~Ie QLauabiaîî Qijuuptoîî - i f~&I1,x~~<FT~ ~ re~ '-i A R EA L E S TA TE See what's on the market inside S PO0R TS Morgan makes Springers history R U RAL NEW\NS Sportsmen cook up a storm w w w .e e w w m b u . T 'sWkB78-288WIOP 1 Trustees want strict control of surveys GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CH-AMPION --A GOOD NEIGHBOUR: Seven-year-old Brad Dendeckker shows a tire recovered from the Sîxteen Mile Creek as part of Good Neghbours Community Cay Saturday He was out wth other volunteers cleanîng up the creek in the commun ty nitiative See more photos from the event on page A8. By David Lea SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Some student surveys may soon find themseives unweicome within the schoois of the Halton Catholic District School Board afier trustees passed a motion last Tuesday that would require their approvai before thev reach the ciassroom. The motion, întroduced by Joanne Matters, called on staff to draft a policy aliowing for trustee approval of board surveys and pilot projects that are moraiiy sensitive or controversial. "It is necessary for trustees to be made aware of such surveys and pilot pro]ects that impact the students entrusted to our care before such sur- veys and pilot projecis are initiated," said Matters in her rational for the motion. -While it is recogru.zed that many surveys and pilot projects of varving origins and intentions are routîneiy împlemented wthîn the board, the intent of this policy is t0 address those surveys and pilot projects that are of a senious nature." Maux inîstees immediately xoiced concerns wîth the practical implica- tions of such a motion. -Who is going to decîde whaî sur- vevs (are examined) and wh at surveys are of a moraliv contentîous nature? saîd Oakvîlie Trustec Alice Anne LeMay. WN\hat is a controversial survcvT- asked Burlîngion student trustee Ryan Durran. Matters dîd not provide a specîfuc example or any indication of the type of survex s the board was hopîng to guard agaînst %%ith ibis poiicy; notîng that these questions would he deait ,%ith ai a later date. Thats someîhîng that can bE addressed in the policy that wll b( developed bv our staff," she said. "its with that. On one hand its quite com- piicated and on the other iÈs quite sim- ple and obvious." The cati for required trustee approvai of surveys and pilot projects cornes in the wake of the Halton Youth Survey created by the Our Kids Network. Asking questions like, "in the iast 12 months, have you seriously considered suicide or taking your own lite?" the survey was issued tou 1-laton schools in an effort to, determine what places chul- dren were thriving and what places they were not. The survey was not weii received hy some parents who brought their con- cerns teu local trustees. Despite the tact that aiterations to, the questions in future Haiton Youth Surveys have been agreed upon, the motion went forward and passed. Learn more about the survey page A10 Insice Todlay's Champion OPINON A6 BUSINESS A9 DATELINE A27 CLASSIFIED A28 vzwv;mm ralancharnpicn com Inserts: FULL DISTRIBUTIOiN MARS 5WSFFF WARHOUSE MATAS - ALTAN FEGIONAL POLICE PARTIAL. DISTRIBUTION LOBSLAWS - SR -SLttF FACTORY - LUMBERVILLE *WESTSOF THE CIT - BABaCASFFWA SGANT TISER * rAt BASKET HSSSE - TOPPERS PIZZBA RBA FINE FOODS *C STiC FIBROSISS-BUSINESS SEPST - SABRA*- HOME DEPOT PALSS SHOtS - BOUCLBIR www.miltontoyota.COm r- t ndnfManSt TakjorNurej Soils, Mulch & Aggregates Flowers Shrubs & Trees [IGarden Decor Design & Maintenance .............. A19 FACES