The Canadian Champion, Friday, Match 30, 2007 -B9 Choosing between SOD or SEED (MS) - Anyone whos lever laid down their own lawn has had f0 corne f0 the decision eventually: once the ground has been pre- pared, is if besf f0 go with sod or seed? Nof surprisingly, like rnany other decisions with respect f0 horneowning, choosing between sod or seed is not an easy caîl. Pari of whaf makes the sod versus seed question hard f0 solve is that there's offen no right answer. Most of the tirne, the deci- sions need f0 be looked at on a case-by- case basis. Before you go ahead with decid- ing whats besf for you, consider the follow- ing factors that could weight heavy in your decision. Price: One of the first things any home- owner wanfs f0 know when if cornes f0 repairing or irnproving his horne is what if's going f0 cost. The sarne goes with the yard, where prices can differ greatly depending on fhe choice you rnake. When if cornes f0 a new lawn, seed is far less expensive than sod. Sod is essentially seeded grass thaf sorneone else tended f0i. As a resuif, the cost of sod reflects the effort that wenf into tending f0 the grass. While seed doesnft cosf as rnuch, youlIl have f0 be diligent in fending f0 your lawn once you've laid down the seed. But if cost is your chief concern, seed is your besf blet. Tirne of year: While you can apply seed any time of the year, ita flot going to grow outside of growing season. Typically, grow- ing season is in late spring or early faîl. If you've missed seeding season, don't even bother throwing down seed. It will prove f0 be an expensive mistake that yields no resuit, and youlIl just have to apply seed again once the season returns. Sod, on the other hand, can be laid down throughout the year (though laying sod in the dead of winter would be a bad idea) and take to the soit. Landscape: Neither seed nor sod take to every lawn. For instance, homeowners whose yards are laden with trees should choose f0 go with seed. That's because sun is a big factor in whether or not most sod will take f0 the sou. If you seed areas under trees, be sure to choose a seed that will thrive without rnuch sunlight. Ask you local lawncare professional for the best seed for such areas. On the other hand, if your yard is hilly or slopes a lot, youlIl probably wiant f0 go with sod. This is to ensure rains or water wont wash the seed down the hilI. Why you're planting: Horneowners hoping to selI their house and increase the home's curb appeal with a new lawn should consid- er sod as opposed f0 seed. That's because sod will look better insfanfly, whereas seed will fake a while f0 grow into a beautiful, lush lawn. Another example where tirne plays a role is if you're hoping to have an outdoors party where you don't want your guests stepping in and then tracking rnud into your home. Sod doesn't fake tirne f0 cover up, s0 you won't need f0 worry about WAL..MART CORRECTION NOTICE D)uc t(, circunstances Innyond our tynnErol, the 4-Piece Wicker Set (un1694765) .ndvertised in onur carrent flyer <expirnng March 30'l) will not bc avaiable. fle apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. guests getting dirty and tracking that dirt into your home. Specializing in Stonennook, Water Reatures and Outdoor LUghting IN -TERLOCKING STONE WATER FEATURES Patio' nd Walkway's Ecu F,,endly Ponds D,ý.nnYn Pondless Watefaln Retaining WaIIn Strnems & Bubbiers LANDSCAPING GARDEN STRUCTURES Concept Designs Cusntom, Pergola's Natura-l Stone Wnk Privay Scrnnn Flagsto ne Custon Decks Garden Installatins Fence, Landscape Lghtng Calo visit, ou, ,nnbsite tn arrne gyourfreensiae 905-208-1732 SAVE I' To 30<4O ! Quality Handmd Fdniure Buitfor Your Lifestyle. 1 ayVns, Insai Spcals an.0 h oe cace *.ryyer It impct theol liin wi h ds 105-824-1 865 3115 Argnia Rd MISSISSAUIGA NORTH LO113CATION WINSTON CHURCHILL SI 401 [ýý & Gardenj] 1 Home SI Garcien 1