The Canadian Champion, Fnday, March 301, 2007 - B3 Halton Eco Festival to feature activities for the whole family An environmental fair with activities for the entire family will takc place tornorros\v andi Sondas ni Oakville. 1_111.t 1 (o p 1). 111 lli1o an, d 1 1 a.I1w (o 4 n 'ulh al the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, 1415 Third Line. "The environment is the number one concern of which organizes the event. (anadians and the Haîron Fco Festival is the best wav t0 dis- The festival will feature a 1,600 square-foot kîds' eco fun "ýi17lAIc[ILaîkaIkl1 cxcll1115t 11lu)L ol tt in, k tl Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights, RaIIy kicks off Milton's Relay for Life to be held in June Victory could be just one all-nighter away Organizers of Miltons Relay For Life are looking for volunteers to particîpate in the june 15 and 16 event, which will take place ai the Milton Fair Grounds. They're hoping this will be the biggcst relay yet in Milton. la st year, more tlîan 1,300 commu- nity members on 102 teams joined together in the fight against cancer, staying up ail night for 12 hours of fundraising and fun. As part of the relay one person on each ream is required to walk the track ai any one tâme. Team members gather pledges in anticipation of the eveiît. An astoiîishing $247,000 was raîsed last y'ear for cancer care and research. A team rally eveni was held Tuesday night at Hugh Foster Hall to kick off this year's Relay For Life, with partici- pants led in a powerful drumn cîrcle thatîIl also be part of the relay. Teams wanting to register can do so online at www. cancer. ca/relay. Also needed are event volunteers and cancer survivors ti partîcipate in the relay. Caîl (905) 332-0060 or visît the website for more infonmation. 10 9, lic.,lîlîiac loîsi il me1 kit) cati a silent auti(otI anidk 1 0 jeopardy'. Each day there'il also be a screening of Sarah Hariners new film 'Escarpment Blues', which chronicles her vision oif preserving Ontarios greenheit and the Niagara Escarpment. The preseniation costs $5 on top of admission. The festival is heing sponsored in part by the Region of Halton, the City of Burlington and the Town of Oakville. The cost is $12 for a non-transferable wristband thats good for both days and free for students. in advance, two-day admission costs $8. Wristhands are available from The Vitamin Store in Milton. For more information, visit #1 SALES TEAM IN CANADA# - -i ug. h 01W1S kw buni hi y M" M" Nh 81 ONTMO SI L.. L