly îbre dozen prospects- picked from an original casi of 88 phas ers and 24 goalies ibat started oui ai Wesîwood Arenia lasi week. Randy Novak its expected ibai 15 or 16 lceHawk wannabcs from thai lasi group will be invited back to tbe main camp, wbtcis is slaîed 10 start Augusi 20. At leasi onc bomeiown bopeful frîsm wbaî was descuibed as a bhigb tempo' camp bas caugb.i Novak's eye. l2aring well as a laie scason cail-ttp, local forward Scoti Siover bas now put hîmseif in position iocs am a fuil-time rosier spot b as - îng sbnw.%n sîrongiy lasi wcek. "Scott secs tbe tee and mcsves tbe puck weil and is boîb creatise and responsîble oui ibere,- said Novak of the 1 laiton 1 luenicanes veicran. Among others leaving a favourable impression on the lcel-lawks' eoacbîng staff - wbicb includes assistant Mîke Kalapaca - wcre Hurricane graduates Ccîrîîs Renaud anci j oe Vanni, boîb forwards wbo made sîgnîficant impacts witb the Dundas Jr. Cs and Elmira Jr. Bs ibis pasi ycar. Remarked Novak, "Curtis bas great vision, wbîle loues more of a power forward. W've alsus got a couple of ()aks'île boys wc'rc quite inîercsîed in." Sti11 very mucb a developmct tcam sînce bcîng raken over by co-owners Dean Piett and Rob DeVincetis, the lccHawks won'î be mcasuring up lui many cof ibeir division ris ais in terms of expenience any'iime soin. Vubere tbcy won't bc fallîng short, iowcs'cr -accordtng -see BETTER on page A20 " 18-bole Championship Golf Course " Driving Range and Practice Facility " Liceneed L-ounge and Bar " Golf Tournaments " Weddings and Receptions " Private and Corporate Fuanetions Rates " Monday to Tlîursdav " Early Bird ?Weckdays isefore 80am) 1), i - ,si iis 6621 Guelph Uine, Burington, Ontario (Just south of Derry Rd.) g 'Ve r - Tel (95) 19-99 Friday to Sunday & Holidays $78 Tel:osinsol.o (95 319-599 Ai 8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 25, 2007 s

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