The Canadian Champion, Fniday March 30, 2007 - 27 SlIId&Sied & SkIdlsd &Skdliled & Ofic Hel m oc IIIIIOfc epOfc e TeeIH eIp oeHep eIlHein ehnial e8p f l -- - I MARKETING ASSISTANT I< arna AGSI 1 1111 Angus i3mvaolutofs Inc, AGSI provîdes Information & Technolagy baaed solutions for goverameat, utiicy & commercial organizationa by combînîng our cnrn strenytha of data, techoology, people & servicea. AGSI as hîrîng for the foliomîng positions: Data Operator(s) Software Developer(s For additional information or for submitting your reaume/CV e-mail No Phone Catis Pleaae Reure F ull Time Experienced Refrigera- lion Mechanic wîtb a minimum 2yra. Appren- ticeahîp and G2 Gos License + Clean driveras abstract. We are locaied in the Georgetown, Milton, Misîssauga area. LQVAT For more thon a quarter century LOVAT hos ope- cialized in the custom design and manufacture of Tunnel Borîng Machines (TBM) utilized in tht tan- atruction of meiro, roîlway, îood, secer, coter, penntck, mine occnss and inlecoble tunnels. 00e are currnntly incruiting for tht fallscing positions: ASSEMBLY TECHNICIANS Responsibilîties cili include tht installation, iaoting and maintenance of hydraulîc oystenma. Candidates must have esperînn in Htovy Hydraulîca ays- lenms and Mechanîcal Assnmbly. WELDERS Candidates muai be CWB Certified. CNC GENERAL MACHINIST Candidates must have Fanuc, Siemens, Heiden- hais contraI esperience. Generol machînîng espert- ence, as wnîl as esperience usîng tht follawîng equipsant: angine laihea, mîllîng machines, and drill pressea. VERTICAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Candidates muat have anperînnce on corkîng an large camponenis over t00' in diamnier. Apprasi- matnly S ynom aof t5ptitnct in vertical bsrîng and able ta reod blut puinIs. CNC esperience wauld be an asset. Succesaful candidates wr11 be sffered a 3-6 moatha coniraci wîth tht opportunity af becsmîng perma- nent. Candidates cîlI be rnquîrnd 10 work rstatîng shifta. Ali candidates must passeso gasd communication skîlis. If yau fnnl ysu have tht qualifications and enay wsrkîng in a fat pacnd envîronmnnt pînoot reapond by mail, emaîl orfi as laý Human Rasouicea, Lavai Inc. 441 Carlingvinc Drive Etobicolie, ON MgW 5G7, humartresources@, and Fax:416- 675-6702. Tbank pou fan pour rapîf, only applicants selected far intenrviews ml ha contacted. Wfhai leasi 5 yeams esperiencet S$23 per hour. Phone 9058-7494 Ceî41-483~25I Tint Plantîng, Sales and Some Stone Work. Eoperience Needed. Milton aiea I Cali: 905-878-1105 Heavy Equip Mechanlo's Helper esperience wîth maintenance and reaor af bnavy construction nquîp- ment. Apprentice ceicama. Tap Wages Pînan fax reaunin * 905-842-0564 li ý e uter Cernuter DamiaPmcesing Data Precessing PULSUS G R ()t ' l1NI. Polsua Gtaup, Canada'a premier publîsher of peer invita medîcal laurnalo, o snekîng o WEBMASTER la aon ils IT tnam. Job Description and Qualifica- tians: Upgradn and maîntaîn cebaîtea and cnb ap- plications. Passeas aormat certification in ceb de- tign and deve/opmnnt ColdFusîon, Ortaceaven. Dîrectar, Flaah, lovascrîpi, SOL seront. MS Office Suite, încludîng Pacerpoînt and Acceoa, Java Ian ceb applicatiana, JSP, XML, Quark, Adobe Illus- trator, Photoshop CS, lIS, Fromemaken. lnDesîgn Excellent cammunication, coatomen service, or- ganîzatian and lime management skîlis Slrang analytical & problent aoloîng akilîs, stnong attention ta detaîl. Pulsua Group as a dynamîc, faat-paced, groaîng compunly locatnd in Gakoille. Ontario. The rîght candîdste cîll be oflernd a compeliliot com- pensation package and a comprehvenaîvn bnnîta pragras. Pisas senti a copy ffa yaur renoms and a coaering letter ta: Mary Shanahan, IT Manager, Fax (905) 829-4799, Email No telephone inqaîins please - un/y ifisse stîecttd for an interview cull ha contactnd. à uD à bala- 6 àn MUn POWER PRODUCT5 INC. Harper Poweer Producta tnc. la expanding again. We are currentty recruiting for the following new employment opportunitias for a new location in Milton opening May 2007: Licenaed Truck/Coach/ TrarierT Tehnicmana Selected Technicians will be responaible for pertorming major servicing and repaira on Diesel angine, Transmisaion as veelI aa truck / traiter chaaais work in accordance with manufactureras standarda. tf you are witling to be trainad, and develop 10 become thre basf la the industry, we are intereated in you. We offer industry leading veagea, exceptional banal ta, 1001 and boot altoveancas and staady empîoyment wlth the largesi commercial vehicle and angine servicing company in the province. Shop Fareman / Lead Hand As Lead Hand, you will be responsible in pertorming att dutias associatad work scheduting, tachnician supervision and customer communication. The successul candidate will receiva an attractive sotary, annual bonus and a company service vehicle whilla becoming o valued member of thre Harper organization. If you ara interestad in any of the aboya positions, then please send your rasume to We thank ail applicants for their reaponse; howaver only tIiose conaidered for an interview will be contacted. Harper Power Product Inc. is a walcoming, equal opportunity employer, and invites applications from ail qualified candidates .0--a Reied Pull-lime for new Georgetown office. Commercial experience and Autocad 2004 a muai, Pleose email reaume ta oangiet or fao: 90"473-8620 Mature office hep required. Must be compter literate with customer service experienCe. Fax resume with salary expectations ta: 905-878-7676 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT New branch aI national wealth management Company bas immediate openîng for a qualifîed candidate întereoted in o oorîed nIle încluding dattes as assistant 1o Branch Manager and general branch administratiîn. Ideol candidate cul be profesînnal and a leam ployer. Administrative duties require sirosg organîzotional akîlla, attention to detoîl and occurocy, and beîng capable of corkîng îndependenily. Strong inierpersonal qualîllea are alan an asset ta assînt Btoncb Mavager cîib business develspmeni. marketing, and custamer service actîvities. Excellent verbal and criStes communication skîlla are important for ibis tole, logeiber cîtb proficîency in Word. Eocel, and ACT Thisns a Ofull lime position with competitive saar commensurole witb eoperience. Please farward resumne ta the attention of the Branch Manager ai: Dundee Securitles Corporation 1400 Cornwall Roati, Suite 14. Oakvitte, ON L8J 7W5 (F) 905-3383337 E-mal: dstone@dundeesecurttles.conl ACCOUNTANTI Mllad BOOKKEEPER The primary reaponsibitity oftt hia posit ion, reporling la the Accounting Superviaor, lia lai maintain lte financiat accoonling records. Duties & Responsibilities: Revîewîng and aolalyzîng monthly financiol statementa fat senerol asaîgned divisions, Variance analysîs to P & L, Preparolîso of mantbly account analyses, Prepatîsg and poot- îng msnthly inurnola, Assiat in meeting monlb-enid and year-end deadlînes, Assîsi the Accnuntîng Supervisais and Assistant Conîrsîlet in apecîsl as- sîgnmns or requnols as thny arise. Competencîes/Skils & Experience: Min. 2nd level CGN/CMA, Min. 3-5yra accsuntîng esperience, tex- cellent command aI the Englîsh language a muat, advanced anialytical & computer akîlla, strsng inter- persoal and communicationsokîlîs, knowledge aI Lasan accsunlîng software an asse Please emal reaumne and caver ltt ta rvsumes-fî by Aprîl 8, 2007. Wn woald likv la ibank ail applîcanta for thaîr inlerest sn tis position. Pieuse note thai due ta, the volume of applications received, snly Ibose candidates cftc are selected 1oi advance in tht application proces will ha conlarted. No phones catis pIease outiles. *Business Dnvnlopmevt I Marketing *Maintain Client & Proînct Files *Data Base Maintenance, Scheduing *Telephone follow up Skilis: *Marketing, Event Coordination *Computer - Word i Encel / Power Point iCRM (odmine) Assets: *Marketing Dîploma. CFP *Mutuol Fonds i Lite Insurance Licenae *Financia induatry noperience *Outgoîng, optimiatîc personaity *Must ha able ta work independently Emait resame ta lou@plansNgoals.coml Fuil-Time Receptionist An office building iocated in Milton ha an immediate openîng tor a F/T receptioniat. The saccasatai candidate wiii have not lesa thon 2-3 yeara esperience. Must have excellent inter-personal skîlla and atrong computer akilia la vannaus office programa. Please e-mal reaume ta: stephen@afl-nternatiofl.COM Only those requested for Interviewsl wttt be conlacted. r SECRETABY/BOOKKEEPERI required for accounting firm. Immediate position. Experience in tlaxation and bookkeeping an asset. I Please Fax Resumne to: 905 -878-7493 AutoPark Supestore-Burlingtol RECEPTIONIST Htghly organtzed, solid computer akills and detailed-oriented. Previous dealership experiences an asset. Please e-mail resume to Tiredof 0Sales Help Executive Assistant- P/ AE M aDe tal Invetmert Bnkin/ ASISTNTSFoul Time Ino almn Banking/ iïakvîlle Hygienist Cnat and Burlîngion. Muat Requîred toi i fan Wnrk Wttknds/Holi- materniry noave. Hîg Jack Woodcock daysa Computer & tech office, 1-2 yean Cutmer Service espanience rnquîrad. Knowiedgn an Aaaet Cali Joan ut Fax: 05-82-8009 9054878-9882 or Sales Help E-al Entait resumes tai. Agns t b@omi.c joan. ____________________________ uird for nice nanaing -oei itr Bookyour Ask UsAbout... Recraitmeat ad today & receive 2 weeks ona Workopolis for only $125.00 cati 905-8 78-2341 The Bennett Health Care Centre is a 66 bed long term coin tacility in Georgetown. We are currently Iooking for a part lime Senior Accounting Clerk with 3 - 5 yeara eaperience. The ouccesaful candi- dole will be oery eoperienced in: " Accounta Payable / Receivable . Baok Reconciliatina " General Ledgeî Reconciliationo " Payroll " Excel Spreadoheets lntereoted applicanto ohoald foreard their reaume ifi caver bitter la: Farinera in Planning - Milton senka nsperienced CFP or CLU for enpanding practice. if you are oeeking a career move in order ta improve your bock onfice and local office internai support and have an establisbed client base, lets tolk. Evperîenced transition team assistance Competîtîve compensation based upon conti- bation. Accounting Manager C91 required by focal company Candidates muat have poat-oecnndary edacation in business witi 5e yeams management & tinancial accounting eoperience, preference wilI be given ta those wîth o CMA or CGA deoignatian To apply, please submit your resumne to:Sdaharry@CglogiStics.COM Pleaoe note snly tfrooe oelected for an interview will be covtacted. DeBanr's Fannitare reqaires salespeople with retail sales naperience for Mississauga location. Interiar design an fashion indastry background nequirnd. Please apply in person, 2255 Dundas St. West, Mississauga or e-mail at: Customer Service Sales Associate Emait: Ic vaierioC-