Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 2007, p. 12

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A1 Thti Çdnadian Champion, Itl Apnil 6, 2007 Pesticide bylaw could be brought back to the table Sfrorn PESTICIDE on page Ai cide legislation in place. "Our message to you is a simple one - if you don't absolutely bave to expose people to pesticides then you sbould flot do so," she said. "Do tbe rigbt thing; do the safe tbing - proteet our cbildren fromn harm." Dr. Susan Rhodes of Oakville poinîed ouf that the 'cîde' in pesticide means "to kil)." "Pesticides and herbicides are poisonous by definition," she said. "in large doses, tbey kil) people. In small doses, îbey kil) so-called pests." Meanwhile, Keitb Solomon from the University of Guelpb's Centre for Toxicology said be tbinks lntegrated Pest Management - a sysfemr thai allows for pesticide applica- tion if necessary - is "an ideal way to go." "If allows you to keep ail the tools in the îoolbox," be said. Local resident Jessica Garrod-Martin took a sligbtly dif- ferent approach to the fopie. "To me, cormmon sense says tbat until pesticides are safe enough to, pour into a glass witb ice cubes and a lemon wedge and drink them, we sbould flot be putting tbemn any- wbere near animais or bumans," sbe said. And wbile area citizen William Walker said be tbinks some pesticides are detrimental, be staunchly defcnded 2,4- D, a commun herbicide. He pointed ouf that 2,4-D was actually created toi increase crop production during the Second World War. "Thats wbat ifs been used for over the past 50 years," be said. "2,4-D) is a good pesticide." Liz Benneian of the Healtby Halton Coalition deemed fol to chîldren. "We need to put our cbîldr'n's lrealth belote cîrpot i profits," sbe argued. L ocal farmer Peter Laînhi tk thehri rugbit an agricultur- al perspective to îbe table. i le asked counicil oi tii hrtng for- ward a pesticide bylaw, expressitrg bis worry ibiat the regula- tion could ulîîmaîely be expanded tir include farmers' rural lanrds. 'mr concernied tbere is air agenda here," be saîd. "Tis is the tim edge of the wedge." Wrapping up the evening was Miltoni landscaper Philip Walker, wbo contended that alI of' the pesticide products bomeowners will come into contact wvitb are safe and overly tested and regulated. Motion gets minimal support After bearing fromn everyone, Scbau put ber motion on the floor to bring a cosmetie pesticide bylaw witb exemp- tions forward to counicil in May for approval. "1 do believe in the precautionary principle," she said. "Risking in any way the healtb of anynne to have a weed-free lawn îs not a good thing to, do." Last .lune, Scbau made a similar motion but tbe commu- nity services committee voted it down. Tbis time around, it garnered hitle support again, witb most members of council speaking ouf againist the motion for vanious reasons. Ward 3 Councillor Jan Mowbray cited several items sbe'd researcbed, sucb as a piece sbe'd found that says injury is the leading killer of cbildren, not pesticides. Sbe also said sbe'd read there are more incidents of peo- ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1 GTA West Corridor - Environmentai Assessment (EA) Terms of IReference TIE STIJDV The Ontario MInlt of Transportation ia working to provide for the efficient movement YR of people and goods within the context of the province's Growth Plan for thie Greater 89 Eu 0 Golden Horseshoe. To support the policy directions in thie Growth Plan, MTO has , commenced the format environmental assessment (EA) process for thie GTA West Corrdor. The purpose of this study la f0 examine long-terri transportation problems and opportunities and consider alternative solutions to, provide better linkages between Urbain Growtfi Centres within thie GTA West Corridor. 1 THE PROCES This study is being undertaken as an Individual EA in accordance wit h thie Ontario 0(14j Environmentai Asseasment Act. Thie f irst step of the procesa requires that a Ternis , of Reference (ToR) be prepared and submitfed f0 thre Minîster of the Environment6 for approval. Thie ToR ouflines how the EA sfudy will be undertaken. A draft Ternis of Reference is now available for review on the GTA West website )www.gta-west.corn) and at focal librairies. Interested persons are encouraged 10 review and comment on the draft ToR by May 18, 2007. Once commenta are received, the ToR will be revised and submitted to the Minister of the Envîrosment for an approval decision. As part of the legislated approval proceas, W~1 eio1O. tfhe Miniater of the Environment will initiate a formai public review of the ToR to assiat in iitxh.6 makin an approval decision. During this formai revîew procesa, there will be a second 7 opportunity f0 comment on thie ToR. Review Locations of tire Draft Ternis of Reference: Vaughan Public Ilr Kleinburg Branch 10341 lalingfon Avenue N. Vaughan Public Uibrary pierre Berton Resource Branch 4921 Rutherford Rd. King Township Public Uibrary King City Brandi 1970 King Rd. King Township Public Uibrary Nobleton Branch 8 Sheardown Dr. Caledon Public Library Caledon East Branch 6500 Old ChurcIr Rd. Brampton Public Uibrery Chinguacousy Branch 150 Centrai Park Dr Brampton Public Uibrary Cyril Clark Branch 20 Loafera Lake Lane Mississauga Public Library Meadowvale Branch 6677 Meadowvale Circle Halton Hilîs Public Uibrary Georgetown Branch 9 Cfrurcfr Si. Halton HiUs Public Ubrary Action Branch 17 River Si. Milion Public Uibrary 45 Bruce Si. Wellington County Public Library Puslinch Branch 29 Wellington Rd. Welington County Public Library Marden Branch 7368 Wellington Rd. WeNlngton County Public Ilau Rockwood Brandi 85 Criatie Si. Welngon County Public Library Brin Branch 14 Boiand Dr Guelph Public Library Main Branch 100 Norfolk Si. PUBLIC CONSULTATION Trie tiraf round of Public Information Centres (PICs) hav been arranged to allow trie public an opportunifo 10 revîew and comment on trie draft TOR. Trie PiCs will be condacted as a drop-în format wîth members cf trie Prolect Team available f0 discusa trie study and f0 reapond to questiona. Monday, Apnil 16, 2007 Wedneday, April 18, 2007 Monday, Aprit 23, 2007 Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Holiday Inn Select Brampton Le Jardin Special Esents Centre Rieer Run Centre Culturel Centre Caiedon Room Venetian Room Canada Company Hall Gallery 30 Peel Centre Drive 8440 Hîghway 27 35 Woolwicn Sftreet 9 Churcn Street Brampton, ON Woodbridge, ON Guelph, ON Georgetown, ON 4:00 p.m. f0 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 10 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4:.00 p.m. f0 8:00 p.m. COMMENTS Commenta and information regardîng triOs prolect wili rie coliected f0 ussiat trie Project Team. This materia wîll be maîntaîned on file for use during trie prolect and man be include i n prolect documentation. Comment forms and atudo information are available on the project website: Information coilected will be used in accordance with trie Freedom of Information and Profection of Pnivacy Acf and trie Arceau f0 Information Acf. Wiifi trie evception of personal information, ail commenta wiii become part of trie public record. For further information, or f0 rie added f0 trie mailing liai, pIeuse niait trie proleci website or contact: Mr. Jin Wang, Profeci Co-ordinator Mr, Neit Afîmed, P. Eng., Consultant Prof oct Manager Ontario Ministry of Transportation McCorrnick Rankin Corporation Provincial and Environmenial Planning Office 2655 North Sheridan Way, Suife 300 301 St. Paul Street, 2nd Floor Mississauga, ON L5K 2P8 St Catharines, ON L2R 7R4 Toll-free: 1-877-562-7947 Phuone: 905-704-2117, Fax: 906-704-2007 Phione: 90"-23-8500, Fax: 905-823-8503 E-mail: project-tearn@gta-west.coni E-mail: &Ontario Pleqae visit Our website aS: i m ilii laIi'i i iitiol i ), ý1 _1'i ticides. "We must hase the hylaw on quantifiable, scientific infor- mation," shte said. "I do te) that ibere is an agenda bere." Ward 2 (ounicillor Mîke Bougbton saîd bc doesn't tbink tire lTown should create a bylaw tbat it ian't ciontrol tir enio)rce. "if1 sbiiuld be a law that is done hy the provincial or lederal governiment. [bey should sîep up to the plate and do il. Ward 1 Councillor Rick Day said he'd prefer to give staff a chance t(o report back on the resoîts of tbe public meeting, wbile Ward 4 Councillor Paul Scherer saîd be would support a bybnid bylaw, meaning pesticides would be restnicted in certain montbs and a notification process would be in place for the remainder of the year. Wben the vote was called, Scbau and Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Colin Best supported the motion wbile Mowbray, Bougbton, Day Seberer, Ward 1 Councillor Bnian Penman and Mayor Gord Krantz voted against it. Day tben put forward a motion asking staff to report back on the implications and financtal impacts of implementîng any style of pesticide bylaw. The motion carried, and staff is 00w going to bring the informnation back toi councîl as soon as possible. Ultimately, Sebaus motion being voted down doesn't mean counicil won't consider a cosmetre pesticide bylaw again. It simply means it won't be brougbt forward for approval in May With staff bringing a report back on aIl the different types of regulations, the ban-witb-exemptions bylaw could be put back on tbe table in the future. Melanie Henrressey can be reached ait mfrennessey@nniilton- Spring into the Garden is botta eo erse adtr tnl e h greîgian domae wmnyroonitpoet hv haeo h otetu aunrco ut1 e usd Ieo th rts gostu p gsorm a nnrecou tr 0p tha me are bofuor arde ine tocf year wh 'n th garuee nssatI e h aneerueprg hes Garde ln g ichnp e ar nd om ae r re ho ayior rlae prospects ofew rua e a xcrn ag a e o the t he r grir ero l r ner n at ge ot se , Orno s onf to her cirs in r ha ce i 1 h w ayre i s hntecou tr op Li n n dM * Chirheasu m o htel d 05i.3Gdnr nwmlweiti fo p sr p ore b gh Wh r - o u lives ww erragr ehu es.o Burlngto Watrdow Mi ton Vaugan 7D' Y

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