The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 8, 2007 ,A"5 Taylor Nursery 7429 Ftfth Lîne, Milton amiithe ial ed oi CiSi t ~ 905-876-4100 PFi I awtn 1 wànt 10 keep bugs <ut of my anin and garden hîut can 1 dot it iithout peticides? Wit sîthle ees aearees ei sre.tus sud aturai prssdust.s aîd (lise pusis Issupestsic c-e e s ii -sinoite cismuustiss. buere are a loti of ses sopttisshliensesîleres Iot gardeniers. Keep IleHeaithy Essu starters, - sea lest harder Issu peste Ici pet estalisheai il ysu keep lac ns sud pardens weil usurslied cîlli lerliters. %euh waterud and mli matstaincd. Busnp- sudasi ilirîve sn eal. tim grass but buscesaliard ime gettîng esialiisled sn lub.,thîckla ans andi on hcalttvivaplants. So make sure ysîa lecaiyaisr iamn and gardeu plants mi the rîght balance mif nutitssfort ysur sifculnae und) lcatons. Know What Yu're Buying-Diai yss kncîm thal 'organse hasea' prîsaicte in Canada snly require 1517co srpante mtter? L ooil for prtiducts tliat cîsuaîs 191 utural ingrediensicîc enliasce scliisructure chie ieedîup yisur pansisuproi n drainage, caler holing capactty and mîcuslisal sîsîssty. These aesustriinrdet lsîs lelp 'leud' the sseitiai sîil insecte sîsclias eartlimsrsts andi iiicrssbu-s Learo About lntegrated let Management (IPN1I lt'M ss a decisisni saktsg prisses-s laiaiticpaies and pretîts peKs is tv aîîd sîrestaist îi nsîugiî educatîssu.mniutoring. e-sablshîîîg prîctics usilat prîsmîtu plîifîcliliauratisus. sssrseedssg. piopr 555 it uin, indirrig-atisiistanda itiisesc tissusofi suisrtnt ise-cie-s Is eltsuue ci\sersiti caîilssl At Taylor Nursery.- mu sno\% stockii)I(i uîrat susducte insus Ton Reeslutussis. suludssp (GreenAcres 5i l ertulseer. Fteses lii Coimpost. Rises N Bissusur c h alfiisî <sd ellept stîsiSsii Stoper tus sue ursîisee brusen sposts froni ruasa si it et dîssape. St. John's- Kdlmarnock %N:19 lll). STRIVING FOR BALANCE ,-Ait impoisrtattlessîsit hic yosssisgpustleis tsi feases lisreelice sltVss sîtdsi huaibalsnce sinbesedaîls lives, Set Pritîrities lucide \mhs i se srih vsusetisse aatdi c ssii s îst. Goal Setting Teie tesisscheck snd itake 55suis oial saite realisic adiiucessssi-N 'iîîtid llricrastination Jut i ois55 t Fiad the Best 'lime tf )av Aie su a issus isssg.aItie tîsîsoii eenin ettsiig n 'l' tîs ss hediele ciiIicuit sîsîs efiesi \ssî sscalea Laugh -Laughier recleces sruýse relises muscisles andiii lcreass' imental aletuessi Relax -Spenaiuiîe eacb day relstîtag. frt your mn nslc der. cîsunect ithîlinature., tik poîsitive iliauphîs. listes lis musc. Be Healthy- Est ccli. elccp well andi lind a pbysîcsl aclssity tbat poua njoy. Seek Balance- Try lu balance acadcmîc, siletic. social sud famiy actîvîties ad lcaca 1 say NO to thîngs you really dont ne od. Now accepting applications for September 2007 & 2008 For a tour of St. Jobns-Kilmamock Scbool. picase contacttithr Admission Office ai 519-6483602, cul. 20. Discover fis-baud why tudents from St. Job's-Kilmsrnock Scbocîl cunsistcntiy aclieve succeuss at University ecil study. Transportation avalable from Rockcsssd, Mofft, Milton andi Canipblclvile arcs. If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 Lindsay Jukes, RMTj Bobby Strutt, C.R. î~)s T Milto n Medical Building TENSION HEADACHES "iîssl't atsscîîs the lica sesid (se sc mlon Coduseslotit aissc d(esst ss'ti 1,id -v j'l 1le Retew rNip. heledssi p ol ýrai d eri'si' son)iua1505pti- tSNipsteoi, ricid-e atit ui cder in st. alahngor e-i pa0ut sin mide ormoare;ithe Fl-ce ptientsimoa>-i l-liîicclsslsl5ig ol lie t5iý5h efens paitt hid the cas r ite tenmple. Tigger poisin thesplesi nmusc-les (base of le s-llti se pais upusard to cause a deep -.e.ted hadche thal cencenleates ehnd theee and oten exendslî the top ofthe ead. Addttonally. stesoledettasltd (V-shaped muscies n te front of the nec) trtgger points nt eniy tefer pain to the ca.tempe. and aeiund the eye.ibut may tso cause decnes. dsornenlttion. and thes ymptoisft iitigeminal neuealga. Treaimentofe tension hedaches wil include thonougli .sessmentt gger point tieapyand hydrotiteiupy toneduce pain and muscle spasrn and mneuse crculaion t, ompomsed tisiue. The terapisi wil srech shoented miuscles and encourage de pattent lunc aisaee of and minimise contibutng factons Plase aU the MaIon Therapeulzc Massage Clin, if you have asy quesions concerfling massage herapy or wuldlite la baok an, apponittent. Cali 905-878-0800 Now OtTring Refexology & Craniosacrat 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Mlton Medîcal Buildings ChicHuum: Mm.-Fr. 8-8 a Sat 10-2 e* OWsa omduy Irofessionials 11HPARTNERS IN PLANNING IIFINNUAISERVICFS I T!) Tlt: (905) 875-0120 Fax: (905) 8762934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lou Muligan Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 M ,RU, c<uuII A Question: I: ht a gaîd ides lii canstlidate Nîtar delits? Anwer: Dei (. sspcstsIIslionssta\ deims tise eut, cati bc a prihlclest monass peospe s: sistttts. e eSs s:isus îtcns.slaîssssU cîcdit caidde dhi pas nett:an:d I:tttp (,itss 5:5:55 ott tissaScsctnt htsssisîok.ochertirecs.LI a huitsh :oftrioset and ritsrs bu edssaniodeost sebi sittsoidaiti s tsiai su sas sd up payiog fois snges purisdan d presîthi a iighe intursitraie. This mutais ihat chite four cash fissw Iaf improe sho lueri, (tsartsai dei eu fsiiitaiip te sts ciii bu pieter aid thu tise tsi gui eut o e dult ake longur. Tfis s s tsa gsesddeai5 -Always IKb orlt eys ils ( ssIoffour flinsand ther dehis quîcker. -Alcays lokco liocere teresi rates. *Always male sure tuainiterestist calcuisird on lie current unpaid balance. -Alwîys match est for hîgh intereet credit carde AND -AI cays catch eut foi credit card drais tha suieur ioci god to e bue -the fine pnint is chat reaiiy masenis! Rîght nec Curadians cariohti tsandard credit carde euth lesu ibm f0111 interesitraes or for mole tibm 20%1 raies. Some retail cadi raies arr close te 29%. Thene are special inruductory offers chenu you cmn cousolidate ail youî dent loi 4% 1but nec parchasus ai t23%. or dhr rateatomatically incruases after sxmenthe. Bu sareui!Leoders are n thu businusse of iudiglNeed help te btter urdurslaud yssui siedît saids, moigiges mnd iitrs~ts ratusi Cail Pariners su Panning fr a corpfensuntaif mutng. 9015 -64)120i ALA7E WI il PusTisEPsNPcANNNGtîS li ANE SE VCESre INC. Elayne Tanner & Asuocialele tc. ~ Elayne M. Tanner BABSWM.S.W.R.S.W.,DIP SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 ElaynM. Tanner Q.: Alter nenne reports of sehool violence 1 monder if 1 should discuss tlmitt my children oti f 1 should sait until they ask? A . Lhiidres. \%ihether ystisitiradole. ccii, istîctidoît ssi hssop tispici tai tsry fibent. Tbey hea the item scieurage but are tluclant te initiale tbu conversationAssurîib-2tetîs that the drasîatîc incidents thai are repsrted sunte media are rare but ibai the sehool staff are îraîsed iii reaci appuiipristely cas case ibeir cssicerns. Aisis tell theur the suitahie maN te report ans coticeri ibat IIbey sav ae durîsp tbe schoul day Encouarage heur chiîd te dîscuss hisfier feelings as fuiiy as possihle for isiber age hy askîng questions and dîscussîsg >our o omsnscens. Watch fot charnsbebasisur sunyisur cbîld. Tbesee Iasîguîfy esher misse. about a reported eseot at sointitg s happeuing te upset >osut clild ai scbooi Sîgus te match ori sc lude îbînp.s sucb as: a s el uctance te gis te schoesi - regress issuisu fuiitstiiu - drosp inigusdes - sii ire Is cisiiplese lîssîie e sîl a ggooitl' -tîsentt fsessstttt5a 5(s5ssbi isît .shaiieints(eep paterns -ctasSe ini perssisiliis Pit outiio Illie ucit intIali '.cfitiiîi higi ssalsojIsisse et s besise and stiiesicsu sthIlui s e issssth cî iisf. a tiot he ste tsccttsscIIsitescsfsIstsstail ha ci]onsire tsieftss hildici-li',\ING lot'I. E IcU, \Ihprt Ii]l-l -SHOPPERS ZDRUG MART Open to mdnîght, 7 days a week Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E. j) 905-878-4492 I!RiTiti Q: 1haien tben diagnedn ih pe 2dabl uandVimot nI wal 1 hale)or Iol o ais a an vn lgme? A:I \r lhalhe tc h d c adieis nlohel flr ci\,pa iciiplan tiialis indiiliiedtiiritlera, Iiu caiscontatoiisaltsiailocal ltsiietes idecitto Centtre or thisseseh \esslai s hi ipitaI i- c ieiti IssNu hbise diabetes siit iesuif us Ieep sîîîîbliiid eucsse i iittist eeping souai huissieucisceinssontsssoisie presesi r slowc.dsscudsabetes pissbes suchassdasiagestthe heaio. eNs, es. idncysandsstteuistsaiis Thiece hîogs help keep sssuu bissa gluics ncittit 1thetissd yiuecal 2, lie pis orintsulîn >îsu ale 3.the exercie yiu do Wben yssu hase diaien awhal. when and has mach Cita eaiilttptoaot, - Eaisiseiistrint aleas 3 of the 4 food groupsi esît('auaa-'is d Giides at eacb meai. Te 4ficdlgsiups are I1 .Grains 1 Vegetables andiFruit 3 ilMîk Pieducs 4. Mess sud attcmstiSC l: as il abosut tIe-alis fiisscih dali;soeassfaedv\ i)isissc t(ait6shssiiss pai Itiiiuidsstsusorditita haisiodis tiicatracks.ecalthcsststiboust the saietlneCsch da\ tiss lXistsksip ties ssorsirack, UncijMuchfi) Lal t 5ssk ,t siiurplate acaittisscii ad isstake uca 1 , o5cs5u5 platec ccstains selce t1t4 coulait,ste't and aicrtietas, ssthe pisse .ddtfruitand 4kssîorss t ctcstktsorssstd ouitshe cc Nitapperi Drag Nat has leitopcd an informaioin package tai telisîstet abat non need ta knoA .aimai healthy eaing and diaitetes. SAlienul ast. sitar tealthwatch Pharmacisl fan a capy laday!