'I "e~ W~ rnpsai.II'ria i '34 ~ The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May1 8,12 007-A7 *People whol Are you prepared in case of an emnergency? tad training reduce t i ùl i ai I t n portaint papcrs such as tdcnttlt herpersonal and >00 ,atc ordcd b tocvacuatc. \ou dtstress i ithe event ni a disasiet pctici, ollichangettgci i othtttg anid ltiR dtittiit. have to leave your homne quickly and Te Canadian Red Cross is jotning shocs, blankets or sleeping hags, extra [he batteries and fond in the kit donut haîve time t pacek food, ohe Emergcncy Management Ontarmo and car keys, cash, a whisdle tn autraci atten- should hc replaced once each year. and persoual beli ugsYu g Y n'n PuhlicSafetv Canada îuncricouragiug know whenu Ilale h go homn people to bc seif-suffîcient for at least igain - if ever 2 h ors followtng a disaster. This t sîstuation cdb ho he Red Cross rccominîds the fol- snids of Canadians ci h ya nd o lw ng items bc încluded tn a home inirk thîs week Ias -mergency dsser kit: a flashltght anîd batteries, a ,Big event planned just for youth Actis tîcs gai n îacî h g plann lnch, unlîmîted ise ni air bounice ats part nI Saturdays Yncith--patooza eveut. Feens anîd voung adults are invited to coulie oui for a day planneci jusi for them froîn 1 to 1l p.nî ai ihe Lions Sports Park, 77 I honîpson Rd. The event - geareci toward youth aged 13 ici 24 - is ii celebraticîti cf National unitl \\'eek aucd is being pcut on l be Miltotin ascîfs \'outb Advistory f. utic il. Activittes w iii itclude gaies andc cottes. s, tino w restltug, gianttw15ister, at rock clitîîhng 5\-aliacd a skateboarcd andc BMXjaina-session. octilîs wtill also lic able to c italîctig a polic e nIlicci ai th ue lîiti c Iorce obstacle CotIuseý A $5 wr. tsatîd itccldc's a barbecue nient, one ree heutna latoo natd $1 off the evenîng baud show admission. Throughout the entîre alternoon there'li hc ongoîtîg perl)nnances and eniertaîtîmet t hvEdisonî Sunrîse, the Milton District Hîgh School Improv Teain, ihis s Prngress, Super Cheer, So Key, ikilishine atnd Ilic Randails. - l'le cvcnitig band shosswîll mun frointu7 1 lp.m. ai the fLions C lub Hiall. upsiairs ai Meinortal Arena. pet lot ing wi iii e 'tatiPunîch, A1Mthy ti seci.tiestt MNonologuieanîd Dc eau, -1 le cosi lfot the sboss s s$5. 1-(ni-notectinformtionicl (Q0)) 878-7252, cm. 2754 or vs it sswss "'i- 10nI.C. Change where you live, not how you live. Cs e apyen pl.nt si you Get a mortgage that's affordable for you, f rom TD Canada Trust. Whether ynu already on a home sud are mnving Up in snmethîug bigger or benter, or ynu're buyîug ynur first home, TD Canada Trust bas a morgage that's righi for you. Oue that gives ynu the flexibility ynu want, ai competitîve rates. that lets ynu enjny ynur new homie withnut havîng 10 change hnw ynu live. At TD Canada Trust, we offer low don paymeut options sud n dowîî payment options onu a variety of mortgages at amortizatinu perînds of Up in 4(1 years.' Spreadîng your mortgage over a lonîger period of tinie lnwers vour paymeuts t0 help you manage ynur budget. Chnnsîng a shorter amortization perind will help ynu PSY off your morigage sonner. Our different payîîîeut perînd options (weekly. bi-weekly, semi- montlly or niiîntbly) eau help ynu manage ynur cash flow as well. Need lîelp decîdîug whîch onue is besi fnr you? Jusi visit ynur lncal branch nr tn bnnk au îu-honîe appointinent wîîh a Mobile Morigage Specîalîst visit www.idcaîiadairust.coin msf STo apply, visit a branch. rail 1-866-827-8512 or go tawww.tdcanadatrust.com/affordable CRATEr.RnT1 CUST CUSOMERCanada Trust ZOOS Banking can be thîs cumfortable *Recigi d foa Etcelleanc e ii Qsiluty Gif 1(atome SusevietmssgliteBig 5 Bansocrn otht e a d ta ai ServiceIextoeedacted b4 SynositeSeptemW 2005 und 2006. SaNey wîss caed atielly imitai caîlamesin i eneitl, iiitîly rgge a a t ers odition py. FccF.2A. BRICLAWDD