B4 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, March 30, 2007 That Matter" <> B.L. Marshall Estate Planning & Eider Law 20 Martin Street Milton, Ontario L9T 2P9 Phone: (905) 875-2400 Fax: (905) 875-2275 Email: office @mnarshalllawfirrn.ca www.marshalllawfirm.ca RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Are you considering Retirement Living? The comfoars of home are here at Martindale Gardens Visit or cali Marlene Williams 905 693-8592 You May Be Amazed... what GFS has to off er ta address the specitic needs of your menu and your overali operations. b JOL..boeikft leu 1-800-208-0158 GARDENS Retirement Residence 45 Martin St. Milton Ontario Ex pessing On.e% Lfe through ]Recent Art Show held at Martindale Gardens with Residents' participation RENO Sl;cializing in esidential Renovations Bathroons, Kitchetîs Basements Steve McKirdy GnriContractor 905-462-2747 ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Uf -msemm - n - Uigim AaumM - LWS, - 1PsW fUbU F.f (M.8JJ.. - 19's & Bob la now an E.PC. 'Eider Planning àîk Counsellor' Bob "Pie" Lee bob@robertl..Insurance.com Kim Mitchell klm@roberiloensurance.com 245 Commercial St. Milton ON Lg1 2J3 OFFICE 818-5786 FAX: 878-3692 y isb ofto aur flowers, Multon's only Retirement Residence c9L Visit us soon! H- EW i Ri For information, cali Marlene Williams o/Q-Ad/to @ 905m693-8592 Retirement Residence 45 Martin St. Milton Ontario